How to reestablish a relationship with your best friend

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Build Closer Friendships
Video: How to Build Closer Friendships


If you haven't spoken to your friend for a while, or if there is a serious conflict between you, you may feel that building relationships in the given circumstances is a very difficult task. You may be worried that your friend won't want to talk to you, or you fear feeling awkward. However, it is worth trying to resolve the conflict that has occurred or to establish communication after a long break - this will help you to restore the relationship with your friend.


Method 1 of 3: Resolving a Conflict

  1. 1 Reflect on the conflict. After an argument with a friend, you may feel upset, angry, or resentful. Focus on these feelings and think about the reason for them. While the fight may have significantly affected your relationship, your friendship should not be viewed in the context of one conflict situation. Think about the fight in your friendship, which is likely to last for more than one day.
    • Write down your thoughts. Chances are, you find it difficult to sort out your feelings and emotions after an argument. Take time to write down your feelings. Also, mention what you regret.
    • Remember that fights are an integral part of any relationship. However, if treated correctly, they can even strengthen your friendship.
  2. 2 Be prepared to apologize. The fight may not be your fault, but if you want to reconnect with your friend, you need to be above the situation and take the first step to apologize. Think about what you did wrong, and be prepared to admit your mistake and apologize when you talk to your friend.
    • You can say: “I am very sorry that I said such hurtful words to you. I know this behavior is unacceptable. I don’t want to behave like that when communicating with loved ones, especially with my best friend. I hope you will forgive me. "
    • Your friend will probably be very moved by your words and will apologize in return. Be sure to think about what words or actions your friend did to hurt you. Over time, you will be able to talk to him about it.
    • You will most likely need a little time before you apologize. This is fine! Wait until you calm down and can consciously take this step.
  3. 3 Contact your friend. After you have thought things through carefully, you can turn to your friend. If you have his number, write or call him. You can also contact him using a social network or through mutual friends, if necessary.
    • You can write something like this: “Our last meeting ended in a quarrel. I thought a lot about this, about my words and actions, and I want to tell you that I am very sorry about what happened. I miss you and would like to sit down and talk to you if you have time. "
    • If your friend doesn't want to date you, consider writing an apology letter to him, as you don't have the option of asking for forgiveness in person. This way, you will at least understand that your friend knows that you are sorry about what happened and want to move forward, regardless of his reaction.
  4. 4 Set aside time for a meeting. If your friend has agreed to meet you, make an appointment. Choose the most appropriate time for both of you. Also, make sure that you have no other plans for this day, as your conversation may drag on.
    • You can say: “Do you want to go somewhere and talk? We can have lunch or walk together. "
    • Schedule a meeting in neutral territory, in a quiet place. A park or café is a great place to relax and have a good time. A pleasant atmosphere will create the mood for a less stressful conversation.
  5. 5 Be honest and sincere. Chances are, your best friend knows you well, so he can easily tell if you're sincere with him. When apologizing to a friend, keep the following points in mind.
    • Apologize for the words and actions you really regret.
    • Reassure your friend that you will try not to make these mistakes in the future.
    • Admit and take responsibility for your share of the conflict.
    • Don't make excuses for your behavior.
    • Don't try to prove yourself right.
  6. 6 Listen. You may have thoroughly considered the conflict and your role in it, but you still cannot fully understand why the friend reacted in this way. Listen carefully to your friend to see what really hurt his feelings. This incident could be the last straw for him and cause misunderstanding. Perhaps you, too, have repeatedly been rude to your friend in the past and did not take his opinion into account.
    • Apologize for all the rash words and deeds that were committed by you before the conflict situation. If your friend tells you not to apologize, don't take them seriously, they may just want to end the conversation. Please be sincere in your apology.
  7. 7 Offer your friendship. After you apologize and respond positively to your friend, tell him that you really miss and want to improve your relationship. This is a great way to end a conversation on a positive note and express your wishes.
    • You might say, “I’m sorry that I hurt you, but I don’t want my mistake to end our friendship. Do you agree to be friends as before? "
    • Don't give an ultimatum or force your friend to make a decision immediately if they're not ready for it.
  8. 8 Give him some space. After a tough conversation, it will probably take your friend some time to think about what he has heard, and that's okay. Hug your friend at the end of the conversation, if they don't mind, and ask them to contact you when they're ready.
    • You may say, “I know that one day is not enough to ponder my words, and your pain may still be fresh from our quarrel, so please take time to reflect on my words and contact me when you you will be ready. "
    • It can take a lot of time and effort to rebuild trust, especially after a serious argument. Apologies alone may not be enough. However, if you give your friend some personal space, the chances are that they will start to trust you again.

