How to exercise at lunchtime

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to make the most of a lunchtime workout
Video: How to make the most of a lunchtime workout


If you don't like getting up early in the morning to get to the gym before work, or have other things to do in the evenings, workouts at lunchtime may be right for you. It is very convenient to go in for sports during the day if you have children and you cannot find another time for it. However, exercising at lunchtime can be tricky, especially if your lunchtime is very short (for example, half an hour). To do this, you need to plan your workout ahead of time and make it intense and fast.


Method 1 of 4: Complete Workout

  1. 1 Focus on intensity over workout duration. A short workout can be as effective as a long workout if the intensity is high. This means that you will need to increase the weight or do your reps faster.
    • The easiest way to work out effectively for lunch is to take your regular workout and make it more intense.
    • For example, if you usually do 40 minutes of strength training, increase the weight and do fewer reps to do 15-20 minutes.
    • Do only those exercises that you know how to do. Lunch break is not the time to practice new movements. Improper technique can lead to injury.
    • Do exercises that target more than one muscle group. This will allow you to work your entire body in less time.
  2. 2 Do not stretch all your muscles as you warm up. You may be accustomed to stretching for 5-10 minutes, but if your entire workout lasts 15-20 minutes, you will only waste time. A warm-up is certainly necessary, but you should not do a complex stretching as it.
    • It is important to warm up those muscles that will work during your workout.
    • Run in place for 5 minutes, doing a few twists or side bends. This will allow you to prepare your body for your workout.
    • To shorten your warm-up time, you can start to warm up on your way to the gym. If your office is on a high floor, take the stairs, especially if you plan on doing aerobic exercise or working your legs.
  3. 3 Try high-intensity circuit training. Circuit training is a set of exercises that is performed quickly and in several approaches. For example, you jump for a minute, bringing your arms and legs apart, then do push-ups for a minute, then perform lunges or squats for a minute and swing your abs for a minute. After a short pause, everything must be repeated once or twice. Since all exercises are performed in a circle, the workout is called a circle workout.
    • Rest between sets should be from 20 seconds to 2 minutes.
    • Circuit training does not have to be either strength or aerobic, although it will also be beneficial this way. You can alternate fast and intense strength exercises with aerobic ones, and then again with strength exercises for another muscle group.
    • Circuit training can work out different muscle groups in one session. It is important not to put too much stress on the same muscle group. For example, after push-ups, it is better not to do exercises on the same muscles, but to pump the lower body (for example, using squats). This will give your hands some rest.
    • If you have never done a circuit training program, watch the videos or work out with an instructor once to understand what to do and at what pace.
  4. 4 Try climbing the stairs. Many people are embarrassed to practice in front of others, at least in the beginning. It is convenient to play sports on the stairs during your lunch break. It is usually cool and not crowded there, and these are ideal conditions for sports. You can walk, run fast or slow, or even do bodyweight strength exercises.
    • Be careful - falling down stairs can cause serious injury. Consider if your fitness level allows you to safely train on the stairs.
  5. 5 Take advantage of the opportunities that your job gives you. Some office buildings have gyms. Sometimes companies pay their employees for gym membership. If you have the opportunity to play sports near work or at the expense of the company, do not refuse it - this way you can save money and time.
    • If you are unsure if your firm provides such bonuses, ask a colleague or manager. They will be able to tell you what you can do and what you need to do.
    • You should warn your manager that you intend to play sports at lunchtime, especially if you usually dine in the office, and everyone is used to the fact that you can be contacted at lunchtime.
    • You may be able to find a colleague who wants to join you. Unless you are distracted by the presence of another person, it will be easier for you to exercise and stay motivated.
  6. 6 Don't overload yourself with exercise. A short workout should be more intense if you want to get results, but it shouldn't exhaust you into unconsciousness, otherwise you won't be able to work.
    • Try working out on the weekend to see how you will feel and if the stress will not be overwhelming.
    • Remember not to do exercises that make you sweat a lot because you will need to return to work after exercising.
    • The amount of sweat that will be generated during a workout is individual, but may also depend on environmental conditions and the type of exercise. Keep this in mind when planning your lunchtime workout.
    • For example, if you intend to run in a nearby park, consider the weather conditions. It might be nice to run during the cooler months of the year, but it gets too hot in summer.

