How to calculate the value of impurity gold

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
the MATH behind calculating purity of gold 24k 22k 18k 14k 12k 10k
Video: the MATH behind calculating purity of gold 24k 22k 18k 14k 12k 10k


If you have trash gold, you can sell it. Gold prices tend to increase when the economy stagnates or there are concerns about war or inflation. However, before you bring jewelry, dental fillings, gold dentures, gold ore or bullion to a gold store (or mail), you should know the exact value of the gold. pay a reasonable price. Most gold traders keep their calculation of gold's value a secret, but you can find all the information you need to calculate the value of impurities.


Part 1 of 3: Karat classification of gold

  1. Use the magnifying glass to read the karat number on each piece of gold. The first thing you need to do is to determine if your gold is real gold or not. Classifying gold by karat not only helps you evaluate the value of gold, but also identifies things that are not real gold.
    • If you do not see the karat number, you can hire a reputable gold dealer to check it. There is a chance that a portion of your gold is just a gold-plated product, and it will be ascertained by the gold dealer by a chemical test.
    • Note that the majority of gold jewelry produced before 1980 is of a slightly lower quality than the marked karat value. For example, jewelry that is marked 18K is actually only 17-17.5K quality. In 1980, the law on marking and purity of gold jewelry was revised.

  2. Do an acid test on anything you suspect. If you are not sure if something is yellow after looking with a magnifying glass, have it tested. You will have two options: the acid test and the Skey test. Acid testing requires you to have a gold test kit or individual parts to form one set (acid and stone).
    • These test tools can be purchased online or from a jewelry store for a low price, sold individually or in sets. Set will consist of 10K, 14K, 18K and 22K gold test acid bottles, usually nitric acid. In it was a test stone made of gold made of a variety of materials, including novaculite rock or other igneous rocks. This kit may also be supplied with a scale.
    • For jewelry that is supposed to be 14K gold, rub it on the stone and place a drop of 14K acid on the stain it leaves. If the object is truly 14K gold, the mark on the stone will not change when it comes into contact with the acid. If it is 10K gold, the stain will turn brown when exposed to 14K acid. If the stain is completely gone, it is not gold.
    • If the gold is unmarked, try going from the lowest acid up to 22K until the stain turns brown, and then you can assume it is of adjacent lower karat quality. For example, if 18K acid makes no change but 22K acid turns brown, then gold is considered 18K quality. If the 14K acid makes no change but the 18K acid turns brown, the gold is considered 14K quality, and the same goes for other karat tests.

  3. Use the Skey test. For the Skey test, you will first need to buy a gold tester for this method. The gold tester sells for about 1 million dong and can perform 1000 tests. This test is a safe alternative to acid testing, and will determine accurately on metals such as platinum.
    • On suspected gold jewelry, slow a line about 5 mm in length and trace it over the line four times without lifting the tip of the pen from the metal.
    • Immediately mark a line on any blank page.
      • If the yellow is below 10k, the line is light brown and turns green within seconds.
      • If it is 10k gold, the stripe is light brown.
      • If it is 14k gold, the line is dark brown.
      • If it is 18k yellow, the line is orange.
      • If it is 22k gold, the line is yellow.
      • If it is 24k gold, the line is red.
      • If the pen leaves no line, it is not gold.

  4. Separate the gold coin from the remaining gold. If you have gold coins, they may have a greater collectible value than the metal that made them. This value depends on the age, rarity and general condition of the coin. In this case, it is best to bring it to the coin dealer for a valuation. You should really do this as it can make you more money.
    • If you have experience in online auctions, you can sell coins online, but you need a real coin certificate to convince a buyer to pay a premium. In addition, you should also use a payment guarantee system to help customers feel secure with their transactions. The benefit of auctioning (provided you know the real value of the coins) is that the sale price can exceed the price you ask if more than one collectors bid.
    • Read How to determine the value of a gold coin for more information on how to rate coins.

Part 2 of 3: Determination of the gram mass of gold

  1. Buy a scale to weigh impurities. Determining the weight of impurity gold will help you calculate its fundamental value. This is not necessarily the selling price you will be paid for, but is a reference number when you begin to negotiate.
    • Buy a scale for a jeweler. This scale is sold online for less than 1 million VND. This is the best way to accurately weigh the weight of gold, as the jeweler's scale is designed more precisely than your regular scale.
    • Use a food scale if you can't afford a jeweler's scale. If you have a food scale you can use it to weigh gold. Most inexpensive food scales can weigh a minimum of 10 grams, so you'll need to evaluate the scale's functionality if you're going to buy one to weigh gold.
    • If you cannot or do not want to buy a scale, bring gold to the jeweler to have them weigh it.
  2. Scales of impurity gold. Remember to weigh gold in groups based on the quality of their karat. Place the gold on the scale and let the scale stabilize before reading the number. Depending on the scale, there may be a pointer that is closer to a particular gram value, and you take the measurement from that point. However, the more expensive scales will have a digital display so you can read the measured value from the screen.
  3. Convert to grams if the scale is only for units of weight in ounces. Conversion rate is 28,3495231 grams per ounce, or about 14,175 grams / 0.5 ounces.
    • Usually you won't have 30 grams of gold for each karat value, and if you do you have to sum it up by karat quality, so if all the calculations are in the same unit of weight then work work will be more convenient later.

