How to lose weight with a meat-based diet

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
LOSE WEIGHT with an All Meat Diet (How Carnivore Works) 2022
Video: LOSE WEIGHT with an All Meat Diet (How Carnivore Works) 2022


Protein has an important role in the body and weight loss. Low-fat meats like poultry, beef, pork and seafood are excellent sources of protein. In the body, protein is essential for the function, function and texture of tissues and organs. For weight loss, protein helps to satisfy cravings (leading to a reduction in food intake) and increases the body's thermogenesis (calorie burning). Although it aids in weight loss, eating large amounts or servings of protein can lead to weight gain.


Method 1 of 3: Prepare to lose weight

  1. Meet with a registered dietitian. Protein-rich diets (sometimes in combination with low-carb diets) are common for weight loss. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. Your dietitian can provide you with additional guidance or come up with something else that's right for you.
    • However, a high-protein diet has some side effects. Immediate side effects include: nutritional deficiencies, constipation and headache. Long-term side effects include: an increased risk of heart disease and decreased kidney function.
    • A registered dietitian will recommend a more effective diet for weight loss or help you find healthy, low-fat sources of protein for a high-protein, meat-rich weight loss plan. Regular meeting with a registered dietitian will be very helpful.
    • If you are in the US, visit the EatRight page and click the "Find an Expert" button in the upper right corner to find your nearest dietitian.

  2. Meal plan. When you want to lose weight, even with a meat-rich diet, it's important to eat a nutritious and balanced diet. Planning a sample over a few days will help you create the right planner and help you choose diverse food sources and low-fat meats.
    • Spend a few free hours planning a meal plan. Include low-fat meat and protein in most of your meals.
    • In addition, add 100% fruits, vegetables, dairy products and whole grains (if you add them to your diet). Consuming a variety of foods from each food group is essential for a balanced diet.
    • Adjusting your lifestyle. If you're busy, have to go out, or have little time to cook, buy pre-cooked or frozen protein or meat to get a meal quickly.

  3. Understand portion sizes. To know the benefits of weight loss, maintain proper serving sizes, even with low-fat meats. Diets that are too large can lead to excess calories and weight gain.
    • One serving should contain 85 to 110g of protein. It is similar to a fist, the size of a deck of cards or a passbook.
    • Examples of suitable protein servings include: 1 small chicken breast or half a large breast, 1 or 2 eggs or half a cup of beans.

