How to recognize obsessive compulsive personality disorder

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Surprising Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)
Video: The Surprising Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)


Everyone copes with business in the way that suits him best. However, sometimes it starts to get in the way of others.And even though most people are able to find a common language, agree and do something so as not to interfere with anyone, sometimes this is impossible - especially if a person is simply unable to start doing something differently from the way he used to, believing that he is obliged to act and nothing else. To understand exactly whether this can be caused by small problems or OCD (obsessive-compulsive personality disorder), then read this article.


Part 1 of 4: Identifying OCD Through Thoughts and Actions

  1. 1 Be aware that people with OCD love to hoard things. Such a person may forget about the need to throw things away, he may begin to collect even that which has practically no value, or even completely useless rubbish. Their actions are based on the conviction that there are no useless things. Say, "it will come in handy later" and "does not ask for a stock".
    • Leftover food? Recipes? Plastic spoons? Batteries? If a person can come up with a reason why a thing will be useful, he will not get rid of it.
  2. 2 Also, people with OCD are often stingy. They believe that if you save the item for the future, then they can avoid spending in the future - after all, they will no longer have to buy what they have now! At the same time, the item can be absolutely useless - a flyer, a napkin, a newspaper, a blackboard, an empty plastic bottle, old clothes, a tin can ...
    • Food can be stored in the refrigerator by such people for weeks or even months, and all because such people hate throwing something away, considering it a waste of money.
  3. 3 People with OCD often put it off for a rainy day. In their opinion, the onset of an emergency, emergency situation cannot be predicted, but it is possible to prepare for it in advance. These people follow the rule of “get your sleigh ready in the summer,” and the process of preparing for all sorts of financial difficulties can turn them away from the thought of spending at least 10 rubles on, say, an item of basic necessity.
    • This also means that such people cannot even think about giving money to someone, even if it is in need. Moreover, OCD sufferers also discourage others (usually relatives)! Such people are extremely ... thrifty in financial matters.
    • People suffering from OCD highly value their “treasures” and take very negatively any hints that all this is trash, the place for which is in the trash heap. People with OCD are genuinely surprised by the inability of others to see the value of trash in the mountains.
  4. 4 Know that people with OCD need to feel effective at all times. They value perfectionism, respect discipline, and respect rules, guidelines, and laws. People with OCD spend a lot of time planning ... but alas, when time X arrives, they invariably fail.
    • Such people can be attentive to details, and their desire to be perfect in everything makes them try to take the situation under personal control. People with OCD can impose their control on others, even those who resist it. People with OCD firmly believe that strict adherence to rules is the norm, and any deviation from this norm will lead to the fact that the result of the work will be far from perfect.
  5. 5 For people with OCD, emotions are an empty phrase. Expressing emotions is a sign of weakness, and weak people are unable to shoulder the burden of responsibility for others (i.e., in other words, they are not suitable for the role of controllers) and, when it comes to moral and ethical issues, they can show inappropriate weakness ... Actually, this is how people with OCD see the world. Accordingly, they try to remain as emotionless as possible.
    • Nevertheless, they are not alien to excitement, sometimes even painful. They have to deal with stress, which is the eternal companion of the pursuit of excellence. In addition, it is extremely important for people with OCD to maintain their reputation. Therefore, the best option for them to show themselves as a person who is strong and in control of their own emotions is to behave like a rude, heartless and emotionless person.
  6. 6 Notice how important the moral issue is to people with OCD. Morality, ethics, right and wrong - this is almost the meaning of life for a person with OCD. People with OCD are extremely concerned about always doing (from their point of view) the right thing, they constantly think about the rules that should never be violated, for this kind of act in their eyes is the highest manifestation of immorality.
  7. 7 Pay attention to how people with OCD make decisions. Indecision is a hallmark of OCD patients. They try to postpone, postpone, delay making any decision, because it is incredibly difficult for them to make a decision, since there is so much to take into account, so much to calculate ... People with OCD are also extremely reluctant to make spontaneous and impulsive decisions, which is explained by perfectionism.
    • To make a decision, people with OCD need all the details - even the smallest, even those that are almost irrelevant. This is not a question of self-esteem, this is how OCD manifests itself, preventing people from making decisions on the fly - after all, first the rules and regulations, and only then everything else ...
    • Also, people with OCD are driven by the desire to make perfect decisions, for which they try to find all possible information. The decision itself can be quite insignificant, unimportant. However, weighing the pros and cons can take invaluable time because people with OCD simply cannot make decisions quickly. They must make every effort to make a decision that does not cast a shadow on their precious reputation! Alas, with this approach, the decision made loses its relevance and becomes, in general, unnecessary.
  8. 8 People with OCD are never wrong. People with OCD do not like those who doubt them, who do not believe them, who dispute their actions, ideas, beliefs. People with OCD are always right - well, they think so, and anyone who thinks differently should know that people with OCD are ... well, you get the idea. Those people who do not accept their "authority" and do not agree to obey, people with OCD are considered not responsible and not ready to work together.
    • People with OCD do not even think about taking some kind of neutral position that would suit the majority. For such people, there is only one way - their way. All other people seem to stand below, and people with OCD communicate their point of view to these very others with frightening directness.

