Lose weight quickly without spending money

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3-Day Military Diet To Lose Weight As Fast As Possible
Video: 3-Day Military Diet To Lose Weight As Fast As Possible


Losing weight is both a physical and mental challenge for many people. It can also be a financial challenge, as gym membership can cost $ 25- $ 50 a month, sportswear can be quite pricey, and diet pills and supplements end up costing more than you expected. Rather than spending a lot of money to get healthier and lose weight, you could make changes to your daily routine with regard to exercise, diet and lifestyle to work out your tummy without having to empty your wallet .

To step

Method 1 of 3: Create a free exercise program

  1. Create your own training program for at home. Instead of spending a lot of money on a gym membership, consider your home or living environment as your own personal gym. If you have a television, there are several programs you can follow for free at home. These television programs are aimed at stimulating physical activity.
    • You can also look for exercises online if you want to target specific areas of your body or are looking for full-body exercises for weight loss.
    • If you are trying to get back to your old figure, you could start with light exercise, such as taking a 30-minute walk every day. Try to gradually expand your training program. Combine cardio by jogging or running with interval training and stretching exercises.
  2. Do yoga yourself at home. There are many free yoga programs available online for you to take. Often these programs are offered in combination with supporting videos showing how a particular exercise should be performed and which breathing techniques are involved.
    • If you have never practiced yoga before, look for yoga exercises for beginners. Try to do at least an hour of yoga in an open area in your home every other day. In time, you could start practicing yoga on a daily basis.
  3. Go for a run with a group of friends. Involve your friends in your plans to lose weight without spending money by creating a running group. Agree to run for 30 minutes twice a week, and increase the speed and increase the distance over time. This allows you to lose weight with others during a social activity, without having to spend a penny.
  4. Join a sports club. Look for a sports club or association in your area that does not charge registration fees. Some clubs or associations even provide their members with free equipment for the practice of the sport. You should think of tennis rackets, footballs or basketballs and baseball gloves.
    • You could also participate in sports and games activities on a sports field near you. All you need is the will to play and sportsmanship.

