How to Quickly Ripe Bananas

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Quickly Ripen Bananas 3 Ways | Food Science Experiment | Kid-Friendly Indoor Activity
Video: How To Quickly Ripen Bananas 3 Ways | Food Science Experiment | Kid-Friendly Indoor Activity


  • Put the bananas in the bag.
  • Add the tomatoes and / or apples to the banana. Make sure the tomatoes are not overcooked or they will break or break in the paper bag. If you don't have apples or tomatoes, you can use pears instead.

  • Close the top of the bag. Roll or fold the edge of the bag to prevent the ethylene gas secreted from the fruit from escaping.
  • Place the bag of fruit in a warm place. Higher temperatures will help the fruit release more ethylene gas, which will speed up the ripening process.
  • Leave the bananas overnight. Leave the bananas and other fruits in a paper bag overnight. The next morning, check to see if the banana has reached the maturity level you want. If not, roll the bag and keep checking every 12 hours until the banana is fully ripe.
    • Green bananas cooked in a paper bag should have a yellow peel or a yellow peel with brown spots within 24 hours.
  • Method 2 of 2: Incubate in an oven

    1. Preheat oven at 150 ° C. If the oven has a light, turn on the lights to monitor the banana's incubation.
    2. Place the bananas on a baking tray. You should only place 3-4 bananas on a tray, not too much. Note that this method does not rip green bananas, but can only be used to ripen almost ripe (yellow peel) bananas.
    3. Bake the bananas in the oven. The baking time in the oven depends on the intended use of the banana.

    4. If you want to use bananas for cooking, you should roast for about 1 hour. After 1 hour, the banana peels will turn completely black and the banana will be perfect ripe for smoothies or baked goods like banana bread.
    5. If you want to use bananas for immediate consumption, cook in the oven for 20 minutes. Bananas that have been kept in the oven long enough until the skin is a darker yellow color and has no black spots is enough to eat right away. This usually takes 20 minutes, but watch carefully to get the bananas out at the right time.
      • After removing the bananas from the oven, refrigerate them to cool and prevent them from further ripening. Completely cold bananas can be eaten.


    • Whole bananas will ripen faster.
    • If you do not want to ripen the bananas immediately, use a hook to hang the bunch of bananas up to make them feel like bananas hanging from the tree, this will allow them to ripen 2-3 days later.
    • Refrigerate the bananas to prevent further ripening.


    • If you want bananas to continue ripe, do not refrigerate them. Cold will interrupt the ripening process, and after taking them out of the refrigerator, the bananas won't ripen further.
    • Although many people like to eat green bananas or the tops of an unripe banana, unripe bananas often cause indigestion because of their high starch content.

    What you need

    • Green bananas (unripe)
    • Paper bags
    • Ripe tomatoes
    • Ripe apples
    • Baking tray