How to find a house with termites

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Millions of termites found in walls of couple’s new home | A Current Affair
Video: Millions of termites found in walls of couple’s new home | A Current Affair


Every year, termites cause significant damage to structures and crops in the subtropical regions and arid hot regions of the United States. People have to spend up to billions of dollars each year to kill termites and repair the damage caused by termites. Early detection of a house infested by termites is extremely important in limiting the extent of the termite's destruction, but this is not easy. Many homeowners rarely see termites that usually hide in the termite nests lying underground and destroy the wood in the wall. However, there are still a few ways to spot them.


Method 1 of 2: Recognize signs of termite damage

  1. Check for suspected wood parts. If you suspect that there are termites, cut a piece of wood in a suspicious location, if possible. Different types of termites cause different types of damage to the wood.
    • Earth termites damage soft wood and feed on the grain. They create a shape like a bee in the wood that is easy to identify. It is extremely important to prevent termites as soon as they are discovered. The Taiwanese earth termites are devastatingly devastating, mainly due to their large number. A Taiwanese earth termite nest has millions. If left untreated, this insect can cause significant damage to homes, fences and electric poles.
    • Dry wood termites dig into large holes in the wood by gnawing along the wood grain and ingesting it. Their appearance is also quite a serious problem, though not as much as most earth termites. Dry wood termites generally have only a few thousand members and it will take many years to reach this number. Even then, the entire termite nest can only eat about 230 grams of wood per year.

    Hussam Bin Break

    Pest Control Specialist, Diagno Pest Control Hussam Bin Break is an insecticide application specialist and CEO of Diagno Pest Control. Hussam and his brother own and operate Diagno Pest Control in the Greater Philadelphia Area.

    Hussam Bin Break
    Pest Control Specialist, Diagno Pest Control

    To test for termites, install a tracking system. "These systems consist of a piece of wood with a plastic lid and cardboard. Every six months, check for signs of cavities to see if they are present," said Hussam Bin Break of Diagno Center for Pest Control. on the ground or around the house. "

  2. Look for other evidence of termite signs. If you look carefully, you can find signs of an infestation, even if the insect is invisible. The signs of termite nests are curved or sagging wooden floors, peeling tiles, small holes appear on plaster walls, wood is damaged and easily crumbles or makes a hollow sound when knocked on.
    • The tunnels run from the ground to the floating wood above the ground. Termites eat dead wood, which is also the material of many homes. They built narrow tunnels to provide a safe passage to the building. Termite tunnels are made of soil, saliva, termite compost and other materials. These tunnels are a sign that termites are working.
    • Dried wood termites live in structures made of wood, including building slats, furniture and hardwood floors. These termites hardly appear outside the nest because they eat and hide in the same place, but you can also find clues that indicate their presence. Dry wood termites extrude waste pellets, also known as "worm shit," out of tunnels and openings. Wood-colored termite mounds accumulate on the floor below the exposed wood sections.

    Hussam Bin Break

    Pest Control Specialist, Diagno Pest Control Hussam Bin Break is an insecticide application specialist and CEO of Diagno Pest Control. Hussam and his brother own and operate Diagno Pest Control in the Greater Philadelphia Area.

    Hussam Bin Break
    Pest Control Specialist, Diagno Pest Control

    The mud tunnels in the basement are a sign of termites. Hussam Bin Break, operations manager of the Diagno Center for Pest Control advises: "If your home has a basement, the best place to detect termites will be the corners of the house in contact with the ground. you can look at the inner walls, or examine the outside if there are walls. If you see mud tunnels it is a sign of a storm. "