Method 2 of 3: Change your eating habits

  1. Try to determine your daily calorie requirement. To lose weight in a short period of time, you need to calculate your daily calorie requirement. You could do this using a "calorie calculator" online to determine how many calories you need to eat to have enough energy to exercise without gaining extra weight.
    • Keep in mind that you shouldn't consume less than your daily calorie requirement, as this can lead to unhealthy weight loss and other health problems. You should also continue to eat healthy food and exercise enough to lose weight quickly in an effective and responsible way. A shortage of calories may result in a rapid loss of weight, but it is an attack on your metabolism. In addition, you usually gain weight immediately as soon as you start eating normally again.
  2. Eat more vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins. Try to have your meals consist of one source of protein, one source of low fat, and one vegetable that is low in calories.
    • Healthy protein sources include protein, soy products and chicken. Fish such as salmon and trout, and shellfish such as shrimp and lobster are also good sources of protein in a healthy diet. Fat-free Greek yogurt is also a great option for including protein and dairy in your diet.
    • For vegetables that are low in calories, you can think of: broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, chard, lettuce, cucumber and celery. Steaming or baking the vegetables, instead of heating them up in fat, ensures that you get all the nutrients and antioxidants for a week.
    • Foods that contain healthy fats include avocados and nuts, as well as olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil. Cooking with these oils will boost your fat percentage without gaining weight.
  3. Avoid carbohydrates, sugars and animal fats. Carbohydrate-rich products and foods with a high sugar content cause your body to secrete insulin. Insulin is the most important fat storage hormone in your body. When your insulin levels go down, your body can start burning fat. It also aids your kidneys in getting rid of excess sodium and water, helping you lose weight from water.
    • Avoid foods that are high in starch and carbohydrates, such as chips, chips, and white bread. You should also avoid foods that are full of sugars. Think of soft drinks, sweets, cakes and other junk food.
    • Animal fats found in red meat and game such as lamb, among other things, are bad for your diet and slow down your metabolism, as they are difficult to digest. Skip the lamb steak or burger for a week as part of your meal plan.
  4. Eat natural sugars instead of artificial sweeteners. Instead of eating a sweet as a quick snack, you could eat a piece of fruit that is low in sugar. Think of raspberries, black currants, blueberries or strawberries. Replace the sugar in your daily cup of coffee in the morning with a natural sugar such as Stevia, a spoonful of honey or agave.
    • Your diet should especially focus on healthy sources of protein, fats and vegetables. But it should also include healthy options with sugar, such as fruit.
  5. Create a meal plan for seven days. Your meal plan should include three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), which should be eaten at the same time each day. You should also include two small snacks in your plan (between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner), which should also be consumed at the same time each day. With this plan you make sure to eat at the same time every day and not miss or miss a meal. When you eat about 1400 calories a day, in combination with daily exercise, it can lead to healthy weight loss. However, this depends on your gender, age, height, amount of exercise and current weight.
    • Create a grocery list based on your meal plan and do groceries every Sunday for the entire week. Fill your fridge with all the necessary ingredients for preparing your meals for the week ahead so that you can do this easily and quickly.
  6. Don't skip meals. Once you have a meal plan and eat at regular times each day, avoid skipping meals or not eating when you are not hungry. Skipping or delaying a meal until you are actually hungry can cause you to overeat or eat uncontrollably.
    • When you sit down to enjoy your meal, avoid distraction so that you can focus on the food. Switch off your computer and television and put your phone aside for a while. Chew your food slowly so that you don't eat too quickly or in a hurry.
  7. Avoid eating out. It is difficult to eat out and eat a healthy meal at the same time. Eating out or taking out food is also not good for the budget you have set for food and you will spend a lot of money unnecessarily. Instead of eating out, focus on preparing your own meals at home. This may mean spending money on healthier foods, but you should eat anyway! Try to prepare meals that promote weight loss, rather than those that make you gain weight.
  8. Drink more water. Save money and reduce your sugar intake by replacing soft drinks and fruit juices with at least eight glasses of water a day. Choosing to stop drinking cola and other soft drinks will significantly reduce your body weight and give you more energy to move. Best of all, water just comes out of the tap at home for free.
    • Always carry a water bottle with you so that you can take sips of water during the day. Taking sips of water helps your body digest food. Avoid drinking large amounts of water in a short period of time as this can cause your belly to expand.
  9. Reduce your alcohol consumption. Another way you can save money and slim your waist is to reduce your alcohol consumption. Alcoholic drinks such as wine, beer and cocktails all contain sugars that are difficult to burn during physical activity. Such drinks will also dehydrate you, so that moisture is retained and you will have less energy to exercise.

Method 3 of 3: Adjust your daily habits

  1. Park further away from work. If you're struggling to get into a daily exercise routine, you could create an easy daily walk by parking your car further from work. For example, park your car at the very end of the parking lot. For example, if you travel by public transport, you could get off one stop earlier on the way to work and when you go home. With this you force yourself into physical activity on a daily basis without having to spend an extra cent.
  2. Take the stairs. When you have the choice between the elevator or the stairs in your apartment complex, the building where you work or in a shopping center, you better take the stairs. Walking up and down stairs is a good cardio workout and will help you lose weight without having to pay for a gym membership.
    • If you've just gotten back to your exercise plan, a thirty-minute cardiovascular workout a day can burn calories without putting too much stress or strain on your body.
  3. Bring your own lunch to work. Prepare your own lunch and take it with you to work to avoid eating out during the lunch hour. Prepare your lunch every night for the next day so that you are not tempted to eat out and spend money on unhealthy foods.
  4. Try to get eight hours of sleep a night. Stress and worry can trigger feelings of hunger and lead to unhealthy eating habits. Try to get a good night's sleep as much as possible so that you are well rested, relaxed and have more energy for your daily physical activity. A good night's sleep can lower your cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone that is produced in greater amounts when you are worried or stressed. Avoid eating due to stress by getting eight hours of sleep a night.