How to date a short guy while being a tall girl

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
The Tall Girlfriend and Short Boyfriend - Ending The Bias
Video: The Tall Girlfriend and Short Boyfriend - Ending The Bias


Some girls may feel a little uncomfortable dating a guy who is shorter. If this applies to you, you may need to explore your dating priorities with your shorter boyfriend. You also need to focus on what you like about him (his character or appearance), rather than what you might not like (his height).


Method 1 of 3: Dating Early

  1. 1 Ignore the height filter. When trying to meet online, do not sort the profiles of guys by height. So you might miss out on someone who might be the perfect match for you. And all because of the difference in some few centimeters! In general, you should not specifically indicate the desired height in your profile, as this may alienate some people from you.
    • So, if you mentioned height or wrote "Only tall guys!"And these can be really great guys.
    • The same goes for real life. Don't ignore a guy who starts a conversation with you just because he is a centimeter or two shorter than you.
  2. 2 Deal with your complexes. In other words, many women think they need a tall guy because they are worried about their own body size. Next to a tall guy, they feel less, and, therefore, more feminine. However, your sense of self should not be based on how your body relates to that of a guy. To feel confident in a relationship with a short guy, you need to love your body.
    • First, think about why you find it difficult to be with a guy below you. Do you feel too big around him? Are you ashamed to be taller? Take some time to deal with your feelings.
    • Try to change the way you think. Being shorter than a guy doesn't mean being more feminine. Likewise, being taller than a guy doesn't mean being a giant. It's up to you whether to feel feminine (if you want to) or not.
    • Spend some time in front of the mirror to assert yourself. You might say, "I love my soft, wavy strands." By building self-confidence in this way, you may be able to overcome some of the complexes.
  3. 3 Be casual on a date. If you're going on a first date with a guy shorter than you, you might not want to wear high heels. This does not mean that you have to slouch: your height is your height. However, do not draw attention to the difference in height by adding a few centimeters to yourself. Also, try to refrain from commenting on this difference, unless he himself jokes about it.
  4. 4 Don't make jokes about his height. As well as you may not like jokes about your height, he may be annoyed by comments about his short stature. Try to hold back sarcastic remarks, especially if this is your first date.
  5. 5 Work on your biases. If you've mostly dated guys taller than you, it will probably take you a while to get used to the opposite. But it normal. You can even date other guys while trying to adjust - provided that you both agree to be open-minded. Give yourself the time to get to know the guy and get used to his height.
    • Remind yourself that his short stature does not take away his masculinity, and your tall height does not take away your femininity.

Method 2 of 3: Focusing on the positive

  1. 1 Concentrate on what you like about him. If you are concerned about the difference in height, it means that you pay more attention to the outer shell to some extent. Instead, think about what makes him attractive as a person. It could be his charm, wit, intelligence, or empathy. You can't build relationships around just one growth, relationships are built on personal qualities.
  2. 2 Notice how easy it is for you to kiss him. If you had a boyfriend significantly taller than you, then you had to really reach out to kiss him. With a shorter guy, you are more likely to be closer in height, and it will be easier to kiss. Pay attention to this when you say goodnight to him, and appreciate the fact that you can kiss him without straining your muscles.
  3. 3 Look at the facts. Growth really opens many doors in life, so short guys have to work harder to succeed. And that can be a plus, as research has shown that short guys tend to do more housework than tall guys.
  4. 4 Assess how it adds to your growth. At first, you might feel embarrassed about being taller than the guy, but try looking at it the other way around.For example, many models are taller than their partners, so standing next to a short guy will make you look more like a model than a clumsy watchtower.
  5. 5 Look at other happy couples. Of course, "short guy - tall girl" pairs are not as common as the opposite combination (short girl - tall guy), but in the world you can find many happy couples with about the same parameters as you and your partner. Having watched several of these couples (they can be your acquaintances, random people you meet, or even celebrities), most likely, you will stop worrying about the difference in height. After all, they are more concerned with love for each other.

Method 3 of 3: Dealing with the Age Gap

  1. 1 Tell yourself that you will not let others criticize your growth. That way, if you're trying to date guys or dating someone below you, you don't have to think that you have to hide your height. A lot of people see self-confidence as a sexual trait, so don't try to bend over or slouch so you don't look like you're ashamed of it. It is better to keep your back straight, look people in the eyes and dazzle them with a wide smile.
    • Of course, when meeting someone, you may be tempted to even out the difference in height a little, but that is entirely up to you.
  2. 2 Discard heels. If you do not want to draw attention to the difference in height, you can wear flat shoes most of the time, rather than heels. As a bonus, your feet are more likely to hurt less often! If you want to wear heels, choose a smaller height, not 10-12 centimeters.
  3. 3 Train the "lean". One way to even out the difference in height, especially if you are walking in heels, is to lean slightly to the side, sticking out your hip. Naturally, you need something to lean on. For example, your boyfriend. No need to hunch over. You need to look casual, trying to smooth out the difference a little between you.