Grow facial hair faster

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow A Beard If You Cant Grow Facial Hair | WORKS 100% Of The Time
Video: How To Grow A Beard If You Cant Grow Facial Hair | WORKS 100% Of The Time


Robust beards and sublime mustaches are the fashion, and that's bad news for men whose facial hair doesn't grow that fast. If you want to get thicker, healthier facial hair and a little bit of speed, try the following tips and tricks.

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Part 1 of 4: Daily routine

  1. Keep your face clean and moisturized. Oils, dirt, and dead skin cells can create an impenetrable barricade that makes it harder for your hair to break through. Your facial hair will grow faster if your face is always clean.
    • Wash your face every morning and evening with warm water and a mild facial cleanser. A mild cleanser is preferable to a standard soap. Standard soap can cause some chafing and irritation.
    • You should also wash your face every time you notice it got dirty from sweat and grease.
    • If you develop an itchy rash, use an anti-dandruff shampoo two-three times a week to relieve the irritation.
    • Use a facial scrub once a week to remove dead skin cells.
    • After shampooing, apply a moisturizing face cream. This keeps the skin hydrated and prevents the build-up of dead skin cells.
  2. Put the razor aside. . Contrary to what some people say, shaving will not promote hair growth. So one of the best ways to make your facial hair grow faster and thicker is to let it grow continuously
    • Indeed, the hairs will grow back faster if you have just shaved. However, the growth rate slows down immediately afterwards. Because of this, it makes no sense to shave in the meantime.
    • Your facial hair may be a bit unsightly at first. Then start growing your beard / mustache if there are no formal outings planned for the time being.
  3. Stimulate the hair follicles with a massage. While this may sound a bit unusual, a light facial massage will encourage your hair follicles to grow faster and thicker.
    • Apply gentle, even pressure on the areas of your face where you want to stimulate hair growth. Rub in circular motions and massage your face twice a day for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Do not worry. Simply put, stress thins out your hair. This makes it difficult to grow a beard, mustache or goatee. Avoid stress as much as possible to stimulate hair growth.
    • Both mental and physical stress can be detrimental to your immune system. This also limits your ability to grow facial hair.
    • It can be nearly impossible to avoid stress completely. However, you can take baby steps to reduce stress. Try meditation or sports to relax, or talk to others about effective ways to reduce stress.
  5. Get enough sleep. Adequate rest is essential for all your bodily functions. So also for your hair growth.
    • Your body repairs lost cells during sleep. Hair growth is therefore faster when you are sleeping. Less than six hours of sleep per night stunts the growth of facial hair. For best results, you should sleep at least eight hours each night.
  6. Exercise regularly. Like sleep, physical activity is also essential for the body to perform its functions properly. Focus on cardio. Cardio improves blood circulation.
    • Good blood circulation helps you maintain a fast metabolism. In other words, all the nutrients you take in can help stimulate hair growth. So if you have a fast blood circulation, these nutrients get into your hair follicles faster, which increases your beard growth.
    • Even very light to moderate cardio is better than not moving at all. After work, take a brisk walk for half an hour or, better still, go for a run.
  7. Stop smoking. Smoking weakens the immune system. When your immune system is weakened, the body may be less able to grow hair.
    • Nicotine decreases nutrient absorption. As a result, the nutrients required for hair growth do not reach the hair follicles.
    • Moreover, nicotine also constricts blood vessels, which prevents your blood from go

Part 2 of 4: Getting the right nutrients

  1. Get plenty of protein and saturated fats. Protein and fat are important players in promoting fast, healthy hair growth, including on your face.
    • The hair itself is also partly made of protein, and healthy hair is protected by oils and fats. A healthy, fast-growing beard or mustache therefore needs both proteins and fats. Proteins and fats can also increase testosterone, another important player in the growth of facial hair.
    • Beans and fish are healthy sources of protein. Eat more of this to encourage fast, healthy hair growth.
    • Eggs and animal fats can also be effective, but limit your total intake of these fats as they can hinder circulation if you eat too much of them.
  2. Skip sweets. Sugar can weaken hair. Eating too many sugary foods can make the growth of your sight more difficult.
    • Natural sugars found in fruit and dairy are less harmful than the sugars in sweets, cakes, and soft drinks.
  3. Take more B complex vitamins. Vitamin B7, also called biotin, is one of the most important vitamins for hair growth. However, vitamins B5, B3 and B9 are also very important.
    • Biotin can be found in nuts and egg yolks. The biotin must be eaten to be effective. Applying the vitamins topically will have no effect. If you can't find natural biotin, take a biotin supplement every day.
    • Vitamins B5 and B3 improve circulation and can be found in chicken, beef, fish, egg yolk, avocado, milk, and whole grain products.
    • Vitamin B9, also called folic acid, has a direct effect on your ability to grow thicker hair. Vitamin B9 can be found in grains, nuts, and leafy green vegetables.
  4. Maintain a good balance between vitamins A, C and E. These three vitamins work together to maintain the right condition for facial hair.
    • Vitamin A helps keep hair follicles and sebum in order, and can be found in carrots, broccoli, and leafy green vegetables.
    • Vitamin C boosts your immune system and is found in potatoes, citrus fruits, green peppers, tomatoes, and dark green leafy vegetables.
    • Vitamin E improves circulation and can be found in beans, nuts and leafy vegetables.
  5. Drink plenty of water. To maintain your body perfectly, you need to stay moisturized at all times. Only in optimal physical condition can your facial hair grow as quickly as possible.
    • As a rule of thumb, drink about eight glasses (250 ml) a day.