Part 3 of 3: Determining the value of gold

  1. Determine the present value of gold. Knowing how much your gold is worth is very good information when you start the sale process. There is a formula for the exact value of impurity gold in grams, and the only variable in this equation is the current market price of gold. You can find current market prices on the internet or consult your local newspaper. Gold is priced in troy ounces, with each troy ounce equals 31.1 grams. Gold prices fluctuate hourly according to supply and demand, so the afternoon gold price can be very different from the one you saw in the morning.
    • Ideally, you should update information from the internet, this can be done while you are standing at a gold buyer's stall by accessing the internet on your mobile phone.
  2. Divide today's gold price in dong / ounce by 31.1 to get today's gold price in grams. For example, if the gold price per ounce today is VND 36.32 million, the gold price per gram today is VND 1.17 million (VND 36.32 million / 31.1).
  3. Multiplying the quality of gold. For each group of gold, divide the karat number by 24 and multiply the result by the price of gold in grams today. For example, if you have 10K gold and the current gold price is 36.32 million VND / ounce, or 1.17 million VND / gram (36.32 / 31.1), then the price of impure gold is 1.17. million dong x 0.4167 = 487 thousand dong / gram. Use the following conversions to value your gold.
    • 10k = 10/24 = 0.4167
    • 14k = 14/24 = 0.5833
    • 18k = 18/24 = 0.750
    • 22k = 22/24 = 0.9167
  4. Perform analysis to ensure the value of gold. Gold still has to be analyzed to determine the actual percentage of gold. For example, 14k gold analyzed will give 0.575%. When melted, the weight of the gold is reduced due to the alloy used in the process.
    • When analyzing, people use a gold sample taken from your gold to process and assess purity. The gold sample will be melted, separated and weighed to draw conclusions about purity.
  5. Multiply the price of gold by grams by weight in grams. If you have 10 grams of 10K gold and the gold price is calculated at 487 thousand dong / gram, then the value of your gold is 10 x 487 thousand dong = 4.87 million dong. Some examples:
    • If you have 5 grams of 14K impurity gold and today's gold price is 36.32 million dong, then you would take 36.32 million dong divided by 31.1 to get 1.17 million dong. Multiply that number by 0.5833 (14K) and get 682 thousand dong / gram. 682 thousand dong for 5 grams to get 3.41 million dong.
    • If you have 15.3 grams of impure gold, divide 36.32 million dong by 31.1 to get 1.17 million dong, and multiply that by 0.4167 (10K) to get 487 thousand dong / gram. 487 thousand dong for 15.3 grams to get 7.45 million dong.
    • Most people use grams for these operations, but some people who buy gold use the unit of pennium instead of the gram. Each troy ounce equals 20 penni. You can substitute 20 for 31,1 to calculate the pennium in the above formula. You can also multiply weight in pennies by 1,555 to get weight per gram, or divide weight by grams by 1,555 to get your weight in pennies.


  • Never sell diamonds or gems to someone who buys gold. Ask them to remove them from your jewelry and return you; Never take your eyes off these jewels. Do not send diamonds or gems to gold smelting facilities. You will not receive money for selling them and they will almost certainly not return these. A reputable jeweler will remove diamonds or gems and value them before selling the rest of the gold.
  • For a list of reputable US gold traders, you can visit the United States Mint's website about recommended gold and coin traders.
  • Impurity gold dealers (which can be found at pawnshops or stores with a sign that says "we buy gold") may buy gold at 30-60% of its actual value, because They have to process the purchased gold (re-analyze) and sell it for a profit. With today's high profit margins, you should not sell gold to these people. However, you can find places that accept bids at a high rate to their true value and still make a profit. If you are going to sell to a gold store, don't just go to one place, go to many places to ask for the price to get the highest selling price.
  • Gold smelters typically pay 90-98%, and most reputable places have a website that states what percentage they'll actually pay. However, many places specify a minimum weight, usually about 85-140 grams. For small amounts of gold, you can sell on reputable auction sites for approximately 90%, or sometimes more if you have good jewelry that you can use.
  • Old dental gold may be 24K gold, but new dental gold is usually 16K. The karat value of dental gold varies widely, with the common limit being 8K to 18K. The dental white metal looks like platinum, but you should be careful not to confuse it with Carbo-Chlor, which can pass the acid test for gold and platinum. However, you can send them to a gold smelter to be analyzed as gold and platinum.


  • Be aware of government tax regulations regarding the sale of gold. Ask your accountant if you are unsure about this.