Method 2 of 3: Recovering Relationships After Time Spent

  1. 1 Contact your friend. Perhaps you want to re-establish a relationship with a friend who went to school or worked with and whom you haven't seen for several years. The first step you need to take to renew your friendship with this person is to contact them. If you have his phone number, call or write a message.
    • You can say, “I hope you're doing well! We haven't talked for a long time, but lately I've been thinking a lot about you and wanted to know how you are doing and what you are doing. "
    • Connect with him using social media. If you don't have his phone number, try using social media to find this person and contact him.
    • Contact him through mutual friends. If you have mutual friends, reach out to them and ask them to help you reconnect with this person.
  2. 2 Find out how his life turned out. Take some time to chat with your friend after you contact him. Find out what's new in his life since you last met. Ask about school, work, his parents, or romantic relationship.
    • Be sure to show genuine interest by taking an interest in his life. This will make your friend see that you care about him and are more likely to want to re-establish friendly relations with you.
  3. 3 Tell a friend about your life. Listen to your friend's story, and then tell him what happened to you. Share your news with him, for example, if you went to school or got a promotion. Share even minor news that you think will be of interest to him.
    • You might say, “I recently went to university and I'm very happy about it. I remember you were going too? "
    • Be careful not to dominate the conversation and talk about yourself all the time.
  4. 4 Schedule a meeting in a place where you can have a quiet conversation. If you live in the same city or close to each other, take the time to meet with the friend in person. Such a meeting will be much more useful for strengthening the relationship than communicating through messages or phone calls. If you live far from each other, try Skype.
    • You can invite a friend by saying, “Do you want to have lunch together in the city center or go to the cinema? I would love to talk to you. "
    • Choose a quiet and peaceful meeting place. You can have coffee or lunch together.
  5. 5 Talk about why you stopped communicating. If you haven't spoken in a while, you should discuss why this happened. Perhaps one of you moved to another city or country and recently returned back, or over time you simply drifted apart. Either way, talk about why you lost touch.
    • Do your best to keep your conversation casual. Don't force your friend to talk about things they don't want to talk about. Avoid tension while talking.
    • Try to start the conversation like this: “I'm so glad we met. I often think about why we stopped communicating. When you left, I understood that everything would be different, but I did not think that I would miss you so much. "
  6. 6 Promise your friend to stay in touch. After talking to your friend, tell them that you don't want to lose touch with him and that you enjoy spending time with him. Since this person was your best friend, he will most likely be happy to rebuild the relationship. Promise your friend that you will call and meet with him as often as possible. Don't be limited to words. Bring your words to life.
    • Keep your promises and keep in touch with a friend. This will help you rebuild your friendship. If you really want to reconnect with your friend, try to stay in touch with them.

Method 3 of 3: Restoring Relationships

  1. 1 Keep in touch with your friend. After the first conversation, continue to chat with your friend regularly. Call and text him at least once a week. Your age and life circumstances will affect how often you can communicate. For example, if you are in high school, you can chat with your best friends every day. However, if you are already working, it is likely that you find it difficult to communicate with friends too often, since you have many other responsibilities.
    • Pay attention to who is the initiator of your meetings. If you find that most of the time you are inviting your friend to spend time together, then you might want to give him more personal space. If he is the first to take steps forward, your friendship will become stronger, and you will not worry about the fact that your relationship is one-sided.
  2. 2 Remember the past. Share with each other pleasant memories from the past. Look together a photo album or joint photos on social networks. Remember something nice from the past. Warm memories will be a good basis for restoring a relationship.
    • For example, you can say: “Do you remember how we went to the movies with you and laughed to tears? It was a wonderful time. We had so much fun together. "
  3. 3 Do what you did before. In addition to your memories, try bringing them to life again! If you enjoyed going to the beach, going to the movies, or playing sports together, start doing it again. This is a great way to remind each other of why you became friends, and a great opportunity to reconnect.
  4. 4 Rebuild trust, if necessary. Another way to strengthen a restored relationship is to develop trust. Even if you feel like your relationship is the same, chances are you will have to work hard to restore trust. Communicate as often as possible to develop mutual trust.
    • You can develop trust by sharing secrets with each other. Gradually start talking about yourself and encourage your friend to do the same. You can even do it in the form of a game.
  5. 5 Do something new together. In addition to your old favorites, you can try something new for both of you! Doing something new is a good way to get out of your comfort zone and overcome your fears together.
    • Cook a new meal together or try an untested sport.
    • You can also conquer your fears together, such as your fear of heights, by riding a roller coaster or something similar.
    • Your friendship can change in unexpected ways. Accept these changes. Try not to be limited to what came before.
  6. 6 Enjoy new friendships. Perhaps everything will fall into place, and you will feel that time and distance did not affect your relationship at all. It is wonderful. However, your friendships can be different, and that's fine too. Enjoy your new, stronger and more mature friendships and be glad that your friend is with you again!


  • Be there when your friend needs to talk.
  • Listen to your friend. Friends will appreciate you more if you listen to them.
  • Try to avoid conflicting topics during communication.
  • Unobtrusively invite your friend somewhere. For example, you might say, "The girls and I went swimming the other day, would you like to come with us next week?" Again, gently ask if your friend would like to take one of his friends.


  • Don't beg!
  • Don't ask directly if you are best friends. You will look too intrusive and can put yourself and your friend in an awkward situation.
  • If a person no longer wants to be your friend, that is their choice. Just accept it.