Ways to Win in Life

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Secret To WINNING IN LIFE | Gary Vaynerchuk Motivation
Video: The Secret To WINNING IN LIFE | Gary Vaynerchuk Motivation


Life is not a game to win or lose, but that doesn't mean there is no way to make your life more fulfilling and to make you more satisfied. The most important thing is that you can change your life and life attitude to bring about many benefits in the long run and not be dependent on what life offers. Winning life really just means learning how to be content and content, and fortunately there are ways you can do it!


Part 1 of 3: Good Relationship

  1. Be intentional about the people you meet in life. The people you meet in life can either help you through difficult times or can bring you down mentally and physically. Scientists have shown that people who have good, stable friends are happier and live longer. It is social connections, not money or status, that matter. Only make friends with the people who make you the best.
    • Some places that can help you find friends are community events that make sense: social groups, religious communities, volunteering, a new skills class. . The Internet can also be a great place to get acquainted with people with similar social status and interests, and social networks will make it easier to communicate with people around the world.
    • Don't forget your friends. This is especially true during the first stage of a new romantic relationship. Make sure you take the time to maintain close friendships (like going out for coffee, or even just sending them a letter or email asking them how they're doing and letting them know what's going on. your).
    • "Break up" with bad friends. People who refuse to listen or are only interested in their lives, or terribly deceive you (speak ill of your back, look down on, or not support you) are not worth spending time with them. It's best not to let the relationship go any deeper, simply let the relationship end. But if bad friends realize the problem, you can sit back with them and explain why you turned your back on this friendship.
    • Appreciate people who understand you. These can be friends, relatives, co-workers and all the people who have helped you in times of trouble as well as enjoying happy times with you.Make sure people you love and trust know how you feel about them.

  2. Be mindful of the 30/30/30 rule. There is a perception that no matter what you do, 1/3 of the people you meet in your life will love you unconditionally; 1/3 of people hate you in an unreasonable way; and the other 1/3 simply don't care about you.
    • Many supporters of this point of view: there is no need to worry about two-thirds of people who are not interested in you. Instead, focus on strengthening the relationship you have with a third of the people who actually like who you are.

  3. Thanks for help. It can be hard to let people know that you are struggling and may need help, but don't struggle alone. This puzzling attitude is especially common in Western culture.
    • If you're having trouble, or even if you only need a hand to move your bed, turn to a trusted friend. They are really good friends, willing to help you. (Or if not, now you'll know they weren't good friends).
    • Make sure you can help others. The more you become a helpful person, the more your friends will help you.

  4. Do not completely cut off relationships. That doesn't mean you should keep relationships with bad people who degrade your quality of life. It means that sometimes, setting people aside makes your life more difficult than keeping moderate friendships with them.
    • Don't associate with hatred. Making friends with the wrong person is definitely not fun and persistent. If someone annoys you, let them know in a non-contradictory way. Tell them something like "Hey, I feel really hurt when you do X."
    • Remember that you have the right to protect yourself from being hurt. For example: If a co-worker is always racist or gender, you have the right to tell them or limit your contact with them as much as possible. You can even mention their behavior to your superiors if you need help.
  5. Only good romantic relationships allowed. Romantic relationships are incredibly important to the fulfilling lives of many people, but you need to make sure it's someone who can help and make you the best you can be. If not, you really shouldn't be friends with them.
    • Don't assume you can change someone. If you're dating and all you can think of is the need to change them the way you want, then break up. They are not right for you. If someone treats you badly (or insults you) and says they will change, then they won't be able to change and you need to realize that.
    • Accept risks in love. Date a cute girl in math class. What if she refuses? You have the courage to ask her and you will find someone to say yes. The more emotionally adventurous you are, the easier it will be for you to find someone who is right for you.
    • Get the bad people out of your life. Your partner should be someone you trust, who makes you feel good about yourself, just like you are important (because you still are). There is also mutual respect between the two of you, you should respect them and they will respect you back.
    • Enjoy being single. People spend too much time searching for a relationship, indulge in it and then give it up without thinking about the benefits of being single: your only desire is to think about You can focus on yourself and you will spend a lot of time with your friends.
  6. Share what you can. Giving and receiving from the community - whether it's time, money, or joy - will help you live a fulfilling life. Why? Because you will join the community. Because kindness relieves stress. And because from getting back in the community, you get joy, optimism, and a sense of ownership in life.
    • Even give what you can even if you have very little. It could be something as simple as donating about 22,000 or 120,000 dong to the Kickstarter Project that you think is important, or you can find a way to donate without money like giving away time for a goal you find important, etc.
    • Helping people in life. If your mother or husband does chores around the house, help them every week to make them more leisurely. Find a babysitter for your brother or take your grandfather to the doctor.
  7. Don't compare yourself to others. There is always someone who is better than you, or more attractive than you, or smarter than you, or who has more relationships than you. Comparing yourself and your life to others is putting yourself down.
    • Respect the talents of others without thinking about how they perform or how much better they are than you. For example, your friend just received an honorable scholarship. Whenever you think "I am stupid, I will never be able to get that scholarship" or "I will never get a scholarship" turn that thought into "She really learned worked hard to win a scholarship "or" A lot of good things happened to me and she really needed that scholarship ".
    • Remind yourself that the other person has accomplished something that won't degrade or shame you. In fact, it can motivate you to take action. You might think "Sharon wins that art award, which means if I work really hard, sometimes I can win an award too."

