How to get noticed on YouTube

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get NOTICED on YouTube!
Video: How to Get NOTICED on YouTube!


Want to be the next big thing on YouTube? YouTube has quickly become a commodity for adventurous filmmakers and personalities, but you have to get some work done if you want to stand out from the crowd. From cultivating your brand to creating quality content, getting popular on YouTube requires more than just a camera. See step 1 for how to become the next YouTube sensation.


Part 1 of 4: Create your own channel

  1. 1 Define your niche. The most successful YouTube channels are designed with one specific audience in mind. Viewers can be people who enjoy comedy sketches, people looking for product reviews, people interested in video games, people looking for fashion advice, or any other audience you can imagine. Good channels focus on the one thing they do best and then excel at it.
  2. 2 Stand out with something. Besides choosing a niche, you also need to develop your personality. PewDiePie didn't get 25 million subscribers because he plays video games, he got them because he plays video games with a unique personality and approach. Develop a personality that sets you apart from other content being produced in your niche.
  3. 3 Build your brand. Before launching your first video, you must have the basic building blocks for your established channel. This includes: a good profile picture, a unique article banner, and a basic description. All of this, taken together, is the starting point for your personal brand, which is how viewers will relate to it and remember you.
    • Take a look at all your favorite channels and see how they present themselves. You will see that almost every popular channel has a view that is created for the user, thereby helping to identify him.
  4. 4 Create a profile picture. Your profile picture will appear next to your channel name in YouTube searches and comments. This will be the first thing that viewers will see when your content appears in search results, so make sure it represents you and your brand.
    • Your profile picture can be your picture if you are centered, or your logo if you are not centered.
  5. 5 Create or enable Channel Art (banner template). This is the image that appears at the top of the channel and acts as a title. Channel Art is what makes viewers feel like they are on "personal" YouTube, and helps cement your name in their minds.
    • If you're creating your own art, YouTube recommends that the image be 2560 x 1440 pixels. This is the size of the image that will be displayed on the TV screen. All text and logos should appear in the center of the 1546 x 43 px rectangle image.
    • Channel art can be used from a variety of sources including oDesk and Elance. If you can, create a basic banner to take some time, then use your first ad earnings to invest in an “empowered” banner template.
  6. 6 Complete the Channel description tab. Use this space to give a quick overview of your channel and connect viewers to other web pages and social media sites. Your channel description will appear in searches, but it doesn't have to be incredibly in-depth.
    • Make sure there is a link to your company website, blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, and anywhere else on the Internet.

