How to have a cool party

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024


Throwing a student party can help you meet new people, strengthen relationships with your friends, and just have a good time. Regardless of why you want to host a party, it is important to give it enough time and attention to plan the event and make the party amazing! You are much more likely to make the party magical by choosing a theme, choosing decorations, and preparing treats and drinks.


Part 1 of 3: Choose a topic

  1. 1 Think about a specific topic. Why would you like to have a party? Are you going to celebrate reaching the semi-finals? Just a Halloween party? Or celebrating a friend's 21st birthday? Thinking about why you are throwing a party will help you decide what you are going to do at the party, who to invite, and what drinks and meals should be prepared.
    • For example, if you want to throw a party to wish a close friend a happy birthday, you first need to decide if this party will surprise him, what birthday cake is best to order, what drinks your friend likes, what music he prefers, who is worth it at all. invite to a party.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the time of year. To plan a party in more detail and prepare for it, you need to consider the time of year. You can arrange themed winter, spring, summer and autumn parties.
    • Plus, the season will help you choose the best outfit for your party. For example, if it's winter, you might throw a winter themed party and ask all guests to dress in white. If it's spring, you can throw a spring-themed party and ask your guests to dress up in pastel colors.
  3. 3 Choose a topic of your interest. If there is something that you love incredibly, you can make that addiction the theme of your party. Maybe you really enjoy cooking, football, cinema, or politics - all of which can be a great idea for a theme party.
    • You can arrange match-watching party... If there is a big game over the weekend, invite your friends and make this game the theme of the party. Ask everyone to wear clothes in the colors of the team you are rooting for, grab something to eat and drink.
    • Culinary party... If you love cooking, you can throw a new recipe party. Ask each of the guests to cook something and bring along the recipe for this dish. Think about what your dish will go with (beer or wine) and enjoy the evening!
    • Cinema marathon party... Pick a few of your favorite movies (or a few movies you've never seen before) and invite your friends for a movie night. Buy popcorn and cocktails, enjoy watching a movie and chatting with friends.
    • Debate Party... Invite friends to watch political debates together. Order pizza and buy a case of beer. Many people like to play different alcoholic games while watching political programs.
  4. 4 Choose a theme for your outfits. There are tons of dress code ideas you can use to make your party really big. Most popular dress code themes:
    • The past decades... Ask guests to dress in the style of the eighties or nineties, you can enter the image of some famous figure from these decades. Another idea is to host an eighties versus nineties party and let the guests choose the look they like best. You can choose from other decades, but the 80s and 90s are the most popular topics.
    • Antique party... Ask all your guests to dress only in sheets and underwear. Some elements of a Greek party can be brought into the organization, for example, you can make a few shots of sambuca, hummus and chips.
    • Party of angels and demons... Everyone chooses clothes in red or white tones and comes in a suit of these colors, you can just wear an angel or devil costume.
    • Light party... Replace any regular light bulbs with dark ones and tell guests to wear white or neon clothes.
    • Horrible Sweaters Party... This theme is perfect for a winter December party. Ask all your guests to buy or make their own the ugliest New Year's sweater imaginable and wear it to the party.
  5. 5 Ask your friends. Since you are inviting your friends to this party, you should ask their opinion and find out what kind of pastime they would like. If you are confused about which party to throw, just discuss the matter with your close friends. Most likely they have interesting ideas!
    • Organizing a cool party is not an easy job, so you can take advantage of the opportunity to make your friends not only guests of the party, but also your helpers in organizing it.