Method 2 of 4: Quick and Easy Exercises

  1. 1 Do aerobic exercise for a minute. If you have a lot of space in your office and you will not interfere with your colleagues, try jumping or walking in place for 60 seconds to make your heart beat faster and to diversify your work day.
    • If you work in an open office, you can hardly do this without attracting the attention of others. However, you can go to the hallway or conference room.
    • These exercises can be done throughout the day, not just at lunchtime, although they can work for lunch as well.
    • For example, jump in place with your arms and legs open and close as your lunch is heated in the microwave.
  2. 2 Try standing up. If your office has such an opportunity, work while standing, not sitting at a desk. If you can't stand up to type, stand while talking on the phone or reading paper documents.
    • You can try replacing the chair with a fitball. It will keep your muscles toned even when you are sitting.
    • If you move more during the day, your heart rate will accelerate and your muscles will work faster. It is unlikely that you will noticeably strengthen muscles or lose weight, but you will definitely feel healthier and more energetic.
  3. 3 Do table push-ups and squats on one leg to strengthen the muscles. If you don't have time to go to the gym, you can do strength training without leaving your workplace. These simple exercises will help you strengthen your muscles without choking or sweating a lot.
    • Push-ups are performed as follows: stand in front of a table, bend over and rest your palms on the table, then take a step or two steps back to form an angle. Start pushing up. This exercise will strengthen the muscles in your chest, shoulders, arms, back, and core.
    • Do one-legged squats near your desk, near the printer, while documents are being printed, or while you are on the phone.
    • To strengthen the muscles in your lower body, lift your legs. This can be done while sitting at a table.
    • Lift one leg over the chair and extend in front of you. Keep it straight for a while, then lower it a little, but don't let it touch the chair. Do 10-15 repetitions on each leg.
  4. 4 Walk or go up and down the stairs. Skip the elevator and approach your colleagues yourself when you need to tell them something. This will allow you to move more at work. If you drive to work by car, park your car away from the building entrance.
    • When you need to say something to a colleague, it's always easier to call or send an email. But if you get up and walk around to talk in person, you will force yourself to move. It is possible that this will even save you time, since you can discuss the issue and find a solution without delaying the correspondence.
    • If you don't want to spend your entire lunch in the gym, you can walk up and down the stairs for 10-15 minutes.
    • You can also briskly walk or run around the building to warm up. This way you don't even have to change.
  5. 5 If you cannot leave the table, do simple stretching exercises. There are exercises that will be especially helpful for people who spend most of their work time sitting.
    • Sit upright in a chair with both arms extended above your head as high as possible. Stretch for 10 seconds, and then try to stretch each arm even higher in turn.
    • While sitting, turn your head to the left and turn your body to the right. This is a yoga pose. Stretch as you inhale. Repeat on the other side.
    • Sit up straight and try to bring your shoulder blades together as much as possible. This exercise is good for your shoulders and chest muscles.
    • Stand up and stretch your legs as you would for a run. For example, bend your knee, grab your foot and pull it up to your buttocks, then change your leg. These exercises are good for the quardriceps.

