How to take care of a pet

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pet Care Basics
Video: Pet Care Basics


Caring for a pet is a rewarding undertaking, which can also be hard work. But if you first prepare well for the appearance of a pet, collect all the information necessary for this, and then wholeheartedly love your new friend without any conditions, taking care of him will not seem like an overwhelming task. Review the guidelines in this article on how to successfully keep any pet in your family.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare for your pet

  1. 1 Find out if you can provide your pet with proper care. Despite the fact that pets in the house are an additional source of love, they are not always easy to care for. All pets, in addition to meeting the special needs of a particular species of animal, need to take time, spend money on them, and give their love. You must be sure that the desire to have a pet is not a momentary whim, but a carefully considered and balanced decision.
    • Most pets need attention and care during the day, so make sure you have enough time to take care of your pet.
    • If you have children, think about pets that are suitable for children. For example, hamsters and fish can be great starting pets.
    • If you are planning a move or a major lifestyle change, don't worry about your pet until your life is more stable.
  2. 2 Choose a pet that suits your lifestyle. Even different breeds of dogs have their own special needs, so find a pet that suits your lifestyle. Before buying a pet, carefully research the behavior and needs of the animals you like. Do not get stuck in this decision on one species or breed, be open to learning information, because it can bring you happy surprises and present the most suitable pet for your family. Keep in mind general information about the different types of pets.
    • Dogs... Despite the fact that dogs vary greatly by breed, they all require a lot of attention, exercise and ample space.
    • Cats... Cats, as intelligent and independent animals, do great with less attention, but they also need love and care to protect them from unwanted behavior.
    • Hamsters, gerbils and other rodents... The financially economical and short-lived rodents are excellent first pets for children. However, they are often the source of unpleasant odors.
    • Fishes... For their well-being, fish need careful monitoring of conditions of detention, in addition, they should not be hugged. Think of your aquarium as your home garden counterpart.
    • Lizards... Lizards are usually quite happy on their own and are easy to care for, but they will not give you appreciation. In addition, it is quite difficult to identify any disease in them.
    • Birds... There is an incredible amount of litter from birds, in addition, they are often quite noisy. They can also have an individual temperament and can be expensive to keep, especially for large parrots.
  3. 3 Be careful when choosing a pet breed, especially if you have children. It is a mistake to simply decide that you only want a dog (or any other pet) and buy an animal without considering the needs and characteristics of a particular breed.
    • Some dog breeds are shepherd dogs that are good for one owner, but some of them (for example, the border collie) have a herding instinct in their blood.This means that if the baby moves too far from his herd, the collie will try to get him back. How do they do it with the sheep? They bite them. This can cause serious injury to the child. That is why it is very important to carefully study the behavior of each breed separately.
    • It is important that the pet lives in complete safety in a comfortable environment and is provided with everything it needs. Some animals are very adaptable, such as cats, and can live well in a wide variety of environments, ranging from rural environments to city apartments, while other pets may have more specific needs. For example, horses require extensive pastures and safe shelter.
    • Animals that run freely around the house outside of aquariums or cages need their own place to sleep away from busy areas of the house, where they can lie quietly and not be disturbed, for example, in the corner of a room. If it is a cat that will remain locked up at home, it is very important to provide it with a litter box as well.
  4. 4 Be realistic about your budget and your ability to take responsibility for caring for your pet. Some pets are more expensive than others. Be honest with yourself about whether you can afford a pet, whether you have the time, and whether you can responsibly and properly care for it.
    • Pet costs also include the initial cost of setting up a pet in your home. Depending on the specific type of animal, you will most likely need a cage, aquarium, or a leash.
    • Don't forget about the ongoing costs of caring for your pet. You should consider the need for regular feed purchases and preventive veterinary care (vaccinations), not just emergency veterinary visits. It is important to monitor the health of your pet, but sometimes it can be quite an expensive task.
  5. 5 Prepare your home for your pet. Pets that are curious, always hungry and do not understand your warnings can get into trouble if you do not create barriers or safe areas for them. Birds can fly away through open windows, lizards can scamper around the house, and dogs and cats can slip outside. Pay special attention to holes and crevices that your pet can enter and escape. Also, keep food out of the reach of pets.
    • Remove any dangerous items, including knives and potentially hazardous food to pets.
    • If you want your pet to be able to run around in your yard, consider setting up a secure fence.
    • Designate one room that can be considered your pet's "bedroom".
    • Prepare to take your pet home during a relatively quiet period of your life so that everyone in your family does not stress your pet as much as it gets used to you.
  6. 6 Purchase all the accessories you need for your pet in advance. Talk to the pet store or animal shelter about what you need (perhaps a cage, toys, grooming supplies, etc.) and buy the supplies before the pet arrives at your home. Educate family members on how to use all of this so that they all know.
    • If you have young children, you can help them prepare for caring for your pet by asking them to “feed” the doll first or water the houseplants regularly.

