How to remove stains from carpet

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
DIY carpet stain remover - for pennies!  Works QUICK on set in stains! |  LIVING GRATEFULLY
Video: DIY carpet stain remover - for pennies! Works QUICK on set in stains! | LIVING GRATEFULLY


Nothing spoils your carpet more than dirty stains. Although stains are very diverse, almost all of them severely degrade the appearance of carpets. If you've already put on a stain or want to be prepared for similar trouble in the future, there are many ways to get the stain off your carpet.


Method 1 of 6: Removing Water Soluble Stains

  1. 1 Blot the stain with a damp cloth. Water-soluble stains are perhaps easiest to remove - often simply dabbing the carpet with a damp cloth is sufficient. This includes food coloring, soda, milk, most spirits, and more. Start by dampening a rag or paper towel with warm water. Press the towel firmly against the stain. Warm water will absorb some of the dirt.
    • It is best to do this as early as possible. The stain will be more difficult to remove after it dries.
  2. 2 Mix 1/4 teaspoon (1.3 milliliters) of non-bleach detergent (white vinegar can also be used) in 1 liter of water. Stir the water to form a homogeneous solution. This home remedy is great for removing stains like this.
  3. 3 Apply the solution to the stain. Dampen a clean cloth with the prepared solution and place it on the stain. Just leave the rag in the dirty area or press down lightly to get better contact with the carpet surface.
    • It is convenient to do the following: take a spoon and press it with the convex side of the rag. This will create even pressure and prevent dirt from spreading across the carpet.
  4. 4 Blot the stain again with a paper towel. After you apply the cleaning solution, remove the rag and place a clean paper towel in its place to absorb the liquid. The solution should work on the stain, and the towel will absorb the dirt relatively easily the second time.
  5. 5 Apply warm water to the carpet. Water-soluble dirt is best removed with warm water. Moisten the stained area with a little water.
  6. 6 Repeat as necessary. If the stain is large or difficult to remove, it may be necessary to repeat the steps above. Do them until you get rid of the stain (usually 1-2 times).
  7. 7 Dry the carpet. If the carpet is left wet for more than 24 hours, bacteria can grow in it, so it is best to dry it within one day. Use a hair dryer or bath towel. After that, the stain should finally disappear!

Method 2 of 6: Removing coffee and wine stains

  1. 1 Blot the stain with a paper towel. Coffee and wine stains are troublesome. These popular drinks leave stubborn stains on carpets and other fabrics. If you spill coffee or wine on the carpet, try to remove the stain immediately. Immediately take an absorbent paper towel and blot the contaminated area. Do not rub or apply too much pressure on the carpet at this stage, otherwise the liquid will smear and be absorbed even deeper!
    • You can also use a kitchen towel or a small bath towel, although the paper will absorb liquid better.
  2. 2 Dissolve one tablespoon (15 milliliters) of ammonia in a glass (250 ml) of water. An aqueous solution of ammonia removes wine stains well. Stir the liquid well and get ready to apply it to the carpet.
    • If you have a wool carpet, use a mild detergent solution in water, as ammonia will damage wool.
    • You can also use lemon juice and dish soap. This solution is better for removing coffee stains than wine stains.
  3. 3 Moisten a sponge with the solution. Lightly dampen a dish sponge with an aqueous solution of ammonia. The sponge should be damp, but not wet - squeeze out excess liquid from it.
  4. 4 Scrub the stain with a sponge. Use a damp sponge to scrub the area with short, circular motions. Start at the outer edge of the stain and work your way up to the middle so you don't spread the dirt any wider.
  5. 5 Remove excess liquid with a clean paper towel. Take a fresh paper towel and blot the stained area. The ammonia will dissolve the dirt and it will be absorbed into the paper. You can press a towel against the carpet with the convex side of a spoon to help absorb the liquid into the paper.
  6. 6 Repeat as necessary. It is possible that you will have to do the above steps again to completely remove the stain. Just in case, do not empty the prepared ammonia solution so that you can reuse it if necessary.

Method 3 of 6: Removing blood and urine stains

  1. 1 If the stain is dry, scrape it off with a steel wool scrubber. Body fluids leave characteristic stains. The blood leaves noticeable brown spots, and the urine not only stains but also gives off an unpleasant odor. It is best to blot a fresh stain. If the stain has dried out, you can partially remove it with a wire scrubber. Although you won't be able to completely erase the stain, it will make things easier.
    • If the stain is still wet, blot it with a paper towel or a damp cloth dampened in warm water.
  2. 2 Apply a mixture of water and dish soap to the stain. Add a teaspoon (5 milliliters) of dish soap to a glass (250 ml) of water for an effective remedy for removing blood and urine stains. Stir the water well in a bowl or glass, dampen a rag in it, and gently blot the stain.
  3. 3 Blot the stain again. After dampening the stain with the solution, wait 5 minutes and then blot it with a clean paper towel. Repeat as necessary.
  4. 4 Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) ammonia to ½ cup (120 ml) warm water. Often, blood or urine stains cannot be removed with dishwashing detergent alone. If the stain remains, take half a cup (120 milliliters) of water and add a tablespoon (15 milliliters) of ammonia. Stir the liquid well and get ready to apply it to the stain.
    • If you are removing urine stains, you can use white vinegar instead of ammonia.
  5. 5 Apply the solution to the stain. When the ammonia solution is ready, gently apply it to the stain with a sponge. Start rubbing at the outer edge with short circular motions and work your way towards the center. Take your time - the solution should soak into the carpet and dissolve the dirt.
  6. 6 Blot the stain again. Wait five minutes for the ammonia solution to soak into the carpet, then blot the stain with a clean paper towel. If the solution works, you can easily remove blood or urine. You can use the convex side of a spoon to press down on a paper towel to help get the carpet wet.
  7. 7 Rinse and dry the carpet. To permanently remove dirt, lightly wipe the carpet with warm water. Then dry the carpet; if it stays wet for more than a day, mold may develop in it.

