How to convert miles per gallon to liters per 100 kilometers

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Unit Conversion: 17.6 liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km) converted to  miles per gallon (mpg)
Video: Unit Conversion: 17.6 liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km) converted to miles per gallon (mpg)


US residents measure fuel consumption in miles per gallon (miles / gallon), while other countries measure fuel consumption in liters per 100 km (l / 100 km).

There are many converters on the internet that automatically convert miles / gallon to l / 100 km; however, teachers often require that calculations be presented on paper. This article shows the algebraic method for converting miles / gallon to l / 100 km, that is, a simple expression is given in which you need to substitute the appropriate number. In this expression, "miles / gallon" units will be abbreviated and "l / 100 km" will remain (which is correct since miles / gallon are converted to l / 100 km).

The article starts with an expression to convert, and then it walks through the process of obtaining that expression and provides an example.


Method 1 of 1: Converting miles / gallon to l / 100 km

  1. 1 Find the mpg you want to convert to l / 100 km and plug it into the expression below.

    ____ miles / gallon *     1 miles / l    
    3,7854 miles / gallon
    *    1   
    x mi / l1
    * 62.1371 l / 100 km
    1 l / miles
    = ? l / 100 km
  2. 2 Perform calculations to get the final result in l / 100 km. Note: 1 / x miles / L is the inverse of the value.
  3. 3 Explains the process of obtaining an expression for conversion. The first step is converting the volume from gallons to liters. For this, a conversion factor is used: 1 gallon = 3.78541178 liters. The second step is to get the reciprocal of the value found. This is done in order to convert mpg to l / 100 km. The third step is converting miles to kilometers. For this, a conversion factor of 1 km = 0.62137119 miles is used; in our case, we are dealing with 100 km, so we multiply 0.621371 by 100 and get 62.1371.
  4. 4 Example. Using the expression above, convert 30 mpg to l / 100 km.

    30 miles / gallon *     1 miles / l    
    3,7854 miles / gallon
    *    1   
    x mi / l1
    * 62.1371 l / 100 km
    1 l / miles
    = 7.84046 l / 100 km
  5. 5 You have just converted mpg to l / 100 km.
  6. 6 For a direct conversion, you can divide 235.214 by the miles / gallon. Example:
    235.214 / 30 miles / gallon = 7.84046 l / 100 km