  8. Listen really. The skill of careful listening is often underestimated and ignored. People talk overwhelmingly when they talk, everyone thinks about what they want to say, what they want to do next, which means they aren't really connected with the person they're talking to.
    • What you want to do is "active listening". Basically this means that you are really listening to the other person without thinking about what you are going to say, what you are going to cook for dinner even though it requires a lot.
    • Look at the other person (don't stare, but maintain eye contact). If you find your mind distracting in the conversation, ask them to explain what you don't understand. You can even say it cutely: "I just thought about your last sentence, can you say what you just said."
    • "Don't" use the phone when you are talking to someone. Unless you're waiting for an important call / text (someone is hospitalized, a job offer, something like that).

Part 2 of 3: Self-Completing Processes

  1. Be confident. Confidence shows you feel secure about yourself. Fortunately, confidence is, like many other qualities, a skill that can be learned. Even if you don't feel confident, the more you practice how to be confident, the happier you will feel.
    • Use the advice "pretend to be successful until you are really successful." This means that you basically trick your brain into thinking you are confident by acting confidently. stilettos that you never dared to go before, talking to someone who happened to be attractive, etc) and angry to ask for a raise, or go to a new city on your own.
    • Use confident body language. Create a powerful pose for at least 5 minutes a day. Some powerful poses are: stand upright while you are walking or sitting, sitting in a space-encroaching manner. Avoid standing with your arms crossed, as this is often a self-defense gesture. Instead of crossing your arms, put your hands on your hips.
    • Stop thinking negatively. This is an important one. Every time you start to have negative thoughts about yourself (or others), stop yourself and adjust your thoughts to positive or neutral.For example, if you think "I will never have a fulfilling relationship" readjust it to "I didn't have a good relationship in the past, but the past only tells the future if I let it be. , so it doesn't mean I will never have a good relationship ”.

  2. Maintain learning. You never want to stop learning for the rest of your life. It will keep your brain sharp, reduce your risk of diseases like Alzheimer's, and will ensure that you have interesting things to talk about with others.
    • Make sure you keep learning throughout your life. This doesn't mean you "need" to go to college. College is not for everyone. But you should try to learn about what's happening in the world: advances in science, medicine, politics, the arts, and more.
    • Self-education is a great way to learn new things. That could mean anything from knitting to a foreign language or astronomy. The library and the internet (as long as you're sure it's a trustworthy resource) are great resources for self-study. Society can also organize free classes or lectures on different topics.
    • Remember that there are many types of learning. That is, studying business at a business school or apprenticeship is just as important as studying in Ivy League schools. (Honestly, sometimes it's even more important). Knowing how to pay taxes, borrow money, and navigate public transport is all important knowledge.

  3. Learn from the difficulties. No matter how successful you are, how healthy you are, what you do or don't do, you'll still have a hard time. Sometimes those things will be your fault, sometimes they won't. How you react to them will determine your ability to succeed in life.
    • Don't be afraid to make mistakes, as it will make you more anxious about your life. Mistakes seem like heavy failures, not learning opportunities. When you make a mistake ask yourself what you learned from it, what would you do differently next time, and how did things go wrong?
    • Pay attention to your worst job. These are usually things that teach you things like how to organize multiple things at once, how to deal with difficult people (including your boss) and how to assert needs. and your own boundaries.
    • Breakups are also a great learning opportunity. They teach you what you do. These are the skills you will need for your life.