Method 4 of 6: Removing grease and oil stains

  1. 1 Scrape off excess fat with a dull knife. While grease and oil stains can make carpet look very unkempt, they are fairly easy to remove if you know how to do it. First, collect as much fat or oil as possible. This can be done with a dull knife, especially if the grease has not yet spread: just scrape the surface of the carpet with it.
    • It is recommended that you use a sufficiently dull knife with a rounded tip (such as a butter knife) so as not to cut the carpet.
  2. 2 Sprinkle some baking soda over the stain and let it sit for five minutes. Baking soda is known for its ability to enter into chemical reactions. Sprinkle some baking soda on the stained area; it will weaken the adhesion between the grease or oil and the carpet surface, making it easier to remove the dirt.
    • In this case, starch can be used instead of soda.
  3. 3 Cover the stain with a towel and place the iron on top. Heat the grease (oil) slightly so that it comes off more easily from the carpet. Set the iron to a low or medium temperature. When the iron is warm, place it on the stain for about one minute and then remove it.
    • Remember to cover the rug with a towel before placing the iron on it. Do not place the iron directly on the carpet to avoid damaging it.
  4. 4 Apply dry cleaner to the stain. Take a sponge or kitchen towel, dip it in powder detergent or baking soda, and gently scrub the greasy stain. After a few seconds, the stain will become less visible.
  5. 5 Blot the stain with a paper towel dampened in warm water. The paper will absorb liquid grease or oil, leaving dry debris on the carpet that can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  6. 6 Vacuum the dirty area. Vacuum the stain and pick up debris and any powder or baking soda residue. You can easily remove the remaining solid debris: just vacuum the cleaned area for a few seconds. If dirt remains on the carpet, the stain may need to be treated again.
  7. 7 Repeat as necessary. If you are unable to completely remove the stain, you can try again. The cleaning powder or baking soda may not have absorbed all the grease the first time.

Method 5 of 6: Removing industrial fluid stains

  1. 1 Blot the stain with a paper towel. Technical liquids (such as ink or household products) can severely degrade the appearance of the carpet. Fortunately, as with most other stains, you can immediately pat the stained area with paper towels and remove excess liquid.
  2. 2 Dampen the stain with rubbing alcohol or oil-free hair spray. After thoroughly blotting the stain, apply some rubbing alcohol or oil-free hair spray. This will weaken the bond between the ink or other industrial fluid and the carpet material, making it easier to remove the stain.
  3. 3 Vacuum the dirty area. After applying rubbing alcohol or hair spray, vacuum the carpet and pick up any remaining dirt and debris.
  4. 4 Blot the carpet with a mild cleaner. Dampen the remaining stain with a mild detergent and wait one minute. Then place a rag or sponge on the stain and wait for it to absorb the liquid. If the stain does not come off well at this stage, try adding some more alcohol and placing the rag on top again.
  5. 5 Repeat as necessary. Different liquids interact with the fabric in different ways: it is possible that you will have to process the contaminated area several times in order to completely remove the stain. Blot the stain and add rubbing alcohol or spray until the carpet is clean.

Method 6 of 6: Carpet Care and Stain Prevention

  1. 1 Clean your carpet once a year. Even if it is not stained, the carpet should be cleaned regularly to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. The best time to clean your carpet is every 12-18 months. You can take it to a dry cleaner or purchase a carpet cleaner.
    • As a rule, it is best to use the services of a professional if you can afford it. Specialists will be able to properly clean the carpet and minimize the risk of ruining it in the process.
  2. 2 Place rugs in risky areas. The best way to avoid staining your carpets is to minimize the possibility. Unlike a carpet, a rug can be easily washed by hand or in the washing machine. Putting rugs and mats in frequently dirty areas can save you time and hassle.
    • It is better to lay a rug in front of the front door: not only people often pass here, but also dirt and debris are brought in from the street.
    • Place water-absorbent rugs under the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Also, place rugs in front of the bathtub and shower stall to help absorb water and soap as you walk out.
  3. 3 Vacuum carpets frequently. If you are holding carpets, they must be vacuumed. Dust and dirt accumulate in carpets, they can get dirty pretty quickly. Vacuum carpets daily or every other day to keep them clean.
    • If you don’t have time to regularly vacuum carpets, get a robot vacuum cleaner - these vacuum cleaners are quite inexpensive and save a lot of time.
  4. 4 Use a dehumidifier. If the carpet is left wet or damp for more than 24 hours, bacteria and mold can grow in. They are unwanted guests in any home. A dehumidifier will help dry wet carpet faster.
  5. 5 Try to get rid of the stains immediately. The longer the stains remain, the more difficult it is to remove them. Try to remove stains right away - this will save you time and additional problems.


  • Try to remove the stains right away. The longer the stain stays on the carpet, the more difficult (if not impossible) it will be to remove.
  • If you're worried that a cleaning solution might damage your carpet, you can always test it in a small, inconspicuous area. Apply a dab of product to a hidden spot and see how it works on the carpet. This way you can avoid a serious mistake.


  • Do not rub the stain with a towel or anything else. This will not only not clean the carpet, but it will also loosen up the dirt more.
  • The choice of the optimal cleaning agent or solution depends on the material of the carpet. This article provides not only basic, but also some additional methods. If possible, find out what material the carpet is made of and select the appropriate cleaning agent based on that.