How to grow dragon fruit

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How To Grow Dragon Fruit | FULL INFORMATION
Video: How To Grow Dragon Fruit | FULL INFORMATION


Dragon fruit is a delicious and prominent fruit shaped like a fire. Dragon fruit tree with scientific name is Hylocereus cacti belongs to the cactus family. With a little care and love from the gardener, you can grow and harvest dragon fruits at home.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing good conditions

  1. Choose between growing dragon fruit with seeds or cuttings from a mature tree. These two options depend entirely on timing. Dragon fruit trees grown from seeds can take two years to bear fruit. If you plant with branches cut from the trunk, this time may be shorter (depending on the size of the branches).
    • The process of planting dragon fruit with seeds is not actually more difficult, but it will take longer.
    • Professional nurseries often sell ready-to-plant seedlings. Just be careful when removing the seedlings from the pot so they don't get damaged.

  2. Decide whether to plant the plant indoors or outdoors, whether to plant it directly in the ground or in a pot. Believe it or not, dragon fruit trees can grow well, just planted in pots. If you want to potted plants, choose a pot 40-60 cm in diameter and at least 25 cm deep with stakes for vines. However, the dragon fruit tree will grow to the point of needing a larger pot, so be prepared to repot when it's time.
    • If you're going to have an outdoor plant (whether it's in the ground or in a pot), choose a location with at least partial sunlight. The roots may be in the shade, but the tops of the plants need sunlight to bloom.
    • If you live in a warm climate and have a long growing season, the dragon fruit tree can withstand outdoor weather. In general, this plant is also able to withstand mild frost, but only to that extent. If you live in an area with real winters, bring the tree indoors.

  3. Use soil with good drainage. In fact, the dragon tree is a cactus. Avoid planting this plant on wet, sticky soil as much as possible. Dragon fruit does not require many nutrients. You need to plant this in an area where there is no standing water in your garden. If you live in a rainy area, you should plant the plant on a high mound so that the rain can drain.
    • Choose a large pot with a drainage hole on the bottom if you plan on potting the plant. If you don't have cactus soil available, mix your own with a mixture of sand, potted soil, and compost. Fill the pot about 7 cm away from the top of the pot.

Part 2 of 3: Planting and caring for plants

  1. Wait for the branches to dry before planting. If you have a freshly cut dragon fruit branch, it is best to leave it in a cool, shady place for a week to dry. This will help heal the cut and prevent infection when planted in the ground.
  2. Plant in a place with full sun. For best results, the dragon fruit leaves should be in full sun. Make sure your plant has enough sunlight while it is growing.
  3. Plant the tree in the soil. If you are using a garden tree branch or seedling, carefully remove the plant from its pot and plant it in new soil. If you are using seeds, you can sprinkle a few seeds in each pot and cover a thin layer of soil.
    • When planting with seeds, you will have to wait and see which seeds sprout. In a few weeks you will see the plants sprouting and they need to separate; otherwise, the seedlings may not be able to fully grow.
    • Consider mixing a small amount of slow-release fertilizer into the lower soil layer before planting; This can help the plant to grow faster.
  4. Only fertilize occasionally. Even when planted with branches, it takes 4 months for branches to develop strong and strong root systems. However, you should be careful when fertilizing: too much fertilizer can kill the plant. For best results, use a small amount of a cactus-specific low-release slow-release fertilizer and apply every two months. You may be tempted to apply more fertilizer in the desire to see the plant grow faster, but this is not beneficial.
  5. Water the dragon fruit tree in a way that watering the tropical cactus. In other words, water only a little when the soil is completely dry. If the plant is old enough to climb the stakes, you also need to keep the stake moist. A drip hose will help in this case.
    • Over watering may be the most common cause of plant death. Don't worry, the dragon fruit tree doesn't need much water. If you are potted plants, be mindful of rainfall. If the pot does not have drainage holes, the plant will need less watering; otherwise, water may collect on the bottom and lead to rot.

Part 3 of 3: Harvesting the fruit

  1. Watch out when the dragon fruit tree grows. Although dragon fruit trees take several years to grow to their full potential, some trees can grow so fast that they can grow up to 30 cm tall in just a week. When the tree is really starting to grow, you may need to use a climbing stake to scaffold the tree. The pile truss can help the tree grow to its maximum without breaking because of its weight.
    • If the dragon fruit tree is grown from seeds and is visibly growing, you will need to separate them and plant them in separate pots. They need their own land to grow well.
    • You will notice that the dragon fruit flowers begin to grow over a period of weeks. However, flower only really blooming overnight (yes, it's a nocturnal flower), so you may not be able to see the flower at its fullest. Many plants self-pollinate (otherwise, you can try artificially pollinating the flowers by brushing the pollen on top of the stamens to fall in the center of the flower). If the fruit starts to form, you should notice the flowers fade and the ovule starts to enlarge.
  2. Prune the tree. The dragon fruit tree can grow quite large; some varieties even grow as tall as 6 meters. When the tree is too big, start pruning it off by cutting off a few branches. Reduced weight can help plants healthier, concentrate nutrients and stimulate flowering plants.
    • Cut branches do not have to be thrown away! You can plant another plant (which will easily take root) or give it to someone else as a gift.
  3. Fruit picking in the second half of the year. Dragon fruit usually ripens in late summer or fall, but the tree can result almost any time if enough water and temperature are received. You can tell when a dragon fruit is ripe when the skin turns red or yellow, depending on the variety. The pods will also be soft when pressed, but not too soft.
  4. Enjoy dragon fruit. You have to wait several years Just have this moment, so enjoy! You can cut the dragon fruit into quarters and peel it, or simply scrape the flesh inside with a spoon. Dragon fruit has a sweet taste and texture like a kiwifruit but is more crunchy.
    • When the fruit yield is maximized, you can see the fruit trees 4-6 times a year. The pods will increase gradually, you just need to wait a little longer, so don't assume that the first batch is also the last. Be patient, and you will be rewarded with the wrong dragon fruit seasons.


  • A simple way to quickly grow dragon fruit is to break or cut branches on a planted tree. The cut branches will not wither, but grow their own roots.


  • Dragon fruit trees can withstand temperatures up to 40 ° C and very short frosts, but cannot survive if exposed to cold temperatures for long periods of time.
  • Rainfall or excessive watering can cause flower drop and fruit rot.