Method 2 of 3: Include meat on a weight loss diet

  1. Buy low-fat meat. Low-fat protein is found in foods that are low in fat and calories per serving. When you want to lose weight with meat, make sure to always choose lean meat over fatty meats. This will help you control your weight and cholesterol. Choose lean, low-fat meats such as:
    • Seafood. This is an excellent source of protein. Choose shellfish like shrimp or crab in addition to scaled fish like halibut, tuna, and kingfish. Furthermore, certain types of fish such as tuna or mackerel contain heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.
    • Poultry. Chicken, turkey, for example, is a good source of low-fat protein.Choose pork skin, white meat for the least amount of fat.
    • Pork. Most pork is low in fat or mixed with meat. Cut out fat to limit fat.
    • Red meat like beef or lamb. This food-based protein is said to be low in fat, especially when you choose lean meats or 97/3 ground meats. Besides, beef contains more zinc, iron and vitamin B12.
  2. Buy organic meat. Usually organic meat will cost more than traditional meat. However, organic meat is free of growth hormones, additives and preservatives.
    • Check the censorship tag for the meat from organically stocked animals.
    • Remember, organic meats are not nutritionally different from conventional meat. However, stocked meat has more omega 3 and omega 6.
  3. Incorporate 1 serving of meat into each meal. A serving of lean meat in a main meal or snack will help reinforce your weight loss plan with a meat-focused diet.
    • To maintain a varied and balanced diet, get protein from a variety of sources throughout the day. For example, you can eat eggs for breakfast, lunch with a roast chicken salad, dry beef with a snack, and grilled tuna with vegetables for dinner.
    • Other protein rich foods such as dairy products, beans or tofu should also be added to meals. However, how you add it will depend on how you design and plan your diet.
  4. Cook meat without adding oil and sauces. Oils and sauces, such as marinades or seasonings, can contain relatively high amounts of fat, sugar, and calories. Limit the amount of cooking oils and sauces to keep the calories in your meals.
    • The lowest calorie cooking method is to apply a little olive oil to the meat before placing it on the stove.
    • Or use the non-stick pan frying method with a little calorie-free cooking spray.
    • Fresh or dried herbs and citrus are good for health and also spice up meat-rich foods without adding calories or salt.
    • Avoid adding a lot of sauce when eaten with meat. Even though you like ketchup or barbecue sauce, they contain a lot of sugar, which can backfire on your weight loss plan. So, instead of looking for something else that contains no sugar or calories, you can try not to use it.
  5. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are essential for a healthy, nutritious and well-balanced diet. Although choosing a whole-meat diet to lose weight, it's important to get enough fruits and vegetables every day. Because they are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are essential for health.
    • One cup of raw vegetables or 2 cups of green vegetables is considered a serving. You should try to eat 2 or 3 servings per day.
    • Any small fruit, 1 cup of sliced ​​fruit and half a cup of dried fruit serve as one serving. You should eat 1 to 2 servings of fruit per day.
  6. Eat 100% whole grains. A diet rich in meat or high in protein is also known as a low-carb diet. You will limit your carbohydrate intake, especially from the nut group. However, if you choose foods from this group, choose 100% whole grains over the scrubbed ones.
    • The whole grain is only lightly rubbed, retaining all the important parts of the song such as bran, germ and endosperm. They have more fiber, vitamins and minerals than scrubbed.
    • Whole grain foods include: whole wheat bread or pasta / pasta, quinoa, brown rice, barley, millet.

Method 3 of 3: Track progress

  1. Check your weight every week. Take weight regularly when you want to lose weight to help you control and track your progress, as well as know if your weight loss plan is working. In addition, regular weight monitoring can also let you know your progress and keep you motivated.
    • Weigh 1-2 times per week. Daily weighing will not give you an accurate view of the change. Daily changes in weight (including weight gain or loss) are normal and can be caused by food, drink or physical activity from the day before.
    • The method of weighing for the most accurate results is to weigh on the same day each week, at the same time and wear the same outfit (or no clothes).
    • What's more, regular weighing has also been shown to help you maintain weight.
  2. Monthly review. For every weight loss plan, it's important to check in after a month or two to see the effect. See how much weight you lose, how much more you need to lose, and how you should adjust your plan to achieve your goals.
    • If your weight is gradually decreasing or if you reach your goal, your weight loss plan is likely to be successful. Please keep trying!
    • If your weight loss is slow or steady, take some time to review your diet, how you've eaten and your plan. You can keep a food diary for a few days to ensure that you are sticking to your goals.
    • Also, think about what is convenient for you to do next or how it makes you feel. For example, if you feel sick of eating meat at every meal, change your plan to make it fit with your lifestyle.
  3. Find a support group. Support groups are a great part of weight loss. Whether it's friends, family or other people wanting to lose weight, this group will encourage and motivate you to follow a weight loss plan.
    • Ask if a friend or relative would like to join you on a meat-based diet. It would be great if you find a group with the same goal.
    • Compete with people in the group. Set a deadline for the weight loss race and give an exciting reward to the winner.


  • Incorporate more vegetables when you eat only meat for a balanced meal. For example, eat steak with roasted sweet potato for dinner or spinach salad and grilled shrimp for lunch.
  • You will need to check your cholesterol and triglycerides and stay on track throughout the whole meat diet.
  • There are many popular diets that focus solely on meat. Consider sample recipes or buy cookbooks for a variety of a meat-only diet.


  • Do not eat undercooked meat. Eating undercooked meat can lead to poisoning, which can be life-threatening. The best way to tell if meat is cooked is by using a food thermometer, which you can buy from a kitchen appliance store.
  • Seek advice from your doctor before using a new diet or any changes in eating.