How to exercise in your bedroom

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
FULL BODY WORKOUT IN BED | lose weight at home
Video: FULL BODY WORKOUT IN BED | lose weight at home


Exercise has many benefits, including strengthening the cardiovascular and immune systems, enhancing brain function, and improving sleep and mood. Excuses not to exercise are often linked to a lack of time or space. Exercising comfortably in your own bedroom can get around both of these excuses. And the result of your hard work will pay off when you start looking and feeling the way you wanted.


Method 1 of 3: Prepare for your workout

  1. 1 Choose a workout spot in your room. To determine if there is enough space, lie down and spread your arms and legs. If they don't touch anything, you should have enough room to exercise. That being said, make sure there are no sharp surfaces or furniture around that you might bump into during your workout if you move a little from your chosen spot.
  2. 2 Free up space. Make sure the bedroom is clean before exercising. There should be nothing on the floor that you could trip over during the session. Ideally, the space should be completely empty except for the exercise equipment you choose.
    • If you are sharing a bedroom with another person, ask their permission before clearing the space.
  3. 3 Purchase the sports equipment you would like to use. While not required, you can do more workouts in the comfort of your own space. To get started, you can choose a few things, and then switch to other equipment as you progress in training. Here are some good starting points:
    • yoga mat,
    • gymnastic ball (fitball),
    • small dumbbells,
    • skipping rope,
    • expander tapes.
  4. 4 Make sure there are no distractions in the room while exercising. Even if you have enough free space, it can be difficult to concentrate on your workout if other people are in the room. If you are sharing a bedroom with someone, take some time when you are alone. Also, make sure you don't have anything to do for at least 15 minutes to an hour, depending on how long you want to exercise.]
  5. 5 Search fitness websites for exercise plans. If you're having difficulty putting together your own exercise plan, there are many fitness websites that offer programs that you can follow. Typically, you can select a mode that is ideal for your fitness level and the type of workout you want. Many of these sites are free, and some require a one-time or monthly access fee.
    • These sites will also offer other fitness tips such as food menus.
  6. 6 Watch workout videos on YouTube. There are an almost endless number of fitness channels on YouTube. You can find a workout program for yourself with just about any kind of exercise you want. For example, you might find a workout that focuses on cardio and strength training, dance, yoga, or even workouts that are tailored for small spaces. These programs are often easy to follow because there is an “instructor” in the video to guide you.
    • You can search for random exercise videos or subscribe to one specific fitness YouTube channel.
  7. 7 Purchase a workout video DVD to follow. If you have a DVD player and TV in your room, you can buy a video workout DVD. This can be traditional workout or exercise that includes dancing or yoga. These discs can be purchased online, at a sports store, or even in some supermarkets in the sports department.
    • Some libraries can rent exercise DVDs.
  8. 8 Use the fitness app for your smartphone. For smartphone owners, there are many fitness apps available for download. Some of them are paid, but there are many free.Search the app store for options and download the one that appeals to you the most. Do the exercises in the appendix as often as desired.

Method 2 of 3: Doing Cardio in a Small Space

  1. 1 Warm up before exercising. It is important to warm up before embarking on any type of exercise. Warming up reduces the likelihood of injury and allows you to fully engage your body during your workout. Warm up for 5-10 minutes, jumping rope, lunges and squats. Increase your range of motion with actions such as circular motion with your arms, legs, hands, and ankles, and bending and bending your knees.
  2. 2 Run in place. Cardio isn't just about running or swimming long distances. You can also do them without covering any distance. For example, you can run in place. Start throwing your legs backward as you run. Then, when you feel yourself warmed up, lift your knees as high as possible. Start by running in place for five minutes. Then try to run in place for ten minutes.
    • Take breaks as needed.
  3. 3 Do back heel kicks. This exercise is similar to running in place. Raise your right arm at a 90-degree angle while lunging backward with your left foot. Then change your arm and leg. Continue alternating arms and legs. At the same time, try to reach the buttocks with your heel. Do 3 sets of 30 seconds or one minute.
  4. 4 Perform the Rock Climber exercise. Start in a standard prone position. Then bring your left knee to your chest, keeping your hands in place. Change your legs and bring your right knee to your chest. Continue alternating your legs. Repeat three times for thirty seconds each set.
  5. 5 Try it wide jumps with a show of arms. To begin with, stand in a position with your feet together, arms along your torso. Then jump up and spread your arms and legs. Keep repeating this movement. Start with three sets of ten reps. Increase the amount when you feel ready.
  6. 6 Jump ropeif you have enough space. Any rope will do. To jump, squeeze a handle in each palm. Stand with the rope behind your heels. Then, with your hands, throw the cord over your head and jump over it. Repeat this movement. Try jumping for 45 seconds. Increase the time or number of sets as you begin to master.
    • Make sure there are no lights or fans around to hit the selected area. Also, check for items hanging on the wall, shelves, and more — anything that might be within the range of the cord.

