How to buy sound absorbing curtains

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Sound Deadening Curtain Sound Test! Do They Actually Work?
Video: Sound Deadening Curtain Sound Test! Do They Actually Work?


If you live on a busy street, construction work is underway next to your house, or there are very thin walls in your high-rise building, then, most likely, you are prevented from living by the noise that enters your apartment from the outside. There are many ways to protect yourself from extraneous noise, and one such way is to buy sound absorbing curtains. Sound absorbing curtains are much thicker and heavier than conventional curtains - due to the layer of vinyl, which, in fact, absorbs sound. Buy sound absorbing curtains that not only decorate your home, but also effectively minimize outside sounds.


  1. 1 Determine where the noise is coming from in your apartment. Find the wall or window that is most likely to allow ambient sounds to pass through. This is where you should hang your sound absorbing curtains.
  2. 2 Measure the area of ​​the space you plan to use with sound absorbing curtains. This will help you decide on the size of the curtains.
    • Use a tape measure to measure the height and width of a window opening or wall. Most often, sound-absorbing curtains are hung on windows, but if you have such a need, then you can hang them on a wall or door that you do not use.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the thickness of the curtains. Curtains will effectively absorb sound only if their thickness is at least 5-7.5 centimeters.
    • Feel the curtains, pick them up. Sound absorbing curtains cannot be light: they must weigh at least 7-9 kilograms.
  4. 4 Take a closer look at the back of the canvas. Outside, sound-absorbing curtains are no different from ordinary decorative curtains, the secret lies in the lower layer of the fabric, namely in the vinyl backing.
    • Make sure that the soundproofing layer is made of high quality vinyl with added quartz and sand, as these are the components responsible for soundproofing. You can find all the necessary information on the label or packaging, you can also ask the seller the relevant question.
  5. 5 Shop online or buy sound absorbing curtains from a store that specializes in sound insulation. But you are unlikely to be able to buy soundproof curtains in ordinary Tkani stores.
    • Search online for stores that specialize in sound absorbing curtains and other sound insulating materials.
    • Also search the Internet for online stores that sell soundproof curtains.
    • You can also look at the services for the sale of second-hand goods. Buying used curtains will save you a little more.
  6. 6 Do not forget that you will need a special curtain rod. Sound absorbing curtains are quite heavy, so a regular curtain rod will most likely not support their weight.
    • You can buy a suitable cornice and fasteners for it in any Household Products store.
  7. 7 Ask the seller about the warranty for the goods and the rules for the exchange / return of goods. We draw your attention to the fact that not in all stores you can change the curtains or return them back to the store if, for example, they did not suit you in color.


  • Use sound absorbing curtains even if the source of the noise is in your apartment.If you like to listen to loud music or watch TV, or if you yourself play some musical instrument, install all the necessary equipment near sound-absorbing curtains - and you will not disturb your neighbors or bystanders.
  • Consider other types of soundproofing that can be used alongside sound absorbing curtains - soundproofing panels, triple glazing, and so on.


  • Remember that you will hardly be able to achieve complete sound insulation with the help of sound-absorbing curtains, but you can significantly reduce the noise level.