Part 2 of 3: Taking Care of Your Pet Properly

  1. 1 Allocate the necessary pet care products from your budget. Keeping a pet isn’t extremely expensive, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to spend money on it. The following are the potential annual costs of good quality pet care, as estimated by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals:
    • dogs - about 35–55 thousand rubles (depending on the size);
    • cats - about 35 thousand rubles;
    • rabbits - about 40 thousand rubles;
    • rodents - about 15–35 thousand rubles (depending on the size);
    • fish - about 2.5 thousand rubles;
    • small birds - about 25 thousand rubles;
    • large birds (for example, macaw parrots) - 40-70 thousand rubles.
    • Set aside several thousand rubles for the pet's needs in case of emergency veterinary expenses.
  2. 2 Get ready for regular, scheduled visits to your vet. Also, be sure to show your pet to your veterinarian shortly after purchase. Like humans, pets need regular health checks to avoid developing serious problems. On the first visit to your veterinarian, discuss the frequency of follow-up visits, as well as your pet's nutritional and health needs.
    • Be sure to schedule the necessary vaccinations as soon as possible. Make sure that your pet has all the necessary vaccinations and preventive procedures suggested by the veterinarian, for example, for some dogs, deworming from heartworms (filarias) may be important.
    • Ask your veterinarian about the symptoms that can identify your pet's discomfort.
    • Neuter or neuter dogs and cats to avoid unwanted offspring and an increase in stray animals.
    • In case of emergencies, write down the veterinarian's telephone number as well as the veterinary clinic's telephone number.
    • It is very important to know the normal behavior of a healthy pet. If the pet is sick or injured, it begins to behave in an unusual way, for example, sleeps more, refuses food, and so on. If the animal is behaving strangely, check it for injuries and monitor food and water intake. If your pet is not eating or drinking and has obvious wounds that make you worried, show it to your veterinarian.
  3. 3 Make sure that your new “family member” is eating food that meets all of his nutritional needs. The cheapest food you can find in stores is not always a healthy option. Feeding scraps from the table is also a bad idea, no matter how cute they beg for such food, as it often contains minerals and other substances that can be dangerous to the pet. Give your pet only proper food and only the correct portions.
    • Do your own research or ask your veterinarian about good foods for your pet and about serving sizes.
    • Natural food, although expensive, is a healthier choice than dry and heavily processed food.
    • Pay close attention to your pet's diet. Many foods that are edible for humans are not suitable for pets, causing a painful condition after consuming such food, therefore, along with foods that are allowed for a pet, it is very important to study the list of foods that he should not eat.
    • Overfeeding your pet is just as dangerous as underfeeding, so it is important that the pet gets as much food as it needs, but not more. For some animals, food requirements change with the seasons, for example horses and other grazing animals, which usually need more hay when they do not have access to fresh grass.
    • Pay attention to the information on the food packaging to ensure that you are getting your pet food that is optimally balanced in nutrient content. Be sure to find out what foods can harm your pet.
    • Regardless of the choice of a pet, it is very important that he has constant access to clean drinking water. Check the condition of the drinkers to ensure there is sufficient clean, uncontaminated water at least once a day.
  4. 4 Bathe your pet in a timely manner and clean its home. This will keep both you and your pet healthy and happy.Create a regular cleaning schedule (at least once every 2-3 weeks) and follow it by bathing your pet (if necessary) and cleaning its living space to avoid the development of diseases and the spread of unpleasant odors.
    • Consider if your pet needs grooming. Many animals are able to take care of themselves and need grooming or bathing only when they manage to get very dirty. Others, such as long-haired dogs, need to be bathed and trimmed regularly.
    • For larger pets like cats and dogs, there are even special grooming parlors with large tubs and bathing hoses.
    • Perform supportive grooming, including brushing your coat or exfoliating dead skin cells, every few days.
    • In dogs and cats, keep the claws trimmed so that they do not grow back too much or break, causing pain to the pet.
    • It is good to train your pet from an early age to calmly endure grooming or bathing procedures. When brushing the coat, use a soft brush on the face, and when brushing long matted coat, try to gently detangle the tangles first instead of tugging at them. You can purchase pet grooming brushes at your pet store.
    • Use lukewarm water to bathe your pet and make sure that the detergents you use do not cause allergies to the pet. Buying specialized shampoos is not always necessary, but avoid using highly perfumed products as they can cause rashes in many animals.
    • Consider contacting a grooming specialist if you are unsure of being able to properly trim and wash your pet yourself. Do not allow accidental injury to your pet by your actions.
  5. 5 Provide your pet with adequate physical activity, if he needs it (for example, this applies to dogs). Find out what kind of exercise your pet needs before buying it, and consider whether your lifestyle is appropriate for spending enough time meeting your pet's exercise needs.
    • Some pets only need a safe space to live, for example, for a rabbit it is necessary to purchase a spacious enclosure, and for fish - a sufficiently large aquarium. However, other pets need physical activity.
    • Dogs need more participation on your part in their physical activity, as they should be regularly walked. Make sure that your pet receives sufficient exercise to avoid the development of aggression and destructive behavior.
  6. 6 Study pet care information carefully. Although this article provides general guidelines for pet owners, all animals are different and you need to adapt your approach to your pet accordingly. Ask friends who have similar pets, read books from the library and information on the Internet about animals of your species or breed. There is never too much information.
    • Be flexible when you bring your pet home. All animals have their own character and have different needs and preferences.