Part 3 of 4: Home remedies

  1. Try eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is said to promote hair growth. However, you should never apply the eucalyptus oil directly to the skin. Instead, dilute it with water, or use a facial cleanser that contains the plant as an ingredient.
    • Dilute the eucalyptus oil by mixing four parts water with one part eucalyptus. Apply the mixture directly to the skin with a cotton ball and let it soak in for a while. Note that if your skin becomes irritated, rinse the mixture off and avoid it in the future.
    • Facial cleansers and facial moisturizers with eucalyptus are preferable to the eucalyptus oil.
  2. Make a mixture of Amla oil and mustard leaf. Amla oil is said to have natural oils that protect the hair follicles on your face.
    • Mix ¼ cup (60 ml) of Amla oil with 3 teaspoons (45 ml) of mustard leaves until a paste appears. Apply this paste to your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off.
    • Leftover pasta can be kept in the refrigerator for about 2-3 days.
    • In addition to Amla oil, other oils, such as jojoba oil and grape seed oil, can also stimulate hair growth. These oils can be applied directly to the skin without mixing them with mustard leaf.
  3. Try ground cinnamon with lime juice. These ingredients can be mixed into a thin paste. Apply this paste to the face twice a day to help promote facial hair growth.
    • Mix 1 teaspoon (15 ml) of ground cinnamon with 2 teaspoons (30 ml) of lime juice. Apply this to the face and rinse it off after 25-30 minutes.
    • Stop immediately if irritation occurs.
  4. Dab with a little minoxidil. This hair growth drug is usually used to stimulate hair growth on the skull. However, some fairly premature results indicate that it can also promote the growth of facial hair.
    • Purchase a bottle of minoxidil. Turn the can upside down and squeeze the nozzle to squeeze some foam onto your fingers. Gently massage this foam into your face, concentrating on the areas where the least hair grows.
    • You only need half a capful of foam (or 1ml of solution) twice a day. Read the package insert to avoid accidental overdose.
    • Consult your doctor before planning to use minoxidil.

Part 4 of 4: Medical assistance

  1. Take finasteride. This is an orally taken medicine used to promote hair growth on the skull. However, like minoxidil, some studies indicate that it also promotes the growth of facial hair.
    • This drug can increase testosterone levels by 10 to 20 percent. This will also strengthen body and facial hair.
    • This drug is only available by prescription. Follow the directions in the add-on to avoid accidental overdose.
    • Normally, this medicine will have to be taken in pill form once a day. Take the pill at around the same time every day.
  2. Research testosterone treatment. Men who have a lot of trouble getting facial hair may have too little testosterone for it. Gentle testosterone treatment can overcome this problem.
    • This treatment usually consists of injections or topical application of testosterone. There are also oral treatments, but they can cause liver damage and are therefore not recommended.
    • Your doctor should monitor the treatment closely. Too much of this hormone can cause your hair to grow less quickly.
    • Note that this treatment is often not even the fastest solution. Testosterone treatment can take up to a year to be fully effective.
  3. Consult a plastic surgeon. If you are desperate enough and no simple solution has worked, a plastic surgeon can transplant some fast-growing hair follicles into your face. These hair follicles are removed elsewhere from your body.
    • The treatment is simple and can usually be done in an outpatient clinic. You may experience some skin irritation, but it won't get worse.
    • As is the case with testosterone treatment, this solution is also not the fastest. You may have to wait up to two years for your facial hair to reach full maturity.


  • Facial cleanser
  • Lotion, face cream
  • A scrub cream
  • Anti-dandruff shampoo
  • Protein
  • Saturated fats
  • Vitamins B complex
  • Vitamins A, C, and E.
  • Water
  • Eucalyptus
  • Amla oil
  • Mustard leaf
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Lime juice
  • Minoxidil
  • Finasteride