Part 2 of 4: Making a quality video

  1. 1 Get some good equipment. The difference between a built-in webcam and a high quality camera is like night and day. Even if you're just talking into the camera, the audio and visual quality you get from a quality camera will help your video stand out.
    • Equipment isn't necessarily expensive. A standalone webcam will perform better than just about any built-in webcam.
    • If you're filming actors or anything other than yourself, you'll need a decent camcorder. Recording video with your phone is fine, but if you want to retain your audience, you'll need better product quality than that.
    • If you are going to record video from your screen, find a good screen recorder such as Camtasia.Recording a video of your computer screen with a camera while you are using it will make it nearly impossible to see what is happening.
  2. 2 Write a script. If you are not doing improvisation or filming something over which you have no control, you must prepare the script and rehearse. This will result in fewer awkward pauses and improve video flow.
    • Youtube does not allow videos longer than 15 minutes unless you comply with specific directives. Keep this in mind when writing your script and break up long videos into series.
    • Read this guide for detailed instructions on how to write your first script.
  3. 3 Practice before shooting. Rehearse the script several times before turning on the camera. This will help you smooth out any kinks and validate your talking points before you start shooting. You don't want to read directly from the script while shooting, so practice is essential.
  4. 4 Get everything you need ready. Before you start shooting, collect everything you need for your video. For example, if you are recording a tutorial on your computer, make sure all necessary windows are open and that important files can be easily accessed. If you're shooting a landscape, make sure all of your props are in order.
    • While preparing to shoot, make sure the lighting is good enough for you to see everything. Take a test shot with the camera to check the lighting.
  5. 5 Start shooting. Once you have everything ready, it's time to unwind! Shoot video and don't be afraid to do multiple takes. You can connect and edit different takes during the editing process.
    • Remember, you don't need to read from the script! You want your conversation to sound natural and people will be able to recognize when you read from the page.
    • If you're directing other actors, check out this guide for good film production techniques.
  6. 6 Review your entries. Before you start editing, take a few minutes to look at everything you've recorded. If you are not happy with any part of the recording, overwrite that part now while it is still set up. This will save you a lot of time during the editing process.
  7. 7 Put it all together. Use your favorite editing program to create your video with all of your frames. You can cut and paste clips so that takes later can be placed anywhere in the video. There are a lot of things to consider when editing, but you need to focus mainly on making sure the video flows smoothly from one topic to another, and that there are no errors.
    • Use transitions to hide cuts between takes and to take the viewer from one scene to the next.
    • Review your video constantly as you edit it. Change the sync sequence so that you don't stay too long on one or leave the other too quickly.
    • There are many tutorials on the WikiHow site for using various video editing software, including Windows Movie Maker, Avidemux, Adobe Premiere, and more.
    • There are also general editing practice guides that can help you with the basics of editing.
  8. 8 Add introduction and effects. The introduction is an important but concise part of your video. Most introductions should be no longer than 5-10 seconds and should quickly tell the viewer what channel they are watching and what the video content will be. Your self-introduction will help viewers identify your video when they see it elsewhere on the Internet, and help them keep watching your video for the sake of content.
    • If your intro is too long, it will scare off most of your potential viewers.
    • If you have a magazine or other art channel, be sure to include it in the introduction.
    • You can use Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas to add professional effects and transitions to your videos.
  9. 9 Create a nice thumbnail. When uploading a video, you can set a thumbnail. This is the image that appears on the video when it appears in search results or is listed on your Channel.
    • If your account is not verified, you will only be able to select a few preset thumbnail options. Make sure you have verified your account by submitting your phone number.
    • Custom thumbnails allow you to create "Title Screen". This could have text on it, your logo, a screenshot from a video, or anything else to attract the viewer. A popular strategy is to include a video title as well as some custom graphics.
    • Read this tutorials for details on adding thumbnails to uploaded videos or videos you've added in the past.

Part 3 of 4: Attracting Viewers

  1. 1 Make tags for your videos. Good tagging will help ensure that your video appears in search of viewers. Tags can be single words or small phrases. For example, if you are making a movie about your cat, your tags might include "cat", "funny", "funny animals", "cute cats", kitten, etc.
    • Make sure your tags are accurate or you will attract viewers who don't want to see your content. Ultimately, this will lead to the "departure" of a large number of people.
  2. 2 Post frequently. You should aim to upload new content at least once a week. While you don't want to drown your video viewers, the constant stream of releases keeps them updated on your Channel's updates. If you can't make major releases as often, fill in the gaps with smaller videos to keep viewers happy until you throw in the next big video.
    • Try putting out a primetime video for your main audience. This is usually around lunchtime or after dinner for any time zone (pick the most popular). Releasing at a good time of the day will help ensure that most people see it.
  3. 3 Ask people to subscribe. The best way to get people to subscribe to your channel is to simply ask them to do so. End each of your videos with a note that will allow them to subscribe to your channel with one click. If viewers liked the video, there is a very good chance they will click on the update link when your new videos are uploaded.
    • You can use notes to link to other videos on your channel, too. This can be useful for people who come to your video without visiting your channel, or for bringing attention to an old video that is still relevant. Just make sure your video isn't constantly obscured by annotations.
  4. 4 Create playlists. Playlists are collections of videos that Playlist Creator links together. If you have a lot of related videos on your channel, or are creating a series, a playlist is a great way to get more views for all of the included videos. Playlists also appear separately in searches, giving you double exposure of your video.
  5. 5 Build relationships with other content creators. YouTube is a community of creators and you should take advantage of that. reach out to other content creators in your niche and develop some cross-promotional material. Guest speeches are very popular and can help you grab the attention of other users' viewers.
    • When creating a video of a guest speaking, it helps if you can be in the same room as the other person, but you can record clips remotely and stitch them together for greater impact.
    • Reach out to as many people in your niche as possible, but don't neglect creating your own content.You are unlikely to get positive reviews from other creators until you have a decent amount of your own content.
  6. 6 Build a cohesive web society. Just having a YouTube channel is not enough. If you want to attract new viewers, you will need to promote updates through other forms of social media. You automatically get a Google+ page when you create a channel, but you'll also need a Facebook page, Twitter account, blog, and even an online store.
  7. 7 Post new videos to Twitter. Every time you release something on your channel, you must link to it on Twitter. Many people rely on Twitter to stay connected with their favorite content, and timely tweets will keep them updated.
  8. 8 Interact with your viewers. Your Comments section is a great way to stay connected with your loyal viewers, but it can also be a “cesspool” for trolling. Do your best to respond to real viewers and moderate the Comments section to your best chances to keep the community friendly.
    • Twitter is another way to stay connected with your audience. After tweeting new releases, you will need to interact with your more dedicated viewers and other content creators. Tweet the good videos you find and respond to requests from your fans.
    • A behind-the-scenes look at your process is a great way to make the audience feel more involved.
  9. 9 Share your video on Facebook. Every new video you create must be posted to Facebook as soon as it is uploaded. Once a video gets Likes on Facebook, it becomes more visible and can attract people to your channel. Be sure to include a link to your channel pages in the post.
  10. 10 Start blogging. You can embed videos on your blog so that your readers who cannot visit YouTube can see them. Your blog can act as an inside look into your process, or as a way to expand on the topics covered in the video. Make sure your blog is linked to the About tab in your feed.
    • You can add a YouTube widget to your blog, allowing readers to quickly subscribe to your YouTube channel without having to search for it. The Google Developers site has detailed instructions on how to embed a widget on any site.
  11. 11 Consider buying views. If you're having trouble with your kickstarted channel, you can try buying views. They usually come in the thousands, and there are a number of services on the internet that offer views for sale.
    • Many music labels purchase views to provide new songs to a startup with high views. Videos that have a lot of views are more likely to be viewed by real viewers, since the number of views acts as a kind of statement about how good the video is.
    • Make sure the service you choose offers real views, where each view is a full video view.
    • YouTube condemns acquisition of views.