Part 2 of 4: Identifying OCPD in Relationship Monitoring

  1. 1 Know how the need to be needed affects the relationships in which people with OCD are involved. The nature of OCD is such that people who suffer from this condition cannot stop imposing their way of thinking on others. Even the thought that such behavior can scare other people away and cause a breakdown in the relationship, alas, will not be able to force a person with OCD to stop doing this. People with OCD feel no guilt or shame when they go too far with surveillance, control, constant teaching and intervention in their personal lives, and for the sake of order and perfection in everything.
    • They get upset, upset, or overwhelmed if other people don't listen to them and help them take control of the OCD person and make everything perfect.
  2. 2 Be aware that OCD patients' personal lives and relationships tend to be chaotic. Firstly, this may be due to the fact that these people spend most of the day at work - and, by the way, this is their personal choice. Accordingly, there is almost no time left for the rest of the time, and if it does, then this time is spent on perfecting.
    • If a person with OCD suddenly spends his free time on a hobby or, say, a sports game, do not be surprised. Such a person does this not for the sake of fun, but for the sake of achieving perfection. Moreover, people with OCD expect the same behavior from others, and therefore are very surprised when they do something not in order to become better, but simply for pleasure.
      • Of course, this behavior is great on the nerves of others, and can cause not only a ruined day, but also a ruined relationship.
  3. 3 Be aware that people with OCD are not trying to build long-term relationships, including friendships. For them, it seems like a waste of precious time that can (and should) be spent on achieving perfection. An obsessive fixation on perfection, rules, and order is literally a guarantee that people don't linger around people with OCD.
    • What's more, people with OCD have a hard time expressing their feelings and emotions. It is really difficult for them to demonstrate affection, love, just warm feelings, even if deep inside they love a person dearly. Alas, OCD prevents them from expressing their feelings or confessing them.

Part 3 of 4: Identifying OCPD by Observing Work

  1. 1 Be aware that people with OCD are extremely difficult to work with. Impress them with the quality of your work? Leave them happy with the quality of your work? What are you, this is fantastic! They are classic workaholics, but working with them is still a torment.
    • People with OCD spend a lot of time at work, but they are not good examples to follow. Alas, people with OCD are simply unable to serve as this type of example, either to colleagues or to subordinates. People with OCD are task-oriented rather than task-oriented. Balancing tasks and relationships is not for the bottom, and people with OCD often fail to get people to obey ... the way they see it.
  2. 2 However, from a technical point of view, OCD sufferers are excellent workers. There is no doubt that those who happened to work together with a person suffering from OCD are unlikely to have a good opinion of him ... but the bosses, in turn, on the contrary, will be delighted to get such an employee. This is because people with OCD see themselves as loyal and reliable employees who are not afraid of work. For them, after all, this is the norm, the problem is that people with OCD expect the same from others.
    • They think that they serve as a good example for others, motivate and inspire them, but in reality, alas, everything is far from this. People with OCD are perfectionists who strive for excellence and order in everything they touch and face. But for those who have to work with a person suffering from OCD, it does not seem like a craving for perfectionism, but pressure.
    • A person with OCD feels that their intentions, actions and dedication to the goals of the company is perceived as pressure only because people want to get out of responsibility. For people with OCD, only the company and its goals matter, and people ... people are only a means of achieving these goals, and therefore they must do only what is in the best interests of the company.
  3. 3 Know that people with OCD are less important to people with OCD than the work process. In fact, they do not care about employees at all, interpersonal relationships for people with OCD are an empty phrase. People with OCD will not find anything reprehensible in interfering with the personal life of employees, not giving them personal space. For example, if an employee wants to quit for some personal reason, then the manager who suffers from OCD will not find sympathy for this. There may well be a situation when they will not sign the letter of resignation, explaining that it is “not convincing enough”.
    • What is worse, such people do not even think that their management style may be wrong, so they see themselves as almost standards in everything. If such an attitude annoys someone, then such people are simply declared unreliable, not working for the good of the company.
  4. 4 People with OCD may interfere with the work of other employees. The person with OCD does not trust others, does not believe that they can do the job right. The conviction settled in his head that the only way to do everything correctly is known only to him.Moreover, a person with OCD is firmly convinced that only he can do everything right! Therefore, he tries to control everyone and everything, trying to force them to do as he would do. For him in this matter, a compromise is unthinkable.
    • Such an employee is constantly behind schedule due to his desire to do everything perfectly. The thought of entrusting people to do their work in a way that is convenient for them is not comfortable for him - they will make mistakes! The idea that work can be delegated to someone is also alien to him, because "if you want to do well, do it yourself." All his behavior suggests that he does not trust others professionally.
  5. 5 People with OCD often have problems with deadlines. The desire to do everything perfectly, alas, often interferes with doing everything on time, which is bad both for the company and for the employee with OCD. Also, don't forget about the difficulty in making decisions that people with OCPD have.
    • Alas, over time, the behavior of people with OCD only leads to the fact that they find themselves in isolation, not to mention the emergence of various mental disorders. The behavior and perception of people with OCPD complicates the work process, the subordinates of a person with OCD appear less and less willing to work with him, follow him, obey him. And when people with OCD are not supported by anyone, they become even more stubborn in their desire to prove to everyone that only their path and vision are the only possible and correct ones. This, alas, only leads to even greater alienation.
  6. 6 Understand why people with OCD are unable to balance work and life. All because for them in life there is nothing but work. People with OCD are unable to build deep and lasting relationships, including friendships, as they spend most of their lives at work. Moreover, people with OCD simply do not feel the need to engage in such relationships. And this - giving up free time, friends and life outside the office - their own choice.
    • Since flexibility is not inherent in people with OCD, and they do not perceive the opinions and thoughts of others at all, they do not face problems with the choice between work and relationships. For a person with OCD, it is his actions that are seen as the essence of perfectionism, respectively, this is how everyone else should act. If these others for some reason do not understand their own good and are stubborn ... well, they are not so important! Actually, that's all the logic.

