How to visualize

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Most Powerful Visualization Technique to Manifest Anything You Want in Life | Law of Attraction
Video: The Most Powerful Visualization Technique to Manifest Anything You Want in Life | Law of Attraction


Visualization is a motivational technique that can help you achieve your personal goals. If you really want to bring something to life, then you need to use your imagination. Imagine the result in front of you, mentally play the game you are going to participate in, or visualize your graduation from university. The only limitation here is your mind. Visualization is also a useful psychological skill that allows you to draw an immediate image or scenario in front of your eyes.


Method 1 of 2: Visualize Your Goals

  1. 1 Visualize the desired action, event, or result. Close your eyes and visualize your intended purpose. Let's say you want to paint a picture in your mind of getting a promotion at work. Introduce your new office with your name written in gold letters on the door. Imagine a black swivel chair at a huge mahogany table. Imagine a reproduction of Renoir hanging between your diplomas.
    • When you have presented the main thing, go to the details: here is the dust in the corner and the remains of coffee in the mug. Notice how the light shines through the blinds and hits the carpet.
  2. 2 Visualize with optimistic, positive thoughts. It’s not going to get better if you feel like a lousy person and think your chances in life are lousy. You don't have to think, “I’m terrible at basketball. And I'm hopeless, "think like this:" Yes, I have not yet achieved success, but in six months my performance will improve significantly. " Then imagine taking a few three-point shots or throwing a decisive ball into the basket during a competition.
    • Visualization is a kind of hypnosis: if you don't believe it will work, it will not work. Thinking positively is the first step in making your visualization truly effective. This is the first step to making desires a part of real life.
    • Remember that life is not just a journey that you take to achieve your goals, it is also a intended destination. Visualization can make the process of achieving a goal more enjoyable: you will remain focused and motivated, and you will also gain a positive addition to your life.
  3. 3 Bring your visualization to the real world. After you've spent a minute or a few days visualizing your goal, make changes in your life to achieve what you want. Immediately before undertaking any activity, task or event that will lead to a result or bring you closer to a goal, completely focus on the picture of the actions you are going to take. Even if it’s something intangible, such as “making more money," and applicable in everyday life, you can think about it before going to work or at every business opportunity.
    • For example, if you are trying to score a goal while playing soccer, be clear in your mind how you are doing it, blow by blow, at the right height and at the right speed. Imagine how you hit the ball, how it flies in the air and flies into the goal. Visualize this experience with all your senses: hear the ball coming, feel the impact, and smell the grass.
  4. 4 Think about the chain of events required to achieve your goal. Big life changes take time and attention and involve a series of small steps.If you are visualizing achieving a certain goal or end result, imagine how you could get there. So, if you want to become president, imagine in your mind aspects of your political career: campaigning, attending charity events, meeting with the political leadership, and giving your first speech.
    • How will the person you imagine in the visualization handle these situations?
  5. 5 Visualize the personality traits you need to get where you want to be. It's not enough to want to be the vice president of the company you work for. You need to think about the qualities that will help you achieve this. Visualize not only the VP position, but also the skills of open communication, persuasion, allocation of responsibility, listening, negotiating, as well as the ability to respond to criticism with knowledge and respect in opponents and other necessary skills.
    • Imagine behaving the way you visualize it. That is, if you understand that the VP needs to be confident in doing his job, imagine how you behave confidently in the office.
  6. 6 Use affirmations (positive phrases) to motivate yourself. Pictures are great, but words work well too. If you see yourself feeling healthier and fitter lounging around in your office as a branch manager, tell yourself, “I have the body I dream of. My health is improving and I feel great. " If you want to do better in football, tell yourself, “I see the ball. I hit him with such force that he flies into the goal in such a way that the goalkeeper has no chance of catching him. "
    • You can repeat this phrase to yourself as many times as necessary. The main thing is to believe it!
  7. 7 Visualize when you feel calm, focused, and comfortable. Visualization only works when you are calm, relaxed, and willing to take the time to focus in peace and quiet and not think about everyday problems. Visualization is a technique that is very close to meditation, only it is more active and vibrant. In visualization, it is recommended to actively think about the possibilities, but, as in meditation, you should put aside everything that is not related to your dreams and goals, and focus only on them.
    • Make yourself as comfortable as possible while visualizing. The fewer distractions around, the easier it will be for you to use your imagination. If you have a calm environment around you, you will be able to think more relaxed.
  8. 8 Imagine yourself overcoming setbacks. Obstacles are a normal part of life, and no one succeeds without first failing. Know that you will make mistakes, but remember that you can overcome them. How you bounce back from failure is more important than the fact that you got it wrong at first.
    • Ask yourself every day, "What can I do today to be better tomorrow?"
    • An excellent resource for learning how to overcome failure is Carol Dweck's book The Agile Mind. A new look at the psychology of development of adults and children. "

