How to prevent fungal infections

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 24 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fungal Infections - Causes, Prevention and Cure
Video: Fungal Infections - Causes, Prevention and Cure


1 or 2 people in 10 have ever been infected with a skin fungus. More than 100,000 types of fungal infections know how to survive on human skin. Fungal infections can live on the human body, while a person will not get sick with a fungus. However, when the skin loses its elasticity, the fungus can spread throughout the skin and cause problems. The following precautions will keep you from growing fungal infections.


  1. 1 Wear loose-fitting, breathable clothing when you are in a damp area. Breathable fabrics are specially made from materials that wick sweat. Fungus tends to thrive in hot and humid weather, and breathable clothing will help you stay dry and fresh at all times.This way, you will prevent the appearance of skin fungus.
  2. 2 Use an underarm antiperspirant deodorant. This kind of deodorant will keep you sweating. The fungus develops where there is moisture. Keeping your skin dry will prevent fungal infections from developing.
  3. 3 Wash your hands and feet often. Remember to wipe them dry. We touch numerous objects with our hands, which can lead to the appearance of fungus. Keeping your hands and feet clean at all times will prevent fungal infections.
  4. 4 Shower every day and always dry yourself with a clean towel, especially if you are in a public wellness center or pool.
  5. 5 Wash your clothes and bedding often to prevent fungal infections from developing.
  6. 6 Wear less athletic shoes that can cause fungus. Never change shoes or socks with anyone.
    • The fungus can be contagious and can quickly infect more and more areas of the skin. If you wear shoes and socks that may have been infected, you could become infected.
    • Let your shoes air out by changing a pair of shoes every three days.
    • Apply talcum powder to your feet and to the skin near your toes. Talc will help your skin stay dry. If you have dry skin, then the fungus is not terrible for you. If you don't have talcum powder, you can use baking soda.
    • Wear sandals or flip-flops instead of barefoot when visiting the community wellness center.
  7. 7 Use bleach to disinfect towels, hats, pillows, bedding, hair brushes, and combs that may have come into contact with someone with ringworm. This disease is caused by a skin infection that mainly affects the scalp.
    • Cats and dogs can get ringworm. Treat your animals to prevent the growth of fungal infections, because the fungus is easily transmitted to humans.
    • Do not share hats, combs, or hair brushes with anyone with ringworm.
  8. 8 If you have diabetes, check your blood sugar. Fungus attacks a weak immune system, and high or low blood sugar can make you vulnerable to fungal infections.
  9. 9 Ask your doctor for help if you suspect you or someone in your family has a fungal infection. Some antifungal ointments are available without a doctor's prescription, such as ointments for fungus on the feet, seborrheic dermatitis, and ringworm. If you suspect malassezia, ask your doctor for a skin scraping to check. Your doctor may prescribe fungal pills or antifungal shampoo to stop the infection from growing on your body. However, fluconazole does not cure malassezia, and ketocanazole is harmful to the liver when taken orally. If you have shingles or bumps and are itchy, use an antifungal shampoo for 3-5 minutes in the shower before rinsing off. The most effective shampoo is Hegor 150 (Climbazole 1.5%), followed by Nizoral (Ketocanazole 1%) and the less effective Selsun Blue (Selenium Sulfide 1.0%). You can also use Hibiclens (Chlorhexidine Gluconate 4%) during the shower, as the fungus can create symbiotic bonds with other microbes, just be careful and keep this shampoo away from your nostrils and ears. Dry your body with a hair dryer, as a towel can erase all the healing film that has appeared after using a special shampoo. Do not use any oil-based lotions, as the fungus can develop as round ulcers (malessezia), which are lipophilic, meaning that fat and oil are metabolized. Oil Free Lotion is not a comedogenic lotion.


  • Thrush is a fungal yeast infection that causes white patches that appear where moisture is present, that is, in the mouth, tongue, and vagina. If you suspect you have thrush, contact your healthcare professional.
  • Nail fungus or onychomycosis causes the nails to turn yellow, crumble, or, conversely, become very durable. It is very difficult to get rid of nail fungus. Your doctor will prescribe a pill or cream for you to treat onychomycosis.

What do you need

  • Casual clothes
  • Underarm Antiperspirant Deodorant
  • Clean towels
  • Talc or baking soda
  • Bleach