Part 4 of 4: Understanding OCPD

  1. 1 Actually, what is OCPD. OCD, also known as anankastic personality disorder, is a personality disorder in which inadequate patterns of thinking and behavior occur over time, as well as experiences that go beyond different situations and have a significant impact on the patient's life.
    • In the case of OCD, there is a lust for power and control over one's own environment. These symptoms should include a pattern of behavior dominated by the desire for order, perfectionism, interpersonal and psychological control.
      • The price of such control is efficiency, openness, and flexibility, since the person with OCD demonstrates a high level of intransigence, which often prevents him from performing his tasks.
  2. 2 Difference between OCD and obsessive-compulsive disorder It is important to know the difference between these two completely different pathologies of the psyche.
    • The word "obsessive" indicates that all thoughts and feelings of a person are devoted to one permanent idea. For example, such an idea can be cleanliness, safety, or something else that is essential for a person.
    • The word "compulsive" means that there is a repetitive performance of an action that does not bring pleasure or benefit. Often, all actions are performed only in order to pass the “obsessive” element. For example, a person obsessed with the idea of ​​cleanliness may constantly wash their hands.A person obsessed with the idea of ​​security can constantly check if the door is locked - because he is afraid that if he does not check the door again, someone will break in to him.
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder associated with an obsessive obsession that can be dealt with by repeating an action over and over again. This is where the borderline between these two pathologies passes.
  3. 3 Diagnostic criteria for OCD. To be diagnosed with OCPD, a person must have four or more of the following symptoms that appear in different situations and interfere with the individual's life.
    • A person is obsessed with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the point that they lose much of the meaning of the task at hand.
    • A person strives for perfectionism, which interferes with the completion of the task (for example, when a person is not able to complete a project just because he does not meet his own overestimated expectations and requirements).
    • A person is extremely devoted to work, sacrificing free time and friendship for the sake of it (of course, difficult economic situations when it is necessary to work in order not to starve to death are not taken into account).
    • A person is extremely picky and absolutely without flexibility relates to issues of morality, ethics and values ​​(issues related to cultural and religious identification are also not taken into account).
    • A person cannot throw away old and useless things, even those that are of no sentimental value to him.
    • A person refuses to transfer his work to others or work with others if they do not agree to act according to his way of doing things.
    • A person spends money extremely sparingly, considering them as an object that needs to accumulate us in case of future problems.
    • The person shows signs of extreme stubbornness and even obstinacy.
  4. 4 Diagnostic criteria for anankastic disorder. In this case, a person should have three or more symptoms from the list below.
    • The person suffers from excessive doubt and caution.
    • A person is obsessed with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules.
    • A person strives for perfectionism, which interferes with the task.
    • The person is extremely devoted to work, sacrificing free time and friendship for it.
    • A person suffers from excessive pedantry and adherence to social norms.
    • The person shows signs of extreme stubbornness and even obstinacy.
    • A person shows unreasonable persistence, demanding that people do as he does, or shows an unreasonable reluctance to let others do something.
    • The person suffers from persistent and unwanted thoughts and impulses.


  • Only a qualified specialist and no one else can make diagnoses!
  • Perhaps you know a person who may have enough symptoms to suspect that they have one pathology or another. However, this is not yet a guarantee of the presence of pathology.
  • This article is only a general guide with which you can understand whether you need to seek qualified help in a particular case.
  • WHO and the American Psychological Association are working on two separate definitions of pathology, which, however, should be studied jointly.