Method 2 of 2: Improve Your Technique

  1. 1 Give the visualization some time to become the norm for you and start to show results. At the very beginning, these visualization tricks can seem pretty curious. This process will seem strange and unusual. You need to drop these sensations! It will pass. It is quite natural to feel discomfort at first, plunging into the world of illusions, but this is just one of the stages. If that doesn't sound a little funny, you are probably doing it wrong.
    • This can only be corrected by practice, that's all. There is no other solution but time. As with everything else, there is a learning period here. It just seems complicated if you don't take it seriously. You are the only obstacle to the success of your visualization.
    • Over time, visualization can act in your brain in the same way as active action. Your brain may not even notice the difference! For example, if you are afraid to sing in front of a crowd, you can draw this process in your mind. This will make your brain think you've already done it, and the next time you get the opportunity, you can stand up and sing in front of others.
  2. 2 Focus on long term goals. Anyone who wants change overnight will be disappointed. Instead, plan for the long-term fulfillment of your hopes and dreams. Imagine where you will be in 5, 10 and 15 years, and what results you want to achieve. How will your life situation change and how will you yourself change? Let yourself imagine what this life will be like.
    • For example, it can be helpful to visualize going to bed early or jogging in the evening. However, visualization can also help you achieve more substantial goals. For example, imagine what kind of parent you want to be, what legacy you will leave for your children, and what kind of person you will be as they grow up.
    • Visualize what you want to achieve as a person and what legacy you will leave to your friends and society.
  3. 3 Make a render boardthat will remind you of the life you want. This will help you visualize your goals on a regular basis. To create such a board, place on it a collection of photos and words that represent your future goals. That way, you can look at them every day to stay motivated and move towards the life you want.
    • For example, if your goal is to open a restaurant, you can add photos of the restaurants you want to design, as well as images of the dishes you will be serving. You can also include pictures of people enjoying their food.
  4. 4 Think positively about your goals. When it comes to visualization or just positive thinking, you need to think positively about what you want to achieve. The "don't be poor" mindset is not entirely helpful. So instead of not wanting something or not being someone or not having something, focus on what you want, who you are, or what you have. For example, consider attitudes such as "I want financial security" or "I have the courage to move to the other side of the country."
    • Also, think actively in the present tense. If you visualize that you are no longer smoking, do not repeat the mantra, "I will try to quit smoking." Think something like this: “Cigarettes are disgusting. I do not need them. They are of no use to me. "
  5. 5 Be realistic about the goals you are visualizing. If you are a boxer and are trying to imagine your next fight in which you completely dominate, then you should not present yourself as Muhammad Ali, as it will not do any good. You will simply find yourself in the ring, not living up to the standards you set for yourself. As a result, you will experience frustration and devastation.
    • Better imagine how you are throwing punches - the best you have ever gotten. Imagine that your opponent is a punching bag in the gym that you beat every day. Imagine your coach screaming approval because you are doing the best performance of your career.
    • This can happen. And there is no reason why this cannot happen.
  6. 6 Visualize from the first person. In this way, visions will feel more real, tangible and achievable. Don't present your future successes and goals as a movie: visualize in the first person. In your visualizations, you are not the audience. This is your stage and your time to shine.
    • For example, if you are visualizing your future career as a doctor, don't think of it from the perspective of the patient you are treating or your office coworker. Instead, imagine how you are treating a patient: draw an image of a stethoscope in your hand, and so on.
    • This is exactly how full visualization happens.This is reality, as if seen with my own eyes. This is not some kind of astral projection experience, this is your future.


  • Help others visualize. One of the best gifts you can give is hope, and visualization is part of the hope for the best. Teach others to do this as soon as you feel confident in your abilities, and then you will share particles of hope.
  • Visualization takes practice. If you are skeptical, you might think this is a waste of time. Resist this temptation because everyone, skeptics included, can benefit from visualization.
  • When reading a book without pictures, take a few words and visualize them. Gradually, you will be able to visualize everything you read.