Method 3 of 4: Nutrition

  1. 1 Prepare lunch in advance. To have more time for sports, prepare lunch at home and fold it in the evening.Take lunch and healthy snacks to work.
    • Don't buy convenience foods that need to be reheated in the microwave. You will waste valuable minutes while the food is being prepared.
    • It will also make it difficult for your body to digest such food after an intense workout.
    • It is best to take to work food that you can eat right away: salad, sandwich, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. 2 Grab a pre-workout snack. Take a protein shake or granola bar to work and grab a snack half an hour before your workout. This will give you the strength you need for a short, intense workout.
    • Eat a complete meal with protein for breakfast. Try almond flakes, yogurt, or eggs.
    • Keep your snack small, especially if you exercise to lose weight. If you eat a heavy meal before training, you will not burn many calories.
    • Read the ingredients on energy bars before you buy them. Don't waste your money on bars that are too high in calories or sugar and preservatives.
  3. 3 Eat something light and low in fat for lunch. Eat lunch as soon as possible after your workout. If you exercise during your lunch break, this does not mean that you can skip meals. Better to eat something high in protein and complex carbohydrates. Such food will help the body recover from physical activity.
    • A sandwich with lean meat (chicken, turkey) would be ideal. Bread will give your body the carbohydrates it needs to rebuild your muscles. Choose bread made with whole grain flour - it will take longer to digest. Fiber and protein will give you strength.
    • The salad will also be healthy and can be prepared fairly quickly. Dress the salad not with mayonnaise dressings, but with olive oil or a light Provencal dressing based on vinegar.
    • Many people don't digest dairy well after exercise, so avoid cheese and other greasy dressings and sauces.
  4. 4 Take a hearty snack to work to help you recover from exercise. If your lunch is low in carbohydrates, you might find it helpful to eat special energy bars or drink shakes to give your body the energy it needs and help you work out for the rest of the day.
    • Carefully study the composition of finished products before purchasing. Don't buy bars that are high in preservatives and sugar.
    • If you enjoy nibbling more, keep almonds on your desktop.

Method 4 of 4: How to effectively manage your time

  1. 1 Plan your workout ahead of time. You will save a lot of time if you know exactly what exercises you want to do and where. If you don't plan ahead, you will be wasting energy but not getting the benefits of exercise.
    • The easiest way is to run or work out on an ellipsoid or similar machine during your lunch break. This kind of workout will give your body a cardio load.
    • To add strength, wear weights on your wrists or ankles for a few minutes. Remember that weights cannot be worn for a long time - this can lead to injuries to the shoulders, knees, hips and ankles. Wear the weights for no longer than 10 minutes.
    • If you plan on working out in the gym but don't want to plan your workout yourself, try signing up for an afternoon group session.
    • Group lessons are not for you if you always have lunch at different times. In this case, you will have to think over a training plan yourself. Watch the video tutorials to see which exercises to include in your workout.
  2. 2 Fold down your gym bag for tonight. Prepare sportswear and all other items in advance and put them in your bag. Put your bag near the door - so you won't forget it at home and you won't have to return.
    • Fold lightweight clothing made from breathable materials to help sweat evaporate from the surface of your skin.
    • Take some clean linen with you. Lingerie absorbs a lot of sweat and you probably won't want to wear it for the rest of the day.
    • If you need to clean up after a workout, fold in some deodorant or antiperspirant. It is convenient to wipe off sweat after exercise with wet wipes.
  3. 3 Go to the gym near work. If you want to work out in the gym or fitness club, look for a place near work. This way you don't have to spend a lot of time on the road.
    • If the gym is within walking distance, you will stretch before training as you walk into the gym.
    • If you have a subscription to a network room near your home, find out if there is a branch of this room near your work.
  4. 4 Choose clothes that are easy to put on and take off. If you intend to play sports at lunchtime, you should not wear complex wrinkles like blouses and suits that need to be hung in a certain way and that cannot be quickly buttoned.
    • If you have a business-casual style at work, it will be easy for you to choose clothes with a workout in mind.
    • If the dress code at work is strict, it will be more difficult for you, but still, choose things that can be easily put on and off and that can be folded, not just hung.
    • Place a scent sachet in your gym bag to keep your work clothes fresh while you exercise.
  5. 5 Simplify post workout hygiene. You probably won't have time to shower and tidy up at lunchtime.
    • Wipe your skin with a damp cloth after your workout to keep you fresh for the rest of the day. Towel off any sweat to keep your skin moist.
    • Apply a deodorant or antiperspirant to your skin after exercise. If you sweat a lot, buy an antiperspirant body spray,.
    • Prepare for your workout while still at home. If you usually do makeup for work, you shouldn't do a lot of makeup on workout days.
    • Give preference to dual-use products. Instead of foundation, apply a tinted moisturizer to your face. Powder your nose, chin, and eyebrows after your workout for a fresher look.