  3. Hear the sound. Hold a screwdriver to knock on each piece of wood each time periodic home inspection. If there is a hollow sound, it is possible that the wood has been damaged by a pest that destroys it. Indoors, you can use a stethoscope or another device against the wall to listen.
    • You won't hear the termites, but carpenter ants will make a soft rustling sound as they rummage through their caves.
  4. Distinguish termites from other household pests. Termites are just one of many insects that damage wood and damage your home. Carpenter ants and some beetles also damage wood. It is important to determine which pests have entered your home to develop a plan for how to treat them. The easiest way to tell if your home has been infested by a termite or another pest is to observe the insect closely. Termites have several characteristics that are different from ants and beetles.
    • Worker termites are usually pale yellow in color and have a soft body. Carpenter ants and beetles are often a much darker color and have an exoskeleton.
    • Termites have a straight beard, which is very different from the crooked beard of carpenter ants.
    • Termites are often invisible, so the easiest way to identify an invasive species is to look at the winged form of the insects. When the termite nests develop to a certain extent, winged spawning termites appear to form a new nest.Termites have 2 pairs of wings of the same size, while carpenter ants have much longer front wings than the back ones. The beetles have a pair of hard wings that spread out while in flight.
    • Termites do not have a marked waist along the body with many burning. Carpenter ants have a distinct waist that connects the chest to the abdomen.

Method 2 of 2: Prevent and remedy damage caused by termites

  1. Contact a professional pest control service if you find your home has been stormed. Instead of trying to kill the term yourself, let a professional take care of it. Contact some of the pest control companies in your area and ask for the cost of termite extermination services.
    • Choose companies that are competitively priced in addition to finding good recommendations or reviews.
  2. Remove dead trees and stumps around the garden. Rotten wood is the termite's leading source of food and can be a shelter for a hungry termite colony.
    • If you are storing firewood or building materials, keep it as far away from home as possible. When bringing wood indoors, check for signs of termites such as holes in the wood, a hollow feel or a hollow sound.
  3. Use treated wood for construction. The chemicals in the treated wood work to repel termites. If you're building outdoor structures like balconies, patios, or anything that floats above the ground, choose treated wood so that it is less attractive to colonies of termites.
  4. Check out the usual entrances of termites. Termites often enter the home through wood material in contact with the soil, such as door frames, construction poles or wooden supports. You can address these spots by regularly checking for signs of termites, clearing puddles and treating wood with termite preventive measures such as soil treatment to repel termites.
  5. Avoid spreading garden mulch close to your home. You can spread garden mulch, but avoid spreading it in areas where you can touch wooden boards or your foundation. Coatings typically consist of wood materials and have soil moisture properties, providing good shelter for termites.
    • This also includes trees. Shrubs that touch a house foundation or wooden planks can become termites shelter and even hide them.

    Hussam Bin Break

    Pest Control Specialist, Diagno Pest Control Hussam Bin Break is an insecticide application specialist and CEO of Diagno Pest Control. Hussam and his brother own and operate Diagno Pest Control in the Greater Philadelphia Area.

    Hussam Bin Break
    Pest Control Specialist, Diagno Pest Control

    Try the following measures to prevent and detect termites. According to Hussam Bin Break, operations manager of the Center for Pest Control Diagno: "To prevent termites, clear trees or clean everything within 15-30 cm around the house. Also, if there is water available. Standing around the base of the wall, you also need to keep the water flowing away from the house, as moisture will attract termites. "

  6. Install termite barrier. This method is especially useful if you are in the process of building a house. These metal plates will be placed along the foundation to prevent termites. This material should be made of stainless metal and must be clear of gaps.
    • This is a barrier against termites from entering wooden foundations or indoor wooden structures.
  7. Determine the degree of damage to the wood. If the wood is completely hollow or rotten, you will not be able to repair it but must replace it.
    • Dismantle damaged wood parts. Once you have found damaged or completely rotten wood, you will have to use chisels to remove the wood.
  8. Use wood plaster or hardener. You can fill damaged wood parts with wood plaster or hardener. Use a masseuse to apply these materials to parts of wood that are damaged or eaten by termites. Leave to dry overnight.
    • Be sure to remove bubbles in the putty or hardener so that you don't create holes in the wood. Wood putty is most effective when dealing with long voids, while the hardener is suitable for wider openings.
  9. Replace the wood. If it is a porch-like structure, it is best to replace the damaged wooden bars with new ones.
    • You can either do it yourself or hire someone to do it, depending on your conditions.