Part 3 of 3: Give your pet enough attention

  1. 1 Show affection to your pet. Despite the fact that it is indisputably necessary for cats and dogs, even fish and lizards need your attention and love for their well-being. Animals are social creatures and are similar to humans, so take time to play with your pet so that it can get the necessary physical activity and mental stimulation.
    • Provide the pet with space to move (the more the pet, the more space it needs).
    • Buy toys and play sets to share with your pet.
    • Give your pet a good behavior treat periodically to motivate him and reinforce good habits.
  2. 2 Get busy training pet if he needs it. A lot of pet grooming can be training. Training can be important to ensure the safety of the pet itself and the people who come in contact with it.
    • If you have a kitten in the apartment, then from the very beginning, the litter box is important for him. You need to train your pet to use the litter box as a safe place in which to fulfill their needs. The litter box should be cleaned regularly (1-2 times a day, depending on the specific cat). It is necessary to feed the cat 2-3 times a day (also depending on the needs of the cat itself). Water must always be available.
    • Dogs should be trained to behave appropriately, such as knowing where to go to the bathroom or not jumping on people who come to your house. It is important that the owner takes control of the animal, but not in a demeaning or harmful way.
  3. 3 Make time for your pet. Some pets require more attention than others, so the amount of time you spend with your pet is often relative. Just make sure that you are able to meet all of your pet's needs within this time frame.
    • Try to set aside time for your pet in your daily schedule, even if it takes time to just sit next to him. Oftentimes, your pet will be even happier than you at the opportunity to relax with you.
    • Dogs need to be walked and hamsters need to be allowed to run around in walking balls. Games should be interesting for both you and your pet, just always make sure they are safe.
    • Find out if your pet needs socialization with other animals. Play with your pet. For example, dogs are very sociable and need the owner to spend his time with them. Toys and simple catch-ups may be enough for the necessary physical activity. Young dogs have an innate gnawing habit, so be sure to purchase chewable toys for such a pet for fun.
  4. 4 Love your pet. Your relationship with your pet should be built on love. Demonstrate your affection for him with games and petting.
    • Your pet will become a new member of your family, so treat it accordingly. A good hug is good for both of you. Animals tend to react to the tone of the human voice and to touch.
    • Horses need attention. If you do not give them the love they deserve, they can run wild, practically turning into a mustang. Give your horse a treat periodically, take it out for walks, and ride it for fun.
    • Train your pet with positive incentives, never insult him or be violent. Keep your pet and its living area clean.
    • If you have a small pet, clean the cage weekly. Keeping a pet in the mud is wrong. If you have a dog, vacuum the house of its fur daily and bathe it periodically. Neglecting your pet's cleanliness can lead to infections, so strive to keep your pet clean!


  • In addition, see more specific information on how to care for dogs, cats, fish and birds.
  • Consider taking a homeless or abandoned animal that also needs love and support. In addition, in this way you will not in any way support the "factories" for breeding pets for sale.
  • Always love your pet and have fun with him.
  • Don't forget to pet your pet.
  • Be sure to independently study the information about the pet you want to have before buying it.
  • If you have a lot of pets, make a table with their names, names of their foods and portions and hang it in a prominent place so that you don't forget or confuse anything.This chart is especially helpful if you need to travel for a while so other people can take proper care of your pets.


  • Refrain from keeping exotic and illegal pets. This can lead to trouble with the law, in addition, such pets are poorly adapted to domestic life and sometimes behave in a dangerous manner.