How to forget a person

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Forget Someone you Love?
Video: How to Forget Someone you Love?


When a relationship is broken, it often seems that life has stopped. Man was everything to you, and now you don't want anything at all. But it's not right. By changing your environment, organizing your thoughts and keeping yourself busy, you can easily leave this person in the past. Try to follow the tips from the article to forget the person and move on to a new and happy life.


Part 1 of 3: Avoid Negative Reminders

  1. 1 Stop physical contact. It is impossible to forget a person if you constantly see him or hear conversations about him. Consider the following options:
    • Plan things so as not to overlap with this person in life. If you go to the same store or your path from work to home is the same, then it is better to change your schedule and habits a little to reduce the likelihood of meeting.
    • In the near future, try to avoid events where this person may be present. Politely explain to people that you cannot come yet because you would not like to have a painful meeting.
  2. 2 Close the door to your electronic life. Today we communicate with many close and dear people not only in life, but also through the screens of electronic devices. Even without seeing a person, you can follow his life. It won't be easy, but you should remove him / her from all social networks and e-applications.
    • Delete that person's phone number and email address.
    • Block his (her) profile on VK, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks.
    • Take steps to prevent accidental contact. For example, you can change your email address.
  3. 3 Ask mutual friends to stop talking about this person. Something very interesting may have happened, but you don't need to know about it. If your friend forgets the request and accidentally reminds of this person, then politely ask to avoid this topic from now on and try to direct the conversation in a different direction.
    • However, you can ask for really important information to be given: if you learn some facts, it may become easier for you. The person may have quit smoking, moved to another city, or lost their job. Let your friends know - if they think that certain information will help you cope with situations, then it is better to share it with you.
  4. 4 Get rid of reminders about this person. Remove from life anything that has painful memories of this person. Lack of daily reminders will help you move on with your life.
    • If you cannot get rid of some things, then put them in one bag and ask a relative or close friend to keep the bag away from you. Six months later, you will have a different attitude to these things.
    • Delete any songs that remind you of the person from the player. Replace them with uplifting, upbeat tracks that give you confidence and a good mood.
    • If you have a common child or pet with this person, then it is obvious that you will not remove them from your life. On the contrary, focus on them and try to give them a decent life.

Part 2 of 3: Change your perspective

  1. 1 Don't let the feeling of revenge take over. It should be understood that when you want to get revenge (by making you jealous, sorry, or upset), you continue to think about this person. You won't be able to move on and forget everything if you are fixated on revenge, so just let go of that feeling.
    • If you believe in a higher power, karma or other form of universal justice, then understand for yourself that this person will still receive his own.
    • If you don't believe that everyone gets what they deserve, then come to terms with the idea that life is not fair. You may have been unjustly offended, but this does not give you the right to retaliate.
    • Don't forget the words of George Herbert: "A happy life is the best revenge." If you live life to the fullest and do not allow yourself to sink to the level of this person, then he will understand that you did not give up after what happened and forgot about it as a not so important event in life.
  2. 2 Take time to express your feelings. If you still can't seem to forget about the person, then try a new approach. Set aside a limited amount of time (an hour or two) to sit down and write down all your feelings about what happened. When the time is up or you have nothing to add (whichever comes first), close the notebook and put it aside. As you think about this person, tell yourself: “No, I have already expressed all my feelings. I will not waste any more time on this. "
    • If you can't do without it, then set aside 10-15 minutes a day for emotions. When they expire, tell yourself that you will come back to this again tomorrow. Every day you will think about it less and less. Even this fact will start to bring you relief.
  3. 3 Get distracted. Fortunately, we can control our thoughts. If you don’t want to think about something, then you don’t need to. Immerse yourself in your studies, work, or activity that requires concentration. When you have something to occupy your head, sad thoughts fade into the background.
    • If you return to these thoughts again, then switch your attention. We all dream in reality and are often surprised at what we are thinking about now. As soon as the brain switches to this topic, convince yourself not to think about it or promise to think about it later (hint: it won't be necessary later). Engage yourself in conversation, play, or other distraction; just a few minutes - and you are saved.
  4. 4 Avoid emotional music and movies. An attempt to forget a person is the basis for mood swings and depression. Now you feel hurt.The last thing you need is external stimuli that provoke unnecessary emotions and experiences, so listen only to positive music and watch cheerful films.
    • Remind your friends of this. Their behavior sets the tone for your mood. When you need a shake-up, you just need to call your friends, and they already know how to cheer you up.
  5. 5 Appreciate yourself. The person you are trying to forget has done wrong to you. After all, he didn't appreciate you enough. Such a person has no place in your life. To understand this, you need to learn to value yourself. You were simply not treated properly. Surround yourself with the right people.
    • Self-respect is the key to a happy life. Remember: you are beautiful! Before you lies a whole world that is full of possibilities. What's your next step?

