Laugh with your eyes

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Habits To Make People Obsess Over You
Video: 5 Habits To Make People Obsess Over You


Laughing with your eyes, aka a Duchenne Smile or smizing, is the most honest kind of laugh there is. If you smile with your eyes instead of just your mouth, you can enchant other people with your smile. The hard thing about smiling with your eyes is that it is very difficult to imitate, when you smile with your eyes you are really happy. Thinking about nice things can help if you want people to believe you're smiting, and if you're really good all you have to do is use your eyes. See the steps below to find out how to go about it.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Practice your smile

  1. Learn what a real smile looks like. Scientists say there are more than 50 different types of laughter and the most genuine smile is the Duchenne smile - a smile that reaches the eyes. The reason that the smile appears more sincere is that the muscles needed to laugh genuinely are not used when laughing out of politeness, but only with a real smile. Every time you smile because something makes you happy or because you find something funny, your smile expresses how you feel, your eyes smile with your lips. They pucker in the corners just like your face so that your whole face smiles.
    • Look at pictures of yourself that you know were genuinely smiling when they were taken or look at something that you know you can laugh about and take a picture of yourself while doing this. Only take the photo if you are smiling sincerely.
    • Now compare the two photos with a photo where you laugh out of courtesy (like a school photo). Can you spot the differences?
  2. Feel the difference in your face. Now that you've seen the difference, think about what the difference feels like. A genuine smile using your eyes and mouth often feels easy, natural and good, while a fake smile (say peanut butter) often feels very uncomfortable because it tires your muscles.
    • If you have identified the difference in feeling between genuine and fake laughter, try to remember this. Now try to smile with your whole face, the more you practice, the easier it gets.
    • Also try to remember what it feels like if you don't smile sincerely. If you get the uncomfortable feeling and see it on your face, you can correct it and make your smile look more genuine.
  3. Now practice on the Duchenne smile. Even though it is difficult, you can also imitate this ultimate smile by squinting a bit, creating small spots under your eyes. Try to imitate the smile while looking in the mirror. If you see crow's feet in the corners next to your eyes as you practice, you are doing well. Once you've mastered this, you can also try to imitate faint or covert smiles.
    • Every time you smile, for whatever reason, it's important to remember to squint a little. Don't overdo this or else your face will look distorted, you need to squint a little bit so your eyes will twinkle.
    • Try to make eye contact while squinting a bit to have a big effect on the person you're smiling at.
  4. Now try to smile with just your eyes. Have you mastered the Duchenne? Then try to laugh without your lips, only the advanced can laugh and radiate happiness without using their lips. That's not to say you should frown your lips, just that you should try to keep your lips still while smiling with your eyes.
    • This kind of smile is great to use if you want to radiate a playful mystery. This is for when you don't want to give away too much by suddenly laughing out loud, this smile only shows that you are satisfied with something.
    • You can also laugh without using your mouth if you want to show an expression of pleasure for a long time, such as in a long meeting where you want to appear as if you are having a good time without appearing fake. Smiling with your eyes makes you appear approachable and positive.

Method 2 of 3: Get in the mood

  1. If you want to laugh genuinely, make sure you are happy. A genuine smile comes from genuine happiness. Research has shown that happiness does not have to do with goods or achievements, but mainly with how someone thinks about life. In other words, try to be optimistic and you will naturally start to laugh genuinely.
    • Remember that children in particular laugh genuinely. They don't worry about anything because their life is quite straightforward compared to that of adults. Try to follow their lead and be a bit more relaxed and playful.
    • Don't try to force a laugh unless you are really happy. Stop pleasing others. If you are constantly smiling to be polite and pleasant, you mainly try to keep your face straight and you cannot show a Duchenne. A real smile comes from your happiness and not someone else's.
  2. Try to find a "happy place". If the situation doesn't make you happy and you still want to appear that way, you can always think about it. Think of something that makes you happy, something that always makes you laugh.
    • This exercise will help you discern what really makes you happy. Look in the mirror and cover everything under your eyes with a handkerchief. Then think aloud about what really makes you happy while you smile.

You will notice that your eyes twinkle at times and that sometimes crow's feet can be seen around your eyes. That's the Duchenne smile! The best way to imitate this smile is to think of a memory of happiness and then let your face do the work. Have faith in your smile. If you are too concerned about the color or straightness of your teeth, or what your gums look like, or how your breath smells, you may be subconsciously suppressing your smile because you feel embarrassed. Managing the issues you worry about will help you relax so that your smile is more genuine.

    • Two possible ways to ease your discomfort are to whiten your teeth and make sure your breath smells good.
    • If you really want to be able to perform the Duchenne properly, you have to use your eyes more. Maintain your eyebrows and use makeup to accentuate your eyes.
  1. Try not to be overly self-aware when talking to people. Try to live in the moment as much as possible without thinking about it too much. Look into the eyes of your conversation partner and really try to see the person. If you are really happy to see someone and he / she says something that makes you happy, your natural smile will immediately appear. If you are nervous about how you appear to other people, it will show in your smile. So try not to worry about what kind of impression you make and allow yourself some more expressive behavior.
    • Pay attention to the smile of your conversation partner. Is the smile of your conversation partner with or without the use of his / her eyes. When you see your conversation partner showing a Duchenne, you know it's a real smile. This can help you feel more comfortable and relax a bit more.
    • However, if your conversation partner's smile comes across as fake, it makes it more difficult for you to show a Duchenne. If you still want to seem sincere, try to think of good memories, and don't forget to look a little cross-eyed.

Method 3 of 3: Try out other styles

  1. Squinching. This technique is similar to smizing, but it mainly targets the eyelids. The idea is that you lower your eyelids a little and at the same time look a little squint. While doing this you should also laugh a little with your mouth but not too much. This technique is more subtle than smiling with the eyes and gives the impression that you are friendly and interesting. According to some, this technique makes you more photogenic because you radiate more confidence and sex appeal.
  2. Teeging. This technique focuses mainly on the mouth but also uses the eyes. When you touch, your mouth opens slightly so that your teeth can be seen while at the same time pushing your tongue against your teeth. While doing this, use your eyes to squeeze or smack. If you master this technique, you will come across as playful and cute.

If you want to use this technique for a selfie, you have to take the photo from the side instead of the standard selfie, holding the camera right in front of you. #Relax and laugh out loud (aka LOL). While laughing out loud, try to hold your smile and take a selfie the moment you see your real smile. This technique makes you appear happy, funny, and attractive, rather than fake or forced.


  • When you smile you have to use your real smile. Never be told how to laugh. Smile the way you want and your smile will look great.
  • Using the Duchenne creates wrinkles. This in itself makes sense since happy people don't let a few wrinkles choke them.
  • If you have trouble laughing due to facial tension or a headache, you can do exercises to relax yourself.


  • If you don't master the techniques you can look very strange!