Method 3 of 3: Keeping your body toned

  1. 1 Do a plank for full body tone. To make a plank, take the standard prone position. If it's too difficult, lower yourself onto your elbows. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute, using all the muscles in the body.
    • Once you're comfortable with the standard plank, you can do the advanced version. For example, while standing in a plank, simultaneously extend one arm straight in front of you.
  2. 2 Pump the press and do crunches (crunches) to work on the body. By pumping the abs and doing crunches, you tone the abdominal muscles and stimulate the heartbeat. First, lie on your back. Place your arms behind your head or cross them over your chest. When lifting the body, lift your head and shoulders off the floor, bending. To swing your abs, lift your back completely off the floor. Return to the floor and repeat the movement as many times as you feel comfortable.
    • Ask someone to hold your legs if you find it difficult to keep them still. If you don't have a workout partner, try tucking your legs under the bed.
  3. 3 Keep your legs toned with squats. Squats are a great way to tone your legs and glutes. To do the squat, place your feet hip-width apart.Then bend your legs. Lower your buttocks as low as possible. Stand up and repeat the movement. Start with 20-25 squats and work your way up to two or three sets of 20 squats. If you want to make the exercise harder, hold the dumbbells when squatting.
  4. 4 Do wall squats. To begin with, stand directly against the wall. Place your feet 30 cm to 60 cm in front of you. With your flat back against the wall, begin bending your legs. Bend them so that they are parallel to your knees. Keep your arms straight in front of you for balance. Hold the position for 10 seconds and then rise. Repeat as many times as you can.
  5. 5 Do push-ups to tone your upper body. First, take a prone position. Then bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor, but don't touch it. If it's too difficult, bend your knees as you do the exercise. Start with a set of 10 reps and increase the number of sets as you build strength.
  6. 6 Lift the dumbbells. Start with regular dumbbells. You can buy them at any sports store and many supermarkets. If possible, check the weight before purchasing. The weight should be pretty heavy for you, but not too heavy. If you have not worked with weights before, start with 2 or 5 kg and then increase the load. Squeeze the dumbbell in the palm of your hand and bend your arm, bringing the dumbbell to your shoulders. Start with ten sets for each hand and gradually increase the amount.
  7. 7 Try it yoga. Yoga is a way to calm down and clear your mind. It is also an easy form of workout that will keep you in good shape and supple. Yoga is a great addition to exercise, which means it goes well with cardio and strength training. You can purchase a DVD of yoga exercises, follow videos on the Internet, or practice the movements you learned earlier.
  8. 8 Finish your workout stretching. Cooling your body is almost as important as warming it up. Finish each workout with a stretch. You should stretch as many muscles as possible, but it is best to concentrate on stretching the muscles that have been used the most during your workout. Don't put too much effort in stretching. The key is to relax and rebuild the body.


  • Some exercise bikes require very little space. You can always consider buying them.
  • Look for a small treadmill that will fit in your bedroom if you have enough space.


  • It is quite possible to overwork yourself due to sports. If you feel that you are about to faint, stop the current exercise immediately, rest and drink plenty of water.
  • See your doctor if you experience shortness of breath or are injured as a result of exercise.