Part 2 of 3: Prepare for the Party

  1. 1 Decide who you want to invite to the party. Regardless of how large-scale the party you plan to throw, you need to decide which of your friends and acquaintances should be invited to it. Make a list of acquaintances whom you would like to see at your party, and then invite everyone by writing to them on VKontakte, Twitter or by telling everyone personally.
    • If you plan to cook or order treats for guests, but are not going to swing, you need to decide a week before the party on how many products / funds are needed for each.
    • If you want to invite more people to your party, you can ask the guests to bring their friends and acquaintances with them.
    • You can invite neighbors to your party so they don't start complaining about the noise in the midst of the fun.
  2. 2 Make a playlist. Building a playlist for a party is a must-have part of planning and organizing. It is very important to make sure you have a lot of good suitable tracks for the evening, so it is worth compiling a playlist with the expectation that the music will last at least 5 hours.
    • When composing your playlist, try to accommodate your guests' musical taste. Don't make a party playlist with only music that you personally enjoy.
    • Consider the theme of the party when choosing music for your playlist. For example, if you decide to throw a party in the style of the 80s, then you need to add as many tracks from these years to the playlist as possible.
  3. 3 Choose interesting alcohol games. Drinking games always makes the party more interesting and makes you the most popular student. Decide which games you would like to play so that they can be offered to the guys at the party. There are several popular alcohol games to consider, including:
    • beer pong;
    • "Drop the glass";
    • "I never";
    • quarters.
  4. 4 Provide yourself with enough space. You may need to make some changes to the decor of the apartment to prepare it for the arrival of guests. Try to prepare everything you need an hour before guests arrive.
    • Make yourself more space in the kitchen or living room to dance comfortably.
    • Find chairs, stools, and other furniture that guests can sit on.
    • Close the doors to those rooms with a key that guests should not enter, or block the entrance to them.
    • Make sure you have enough assorted supplies, such as toilet paper, plastic cups, napkins, and paper towels.
  5. 5 If you live in a home, prepare the entire lot for the party. If you have a backyard that you plan to host your party in, take the time to get your backyard ready for the party.
    • Place some chairs and low tables there.
    • Arrange lanterns, small lanterns, or solar garden lanterns to create the right ambiance.
    • Try installing sprinklers.
    • Leave different games in the yard in advance, such as frisbee and cornhole.

Part 3 of 3: Prepare Food and Drinks

  1. 1 Decide what kind of food you are going to offer to guests at the party. You are the host of the party, so you will need to offer your friends something to eat. Of course, you don't need to cook a fancy full meal. Just order pizza, you can buy chips, cookies and pretzels - that will do just fine too. Chances are, your friends are more likely to want to chat and have fun than to eat.
    • Make sure you have something for everyone. For example, if you have a vegetarian friend, try to have other foods other than cheese and meat dishes.
  2. 2 Ask your friends to bring something with them. Perhaps you have friends who are very fond of cooking, and there are those who do not even know how to boil water. Ask your friends to bring something of their choice with them. You can just tell them what you need to get them an idea.
    • For example, you can ask one of your friends to bring something salty or spicy with them, or someone else to bring some cocktails.
  3. 3 Decide if it's going to be an alcoholic party. Buying alcoholic beverages for the whole company can cost you a lot, and guests are unlikely to expect you to provide them with an alcohol bill. Therefore, it is better to ask everyone to bring something to drink with them.
    • If you're just getting together, you can treat your friends to a crate of beer or a large bottle of vodka with something.
    • If you are going to invite a lot of people, you can invite everyone to chip in or organize a party where everyone brings their own liquor.
  4. 4 Come up with a back-up plan for drinks and snacks ahead of time, because there is always a chance that more people than you planned will come, then snacks and drinks can run out right in the middle of the party. You need a plan for such a case!
    • For example, you might put your pizza phone number out in plain sight, and you might have a sober friend who can bring in some more beer. At a minimum, rooms should have extra bedding and napkins in case the snacks and drinks run out faster than you expected.


  • Try to have a party that you have fun at. Of course, you need to consider the opinions of friends, but there is no point in throwing a party if you don't enjoy it.
  • If you do not invite neighbors to your party, you should at least warn them about your plans. Ask them to warn you before calling the police because of the loud noise.


  • By law, alcoholic beverages can be drunk by people over 18 years old (strong alcoholic beverages - for people over 21). You, as the host and organizer of the party, are responsible for all minors. Keep this in mind when making your guest list and inviting friends.