Part 3 of 3: Bring joy back into your life

  1. 1 Do what you like. To tune in to the right mood, take up a new activity during the time that you previously spent on this person (or could spend thinking about him / her). Start paying attention to a hobby that has always attracted you, sign up for a pool, or find something to do at home. Whatever it is, the activity should bring joy and absorb you so that you are not distracted by anything else.
    • New skills and work on yourself will give you confidence. You may even feel like a new, better person who respects and deserves the best. Working on yourself is the best solution in this situation, which will allow you to raise self-esteem and bring peace of mind.
  2. 2 Eat and exercise properly. Have you ever had times when you just want to eat all kinds of unhealthy foods and watch TV without leaving the couch? But the worst thing is that it does not bring you joy - laziness and junk food do not contribute to the improvement of well-being in any way. With proper nutrition and exercise, you will be filled with the necessary energy and positive thoughts.
    • Fill your diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats. Balance the amount of fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats (fish, nuts, or olive oil) in your food. Avoid junk food that may seem delicious, but is actually completely useless for the body.
    • Exercise for half an hour a day, whether it's walking, swimming, running, dancing, or just cleaning the apartment. Divide this time into several approaches if the schedule does not allow you to allocate half an hour without interruptions. Even the smallest effort, like parking a couple of blocks from your destination and walking, will prove worthwhile over time.
  3. 3 Spend time with friends and family. The best way to occupy your thoughts and time is to surround yourself with the best people who genuinely care about you. It can be mom and dad, brother or sister, best friend, sports team, or just like-minded people. They will make you smile again and show thousands of new meanings in life.
    • When you want to cover yourself with a blanket and be alone, you can set aside a couple of hours for this, and then put an end to this and accept the invitation received, go out to people. At first you may think you did the wrong thing, but in the end you will be glad that you didn’t stay home.
  4. 4 Give yourself time. The human brain knows how to heal itself. The old adage that time heals is relevant even today and in general always. Naturally, our brain focuses on the things that are important here and now, allowing us to forget about the past and change our attitude towards it. Take your time and relax. This takes time. Be patient and your brain will do everything for you.
    • Sadness is a natural state through which necessary pass in most cases. It may take time to complete all five stages, but this is a natural process. Show patience, and gradually everything will work out.
  5. 5 Forgive and forget. It is important to understand that you can forget a person only if you do not hold a grudge against him. If you have completed all of the above, but you still cannot forget the person, then focus on forgiveness. We are all human and we are all wrong. Life goes on as usual.
    • Remember to forgive yourself. Very often people are much more angry with themselves than with others. At that moment, you did what you thought was right. Other people did the same. There is no need to blame anyone or look for the guilty. What happened is gone. By freeing yourself from the burden of the past, you can move freely into the future.


  • By forgetting the person, you can move on, but try to learn a lesson from what happened. Time has not passed in vain if you gained invaluable experience.
  • Never even try to reach out to this person. He may try to contact you, but stick to your decision, not a step back. Remember why you left him.
  • It's always hard to forget a long-term relationship, but know that you deserve the best and no one is perfect. Realize that life goes on and our environment is also changing.
  • Do not drag out the separation process. Cut all ties at once and resist the temptation of theatrical parting (for example, a lengthy "farewell letter"). Just stop.
  • Do what you couldn't do before. Start a new life.
  • Don't try to take all your belongings back. If it's not a diamond ring or something personal, one of a kind, it's best not to mess with this person in order to get it back. DVDs, clothes, toothbrush ... leave them. These are just things. Is it worth it to experience the extra pain of a meeting just to return the usual shorts? Don't trade your dignity for ordinary things.
  • Do not rush to start new relationships in order to forget old ones. This will not lead to anything good.
  • Never try to hate this person; if you try to hate him, he will dominate your thoughts, which will tempt you to think about him day and night. Accordingly, you will not be able to forget this person and will constantly feel irritated.
  • Some people have a place in our heart for a long time (and sometimes even forever), and this is also normal.
  • You do not need to constantly visit the pages of his / her friends on VK, Instagram, Facebook or other social networks. You may stumble across happy shared photos that will only upset you.


  • Never use violence.
  • If a lot of time has passed, and you still have not stopped thinking about the person, then contact a psychologist.