How to get a guy's interest

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Lil Nas X, Jack Harlow - INDUSTRY BABY (Official Video)
Video: Lil Nas X, Jack Harlow - INDUSTRY BABY (Official Video)


If you want a certain guy to pay attention to you, then work on your personality. As a rule, people are attracted by confident, kind and independent personalities. Also, don't forget about looks. Choose clothing that flaunts you. When you talk, flirt with your guy, mimic his body language, and smile.


Part 1 of 3: Personality

  1. 1 Be confident. People are attracted to confident personalities, so feel free to be yourself. For example, be moderately eccentric if it's part of your personality. Don't doubt yourself to get the right guy's attention.
    • Confidence is about enjoying whatever you like openly and without embarrassment. Have fun dancing, video games, or books, and don't worry about looking “cool”.
    • Also, do not forget to control yourself. Do not state your opinions, tastes and views as the only correct ones, but feel free to talk about them.
  2. 2 Be kind. If a guy sees your kindness towards others, then he will most likely want to communicate with you. Show compassion and love for those around you - family, friends, and even strangers - to please the guy you want.
    • Kindness manifests itself in the little things. Hold doors for others, never be late for appointments, take an interest in your friends' lives, and smile at those around you.
    • Kindness is also about being patient and understanding the people around you. If a friend lashed out at you because of a difficult day, then accept your apology and don't make her feel uncomfortable.
  3. 3 Embrace the new. The guy should understand that he will be able to spend time with you and at the same time not give up his favorite activities. People like those with whom you can negotiate, so don't be afraid to try new things - order unfamiliar dishes in restaurants and watch films of different genres.
    • If the guy has unusual hobbies, then he will be very flattered by your sincere interest. For example, if he collects unusual items, then it is better not to goggle, but to ask questions.
  4. 4 Stay positive. Everyone likes people who are optimistic about life. Pay attention to the little things that will brighten up even your worst day, whether it's a fun conversation or a favorite meal. If you stay on a positive wave every day, then you can charge others with positive.
    • A positive mindset is not always effortless. Catch negative thoughts and try to look at the situation differently. For example, if you think, "I'm late for my first lesson. I'm in trouble!"
  5. 5 Don't push yourself. The guy should feel that he is free to be himself, so sometimes he needs to be alone. Respect his personal space and find your own hobbies that have nothing to do with the guy. Show that you have friends, interests, and hobbies of your own. He will see an independent person and will certainly show interest in you.
    • For example, if he asks you out on a date that evening when you have already made an appointment with your friends, then do not rush to cancel your original plans. If you immediately change your intentions, then the guy may think that you are too fixated on him, so arrange to meet another time.
  6. 6 Chat about interesting topics. Conversations shouldn't be boring and repetitive.If the conversation has run its course, then say goodbye or change the subject. Avoid awkward idle talk.
    • Ask good questions to keep the conversation going. For example, if a guy talks about a book he is currently reading, then say, "I like it too! What's your favorite moment?"
    • You can always be interested in a guy's hobbies. For example, if he's an avid movie buff, check out his favorite films.

Part 2 of 3: Flirting Rules

  1. 1 Touch it. Find reasons to touch your boyfriend to show your interest and make him want new contact. For example, while talking, you can nudge him slightly with your elbow, or place your palm furtively on your forearm. If the guy responds to the touch, then he probably liked you.
    • The guy should know that you are interested in him, but any action should be comfortable for you. If you are embarrassed to touch him, then first try to just get closer.
  2. 2 Give compliments. Add small compliments to the conversation. Try to be sincere, as the guy will always notice blatant flattery. Find an opportunity to seize a moment so that your admiration naturally flows from the topic of the conversation.
    • When you first try to flirt, you can use common phrases. For example, say: "I was glad to see you yesterday!"
    • Use more personalized compliments as you get acquainted. For example, if he cannot decide what is better to come to the next match, then say: "You always look great, so I am sure that you will make the right choice."
  3. 3 Smile and make eye contact. Smiling is one aspect of flirting. Try to keep your smile on your face when you talk to your boyfriend. You can also laugh at his jokes and smile more often when he talks about something exciting.
    • Maintain eye contact. Look openly at the guy for a few seconds, then look away.
  4. 4 Repeat the guy's body language. It may sound strange, but people like it when the other person mimics their body language almost imperceptibly. There is no need to imitate everything, only subtle gestures are enough. For example, if the guy crossed his legs, then repeat this action.
    • Repeat hand movements. If during a conversation a guy waves his arms or takes a certain pose, then try to repeat after him.
    • If he barely leans towards you, then lean towards you.
  5. 5 Write your message. You don't have to use physical cues. A flirty message will do just as well. That being said, don't be in a rush to flirt if you barely know each other. Just show your guy that you think of him a lot.
    • For example, send a short message like: "I just wanted to say hello to you!;)".
    • You can also ask a short question. For example, ask, "How was your day?"