  4. Try something new. As well as always learning, you should try to keep trying new things. Whether this is something as intense as skydiving or rock climbing, or something like gardening or embroidery, you'll be kept sharp and your mind free from stagnation.
    • Get out of your comfort zone. Throughout your life, you will be in situations that are completely uncomfortable and you usually don't put yourself in those situations, but you should also create opportunities for this kind of experience. This will help you gain confidence and the ability to cope with life's uncertainties.
    • Remember that people care more about themselves than you do. Even if you think all eyes are on you, they're more likely to be thinking about you than judging you.
    • Take small steps for better results. If you have phobias, for example, an easy step you can take is to talk to a stranger, or make a phone call with someone you are anxious about every week. Finally, you can go to an appointment on your own or get in touch with people on a regular basis.
    • Try to do something that motivates you every day, even if it's a simple thing. You will begin to achieve better results and cope better in potentially discouraging situations. In the end, you'll be better prepared to deal with them.
  5. Face to the problems. Part of winning life and having the satisfaction and contentment is facing the more difficult challenges life brings. Giving up or ignoring this problem will hurt you in the long run and make you feel bad about yourself and your life.
    • Use action words. This means tuning the potential problem from "I don't know how to do it" or "I'm too scared to do this" to "I'll learn how to do it" and "Though I can worry, I know I can do this." You will actually change your brain system from negative to positive.
    • Remind yourself that you can always overcome obstacles. Recall all times of great difficulty. Remember how everything ended up in even the most unexpected way. When you are upset about something, remind yourself that you will get through it.
    • See if your problem is worth your mind. Many times, the things you worry about are not the most important things in life. For example, let's say you're worried about calling people on the phone. Ask yourself why you are worried. When you realize there's no reason to worry, remind yourself that you are worried before you have to make a call.
  6. Find a career you find satisfying. The best you can do is find a job that you love, even if it's a job that must appear out of the ordinary (e.g., you want to be an actor, and you end up working as a manager. a theater in a period of high risk). Sometimes this is not possible, but it is still possible to find satisfaction in a job that you will not necessarily enjoy.
    • Change your view of your job. Make a list of all the good things about your job (colleagues you love, make a difference in everyone's lives, have money to buy the home you've always dreamed of be owned).
    • Rearrange tasks if they become monotonous. There are different schedules each day, whereby you will complete the most important tasks in the morning and the less important tasks in the afternoon.
    • Take a break when they allow it. Don't ever think that you shouldn't take time off, because taking a vacation will energize you and allow you to feel better at work and deal with minor frustrations more easily.
    • Walk or cycle to work, or walk during your lunch break. Physical activity can reduce brain fatigue and help you feel better about your work.

Part 3 of 3: Maintaining Your Health

  1. Cultivate gratitude. This is one of the most important things you can do to win life and live a life you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Even if things don't go well, remember that they will still be so in the future.
    • Gratitude affirms that there are good things in life, even if not everything is good. Life is not perfect, but no one has a life where everything is good (so don't repeat that somewhat sly phrase to yourself). For example, imagine that your father passed away. Now you have every right to be sad, but instead of focusing on the passing of your father, focus on what you are grateful for (i.e. things like your chance to be with him when he passes away. life, in fact you spend as much time with him as you did, etc ...).
    • Keep a gratitude diary. Make a note of all the little things that happened each day for which you are grateful. They can be as simple as someone helping out at the grocery store or a message from a friend. This will remind you what you need to be grateful for.
    • It means that you have to give up the thought of "everything in heaven": when all goes well, it is up to you, and if things go wrong it is objective. Cultivating gratitude means acknowledging the opportunities and help that others have given you.(For example, I went to college through my hard work, but also because my teacher wrote a great recommendation letter, and my parents gave me the chance.)
  2. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness can aid in treating depression and anxiety, reduce stress, boost memory, help you focus, and help create better emotional stability. Practicing mindfulness basically means going through each moment without judging.
    • Meditation is a great way to get started with mindfulness. With 15 minutes a day sitting quietly somewhere (because for better results you can meditate on the bus, at the doctor's office, while washing dishes). Take a deep breath and as you breathe, say "inhale, breathe out". Whatever thoughts arise, let them float on the surface of your mind and don't react to them. If you get distracted, focus on your breathing.
    • Practice while you are on a walk. Instead of using that time to obsess over everything, pay attention to the trees and the colors of the sky, the wind, the temperature. Do not assign a rating to everything (ie "beautiful sky", "cold wind", "nasty dog"), but simply pay attention to them.
    • You can also practice mindfulness while eating. Notice what you're eating: textures (smooth, crunchy, chewy), flavor (salty? Sweet? Spicy?), Temperature (hot, cold). Again, avoid assigning a value rating (good, or bad, etc.). Try to avoid pastimes, such as watching television or reading while you eat.

