How to survive a fall from a great height

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Fall from ANY HEIGHT and Survive
Video: How to Fall from ANY HEIGHT and Survive


What if you fell from the scaffolding from the height of a 10-storey building? Or if your parachute didn't open? The chances of survival will be very small, but survival is still possible. The main thing is not to get confused, as there are ways to influence the speed of the fall and reduce the force of impact upon landing.


Method 1 of 2: Dealing with a Fall from Multiple Floors

  1. 1 Grab onto something while falling. If you manage to grab onto a large object, such as a board or block, your chances of survival will increase significantly. This object will take on some of the impact during landing and, accordingly, take some of the load off your bones.
  2. 2 Try dividing the fall into segments. If you fall off a building or cliff, you can slow the fall by grabbing onto ledges, trees, or other objects. This will reduce the speed of the fall and break it down into several separate stages, which will give you a better chance of survival.
  3. 3 Relax your body. If you squeeze your knees and elbows and tighten your muscles, then when you hit the ground, vital organs will be much more damaged. Don't strain your body. Try to relax your body so that it can more easily withstand the impact on the ground.
    • One way to help you (relatively) calm down is to focus on the steps that will increase your chances of being saved.
    • Feel your body - move your limbs so that they do not shrink.
  4. 4 Bend your knees. Perhaps the most important (or simplest) thing to do to survive a fall is to bend your knees. Studies have shown that bending your knees can reduce the force of impact 36 times. But do not bend them too much, do it just enough so that they do not strain.
  5. 5 Land with your feet forward. No matter how high you fall, always try to land with your feet first. Thus, the force of the impact will converge on a very small area, thanks to which your legs will take the main damage. If you are in the wrong position, try to align yourself before hitting.
    • Fortunately, we tend to accept this position instinctively.
    • Slide your feet tightly together so that they touch the ground at the same time.
    • Land on your toes. Point your toes slightly downward so that you land on the toes of your feet. This allows the lower body to take the hit more effectively.
  6. 6 Try to fall on your side. After landing on your feet, you will fall on your side, either on your back or on the front of your body. Try not to fall on your back. According to statistics, falling on the side leads to fewer injuries. If you fail, then fall forward and stop the fall with your hands.
  7. 7 Protect your head when bouncing. If you fall from a great height, you will most likely rebound after hitting the surface. In many cases, people who survived the fall (often to their feet) were fatally injured by repeatedly hitting the ground after the rebound. At the time of the rebound, you may be unconscious. Cover your head with your hands, putting your elbows forward in front of your face, and interlace your fingers behind your head or neck. This will cover most of your head.
  8. 8 Get medical help as soon as possible. After a fall, your body's adrenaline rush can be so high that you don't even feel pain. So even if at first glance you are not injured, you may still have fractures or internal injuries that require immediate treatment. Regardless of how you feel, you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Method 2 of 2: Falling from an Airplane

  1. 1 Slow down the fall by taking an arched shape. You will only have time for this if you fall off the plane. Increase your body area by spreading your limbs as if you were skydiving.
    • Place your body with your chest on the ground.
    • Bend your body forward as if trying to reach your head with your toes.
    • Extend your arms to the sides and bend them at the elbows at a right angle so that they are parallel to your head, palms down. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart.
    • Bend your knees slightly. Do not strain your knees, relax your leg muscles.
  2. 2 Find the best landing spot. In the case of falls from very high altitudes, the type of surface affects the chances of survival most of all. Look for steep slopes that gradually level out so that you can gradually slow down after falling. Watch the surface below you as you fall.
    • Hard, rigid surfaces are the worst choice for landing. Very uneven surfaces, which provide less space for the distribution of impact force, are also undesirable.
    • The best choices are surfaces that will be punctured by impact, such as snow, soft ground (plowed field or swamp) and trees or dense vegetation (although there is a high risk of being pierced by a branch).
    • Falling into the water is not dangerous only when falling from a height of no more than 45 meters. In the case of a higher height, the effect will be comparable to falling on concrete, since in this case the water will not have time to compress. If you fall into the water, you can also drown, as you will most likely pass out from hitting the surface. The chances of survival will increase markedly if the water is in a bubbling state.
  3. 3 Direct yourself to the landing site. When falling from an airplane, there is approximately 1-3 minutes before landing. You have to cover a considerable distance in an upright position (about three kilometers).
    • By adopting an arched position as described above, you can change the direction of the fall to a more horizontal one. To do this, bring your arms a little back to your shoulders (so that they are not too far forward) and stretch your legs.
    • You can move in the opposite direction by spreading your arms and bending your knees, as if you want to touch your head with the heels of your feet.
    • Turning to the right can be performed by slightly bending your body to the right (lowering your right shoulder), being in an arched position, and turning to the left, respectively, lowering your left shoulder.
  4. 4 Use correct landing technique. Remember to relax your body, keep your knees slightly bent, and try to land with your feet forward. Try to fall forward, not backward, and cover your head with your hands in case of a rebound.
    • If you are in an arched position, then before landing, assume an upright position (to better represent the available time, remember that, falling from a height of 300 meters, you will have 6-10 seconds before landing).


  • If you start to twist, try to align yourself in an arched position. At least that way you will be at least a little calmer.
  • If the place you fell into is sand or clay, chances are that you will get bogged down there. Do not panic! Begin to move as if you were climbing a ladder, helping yourself with your hands. You should have enough oxygen for about a minute, it should be enough for you to have time to reach the surface.
  • Remain calm - if you start to panic, then you will not be able to think clearly!
  • If you're over a city, you won't have much choice in terms of landing spots, but glass or tin roofs, awnings, and cars are preferable to streets and concrete roofs.
  • Being in good shape and being young increases the chances of survival. You cannot get younger, but if you need an incentive to take care of yourself, then here it is.
  • You may be able to find activities that teach you how to survive a fall from a height.
  • Never again - never don't land on your heels.Otherwise, damage to the legs and spine cannot be avoided. Always land on your toes to avoid fatal injuries.
  • If you have time, empty your pockets in the air so you don't pierce yourself with something.
  • Do not try to fall on trees - they will not hold back the fall. Moreover, it can pierce you with a branch.
  • Falling into a body of water can lead to serious injury - it all depends on the height of the fall and the force of the impact.


  • People rarely survive after falling from a height of 30 meters or more, mortality is high even at a height of 5-10 meters. Of course, the best option is not to fall at all.