Part 3 of 3: Wardrobe and appearance

  1. 1 Choose clothes according to your figure. Clothes should highlight your dignity. Different cuts of clothes go with different body types, so choose the right clothes.
    • If you have a rounded figure, then choose trousers with a narrow cut and a loose top like a tunic.
    • If you have a triangular silhouette, in which the hips are wider than the shoulders and torso, then choose wider trousers, formal jackets and a-line skirts.
    • If your figure resembles an hourglass, then go for high-waisted pants, V-neck tops and wrap-around dresses.
    • If you have a straight or rectangular figure, then choose bell-bottomed trousers and narrow-cut blazers.
  2. 2 Choose sexy outfits. Your outfit should be comfortable, yet attractive. Focus on your body type and personal preferences. Choose tight-fitting clothing, low-cut blouses, or skirts and shorts that show your legs well.
    • Longline T-shirts will make you look taller. Variants with a deep neckline are also quite sexy.
    • Skirts and shorts above the knee will accentuate beautiful legs.
    • Skinny jeans and T-shirts are very sexy, especially when combined with an original accessory such as a watch. Add a sporty blazer to your look for a funky look.
    • Give preference to things made of thick fabric, as it better emphasizes the figure.
  3. 3 Wear red things. Men are attracted to women in red. Feel free to choose shades of red, but make sure that the color matches you. Pay attention to your hair color. An excessive amount of red clothes is not suitable for every girl.
    • Redheads are usually green and blue in color, so dilute the red top with green and blue accessories.
    • Blondes are blue and purple. Try pairing a red lipstick or scarf with a purple blouse.
    • Red is a good color for brunettes and black-haired girls. Feel free to choose a red top, dress or suit.
  4. 4 Take care of your hair. The haircut should be appropriate for the type of face and at the same time be comfortable. Don't forget to comb and style to look good.
    • Some men like long hair, in which case the hair can be let down. But if you are short, long, straight hair can overload your figure. Gather some of the hair, and leave some of it straight.
    • If you have short hair, always wash your hair and comb your hair before dating. You can also style it with sharp strands for a more stylish look.
  5. 5 Flirty makeup. Use eyeliner, mascara, and eyeshadow sparingly to shape your eyes. Unobtrusive makeup will accentuate your cute features and grab the guy's attention.
    • Men are attracted to red lipstick. If you are using lipstick, try a red shade.
  6. 6 Smell good. Guys just love it when a girl smells good. To do this, it is enough to maintain good hygiene, so take a shower regularly. Also use a small amount of perfume.
    • Avoid strong floral scents. Better to go for more natural scents like orchid or soft woody notes. Also seductive is the subtle scent of vanilla.
    • Many people love citrus scents, so pay attention to perfumes with such notes.


  • Do not overdo it. If a guy doesn't like you, then there's nothing you can do. Excessive assertiveness will only alienate the young man.
  • Be yourself. If you need to be a completely different person in order to please a guy, then he is not the right person for you.
  • Try to be kind, sweet, and above all yourself. Don't push. Use soft body language, wink, touch the guy, try to stamp your foot. The easiest way to be liked is to slowly attract attention and gain sympathy step by step. Be calm and don't give in to emotions. Transform the feeling of excitement into joy, radiate positive energy. Don't overdo your makeup. It's important not to embarrass the guy. Give him a positive mood, a sense of calmness and happiness.