  3. Own yourself and your actions. You have to remember that life is a series of choices. You can choose how to act and react and you need to take responsibility for those choices, rather than acting as though everything will come to you.
    • Please choose to respond in a positive way. This means that when your friend speaks badly behind you, don't be passive-aggressive towards her. Instead, face her about what she said (say something like "People tell me you said x, y, z and about me and I want to know what makes it all say so.) Use these feelings of hurt and anger in a positive way.
    • You can also choose to feel sad about what you are dealing with in your life, or you can choose to deal with them, or accept new things. It means, for example, if you are diagnosed with cancer, instead of saying "why me?" Find a way to apply this in a constructive way. For example, let it motivate you to always live the life you want, say things you were afraid to say, and so on.

  4. Eat healthy foods. Establishing good eating habits can improve your mood, make you feel better about yourself and about your life. Find a balance between eating healthy and wanting (like sugar, processed products) and you'll see an improvement in your health and well-being.
    • Eat more fruits and vegetables. The minimum amount you need per day is 5 servings (eat more vegetables than eat fruit). Some of the top foods are: watermelon, avocado, raspberries, broccoli, onions, blueberries, kale, cruciferous vegetables, sweet potatoes. Dark and colorful leafy vegetables (such as red peppers, kale, etc.) are especially nutritious and should be eaten!
    • Get enough protein, because protein boosts the immune system, helps prolong energy, and helps satisfy your hunger better. Eat lean meats rather than fatty meats, and make sure you eat fish (especially salmon), poultry, eggs, soybeans, beans, and nuts. It seems that you will lose if you don't eat salmon.
    • Add the right carbohydrates, as they will provide the energy you need throughout the day. You need to eat nutritious carbohydrates like quinoa, oats, brown rice, and wheat to win your life.
    • Avoid eating lots of sugar, salt, or processed foods. Sugar, in particular, causes an increase or decrease in blood levels in the body - and seems to be linked to health and weight problems.

  5. Establish a healthy physical routine. There are many things you can do in your life to stay healthy, which will make you more fulfilling and satisfied. Health problems can take you a lot of time and anxiety often makes the situation worse with unhealthy habits.
    • Drink enough water. Water makes up a very large part of the body and dehydration can cause headaches, difficulty functioning and sleepiness. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can cause health problems, both mentally and physically, and worse, it can make you less efficient and unhealthy. Go to bed before midnight, turn off all electrical appliances 30 minutes before bed, and set an alarm. Your body will have to thank you.
    • Exercise every day. Exercise reduces brain chemicals that make you happier so your mood improves, your body will feel better, and you will feel more satisfied. Exercise doesn't mean you have to go to the gym. Discover what you love to do. Take 30 walks a day, play music and dance, or do soothing yoga.

  6. Take care of yourself. Your happiness and success in life depend on one thing only: you. You need to take care of yourself to feel like you love life and yourself.
    • It means pamper yourself. Buy the end of the book you want to buy, take a long shower with lots of shower gel, eat a piece of chocolate cake (or two!) Or go to the village by the weekend! Let you treat yourself sometimes.
    • Remember, don't put yourself first. Being altruistic can be wonderful, but don't let your happiness go away. Sometimes it's okay to put yourself on top (you don't have to always cook dinner, or do all your projects at work).
    • Learn to say "no". You don't do something you don't want (usually). A friend invites them to a party with them and you don't want to, say "no", or even "maybe for next time." Your sister wants you to babysit; You don't have to do it. Even (and especially) if they try to embarrass you.


  • Be passionate about everything you do. When you show passion and act in action; your actions inspire and motivate it, so make you more like a leader than like a "childish child imitating by watching"
  • Don't be afraid of yourself. Be confident and don't be shy.
  • Yesterday has passed and been forgotten, focus on tomorrow by building a strong foundation for today. Life is like a page of a book, you cannot change what is written, but you can always make every page BETTER.
  • Not everyone is like you. You need to learn to accept that and agree with some people simply not being cared for. Others will do the same.


  • Many people think that if they try something and it doesn't work right away, it will never work. But remember that if you really want to change your life, you need to put your whole mind in it.