How to Forget the Love of Your Life

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Forget Someone you Love?
Video: How to Forget Someone you Love?


After a serious romantic relationship ends, it takes time to recover. However, if you can properly handle the pain of losing a loved one, then new opportunities will open up for you, and the recovery process will become easier. Rarely does anyone manage to find the perfect match on the first try. It is important to be able to quickly bounce back, as breakups are an annoying reality when trying to find your soul mate.


Method 1 of 3: Get Rid of Reminders

  1. 1 Remove traces and communications. Get rid of phone numbers, messages, emails. It is not easy and even painful, but leaving the possibility of connection in moments of emotional weakness is a sign of addictive behavior.
    • You can also block your ex-partner's phone and email address to avoid unexpected and unwanted attempts to get in touch.
  2. 2 Get rid of material reminders. Remove all objects that remind you of the person. Get rid of anything that reminds you of your love. Things like clothing, jewelry, photography, and gifts complicate the gap most.
    • You don't have to throw everything away, but they shouldn't be in your sight to recover. Why not put them in one box and put them out of sight?
  3. 3 Make plans for special days. On anniversaries or holidays that you celebrate together, make an appointment with friends to get away from your memories. Have you watched movies every Friday? Call your friend and arrange to meet on Fridays to make it easier for you to adjust to new realities.
    • Throw a party, meeting, dinner with friends to spend the evening in a good mood.
    • Spend your special days the way you want.
  4. 4 Use social media less often. Watching your ex flirting with new people will only make you feel uncomfortable and slow down the healing process. Even if you do not want to give up your friendship with the person, it is important to understand that you should be apart now.
  5. 5 Choose a goodbye option that suits you. Some may find it helpful to write farewell letters to summarize their feelings and hopes. It is not necessary to show the letter to your former partner, but the very process of expressing feelings on paper will allow you to put an end to the ended relationship.
    • Another healing method is to mentally tell the person about your current feelings. This expression of accumulated emotions will accelerate healing.

Method 2 of 3: Let the person go

  1. 1 Take your time and understand that everything will pass. Such words are often difficult to accept, they may even seem emotionless to you. It's difficult to break up, even if you were the one who initiated the breakup. It is important to understand that life goes on and the pain you are experiencing is a natural part of the sadness and healing process.
    • Each person needs a different amount of time to experience strong emotions. Just respect the time it takes you to complete the emotional change.
    • The recovery process is highly individual, but some researchers have concluded that it takes up to 11 weeks for a person to completely release the intense emotions associated with a breakup.
  2. 2 Start a new project or find a hobby. Even if you don't have outstanding talents in this area, being distracted will keep you from thinking about your ex.After the relationship ends, it's time to rediscover what brings you joy to do it!
    • Exercise to get in shape and improve your mood.
    • Use art as therapy if you still find it difficult to express feelings in words.
    • Adopting a pet or growing plants so that another life depends on you can help ease depression.
  3. 3 Become a member of the team. You can volunteer in your area, start a book club at your local library, or join a city sports team. Feeling and camaraderie will help you grow stronger in difficult times. You can consider the following options:
    • meetings of amateur gardeners;
    • groups for organizing subbotniks;
    • local sports teams;
    • lovers of board games.
  4. 4 Learn to distinguish between reality and fiction. It is not uncommon for a person to idealize their former partner after a breakup. Try to notice this way of thinking and do not think that no one else will love you.
    • Describe your ex with positive past tense words based on your past feelings. Learn to share It was and there isto feel better.
  5. 5 Do not be angry. Whatever happens, try to sincerely forgive the person. If possible, it is better to meet in person and say that it was very painful for you, but you are not angry. This will make it easier for you to let go of feelings and break out of the vicious circle of negative emotions after a breakup.
    • Also, remember to forgive yourself, even if the breakup was not your fault or both. There is no need to be angry with yourself for imaginary and real sins.
  6. 6 Fight bad moods with logical thoughts. If the person was not the best partner, then it will be easier to get over the breakup. Even if you don't want to stain your precious good memories, it can help shape a healthier view of the situation. In what areas can you become better now? Such aspirations and goals will help you feel better and hasten healing.
    • If your ex was a really good person, then rejoice that you had the opportunity to get to know each other. Remember that everyone around you can be good potential mentors and teachers.
  7. 7 Savefaith. It is very easy to become a pessimist, but it will not make you a happy person. Being willing to experience feelings does not mean that you have to become their slave. Review your personal philosophy. Do you have negative thinking? Do you allow your ex to emotionally control you even after the breakup? Recognize your own emotional responsibility in this matter. You can't always blame your ex for a broken heart.

Method 3 of 3: Move Forward

  1. 1 Learn from your past relationships. A person can always give others his love - this ability fills our life with meaning. Think back to who you were before the relationship and who you have become through shared experiences. The close connection between self-development and memories, as well as the mood benefits of the acquired knowledge, will help you to recover and come to your senses sooner. Think:
    • "What could not I have done before the start of the relationship, and now I can cope with such a task?"
    • “What are the merits of the former partner? Did I learn from him or develop such abilities? "
    • "What have we been able to accomplish together that I could never have done on my own?"
  2. 2 Make a list of the things you've always wanted to do. You probably had to pause some goals and put more emphasis on relationships rather than personal desires. When the list is ready, you will not only realize that life is full of opportunities, but you will also set goals for yourself for the near future.
    • Consider travel that was too expensive for two. Maybe now is the time to go!
    • Sign up for courses that you didn't have the time or energy for during your relationship.
    • Take on the challenge and enter a local cooking or photography competition.
  3. 3 Don't sit at home. You don't have to spend money to walk down the street, admire the sky, read a book, watch the sunrise, or find other simple pleasures in life. Also, a change of scene is good for mood and mindset. The first step on your walk can be the first step on the path to healing.
  4. 4 Meet old and meet new friends. Start walking to meet people. In any case, communication with friends has a positive effect on mood. If you want to meet like-minded people, then sign up for a hobby club. Research has shown that meeting friends and people with similar views is beneficial for:
    • allow you to calm down and pull yourself together;
    • enhance the sense of belonging to the group;
    • increase self-esteem;
    • help to overcome obstacles.
  5. 5 Don't talk about your ex. This habit can scare your friends off if you allow yourself to complain and criticize the person too often. Try to understand and accept the support of a group of friends so that they do not burn out trying to help you. Say something like this:
    • “I know that this breakup is not easy for me, and I am sorry that you constantly have to listen to my complaints. You are wonderful friends and I am grateful for your support. "
    • “I want to say thank you for making me leave the house today. After being depressed and discouraged, this is exactly what I needed. "
    • “You have shown amazing patience and endurance. Thank you. Without the opportunity to speak out and get advice, it would have been much more difficult for me. "
  6. 6 Surround yourself positive. Sometimes it is helpful to have motivational quotes in visible places in your home. Watching TV shows or movies non-stop is another surefire way to improve your mood.
  7. 7 In special cases, talk to a professional or trusted adult. Many people experience difficulties after breaking up. This is a strong emotional shock, after which the help of a specialist or a more experienced person may be required. A therapist, counselor, elder family member, friend, or school counselor will be your support and support. Conversations can reduce stress levels, gain advice, and increase self-esteem.


  • Try to deal with irritability. Friends and family are well-meaning, but sadness and pain can cause a person to misinterpret comments. Accept the fact that you will be a little on edge until you come to terms with the situation.