Part 4 of 4: Exploring Options

  1. 1 Take a look at other channels. Watching what other popular YouTube users are doing is a great way to learn about some of the actions to increase your viewership. Look at all the parts that make up their YouTube presence: channel identity, video quality and techniques, social media advocacy, and engagement with the community and other content creators. The next steps will give you a few starting points for your chosen method.
  2. 2 Take a look at the popular How-To channels. How-To and instructional videos are a very popular genre on YouTube. They can range from tying a tie to using an image editing program.A good video will clearly outline the steps and provide good visual examples. Popular How-To channels include:
    • Howcast
    • Make Magazine
    • Howdini
    • Khan academy
  3. 3 Take a look at popular gaming channels. Game videos have quickly become one of the most popular genres on YouTube, with hundreds of different channels covering games and showing games. Game channels can range from community talk shows to in-depth reviews and walkthroughs. Some of the most popular gaming channels include:
    • PewDiePie
    • RoosterTeeth
    • TotalBiscuit
    • CaptainSparklez
    • AngryJoe
  4. 4 Check out popular fashion channels. YouTube is a lively hub for the latest fashion news and trends. Many of the more popular fashion channels focus more on what the person wears than any specific advice. If you have an interest in fashion, check out some of these popular fashion channels for ideas on creating your own:
    • Weylie
    • Zoe Sugg
    • Patricia bright
    • Cute girls hairstyles
  5. 5 Look at popular comedy channels. If your goal is to make people laugh, you are in the right place. YouTube is a haven for countless comedians, and many have gotten their professional start on YouTube. Check out some of the more popular ones to see how they did it:
    • Jash
    • Nerdist
    • JennaMarbles
    • Just for laughs gags
    • CollegeHumor
    • HolaSoyGerman
    • PrankvsPrank
  6. 6 Take a look at popular Tech Channels. YouTube and technology go hand in hand, and there are many popular technology-driven YouTube channels. These channels talk about the latest gadgets and keep their finger on the pulse. Check out some of these popular channels to see what makes them stand out:
    • The Slow Mo Guys
    • Android Authority
    • Household Hacker
    • DigitalRev TV
    • Pocketnow


  • Never give up. Popular people were in the same position at one time.


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