How to get back to being a kid

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get back to being a child
Video: How to get back to being a child


Research has shown that for many people, the idea of ​​going back to childhood is pleasant, enjoyable, and completely normal. If you are curious to know how to return to being a child, you can learn to speak, behave and dress like a baby, for the main purpose of fun. See step 1 for instructions.


Part 1 of 3: Babbling like a baby

  1. Re-learn how to cry like a baby. Cry when you feel hungry, thirsty or tired. What all children have in common is crying out loud frequently. Cry when it's dirty, cry when you drop a fake, even cry without reason.
    • Try to diversify the crying pattern. Whine and scream for a while to relieve your emotions, then switch from howling to whimpering. If you have attracted attention, hold it for a moment, then cry again.
    • If you can burst into tears on your own, this is a great way to reduce stress. According to research, the stress hormone is secreted from the tear glands. At the same time, the production of the hormone happiness begins, and the result is a sense of relaxation and refreshment after the crying.

  2. Babbling constantly. When imitating your baby, don't say many words, just babble from the onomatopoeia as if you are trying to speak. Remember the old days you were potty baba mama are not?
    • Try to imitate what the other person says as if you are practicing pronunciation. Do not pronounce too well. Wrong words can also be an excuse to continue crying when you feel discouraged from not being able to pronounce correctly.
    • Continue to billiard balls. Babies aged 3 to 6 months will begin to babble first onomatopoeic words, mostly "mama", "tata" and later "papa". By age 2, most children have increased their vocabulary to 50, can speak a few short sentences, and understand many other words.

  3. Singing. A great way to make noise is to sing simple tunes and children's songs. You need to know some lullabies, folk songs and rhymes for preschoolers. You can hardly sing the words clearly because you are playing the role of a baby, but still hum to the music and make up lyrics.
    • "You're three years old" and "I'm not in love" are two of the many classic children's songs, but just in case, try singing extremely fun songs like "Bump Kim thang" or "Baby shark". Baby singing videos are trending on YouTube and Vines. If you need inspiration, just watch and learn from some videos of kids dancing.

Part 2 of 3: Imitating children

  1. Play. When imitating your baby, you should spend most of your time playing, as this is the child's first method of learning in the world. Children often like smooth, spherical objects such as plastic circles, other easy-to-hold toys, or things that make sounds like rattles, drums, and bells. The simple picture will also attract and make children stare for a long time.
    • Before they can speak, children often try to explore the world as much as possible through sight and touch, which literally means groping for a way. When children play, they will only spend most of their time exploring their surroundings with their touch instead of imagining the plot and context to control character-model toys or wooden puzzles like older children. than.
    • When playing the role of a baby, do not worry that you have to play for real, you just need to focus on feeling the object and imagine this is the first time you see it. Find "young souls" again.
  2. Show surprise and confusion at everything you see. When pretending to be a child, it's important to really put yourself in the baby's mind. Imagine that everything you see is new. Make a long stare at your bed or pet. Try to find out what happened to the fake. Finger gestures should be surprising and unfamiliar. You can wiggle your toes, kick, roll. If you can deceive yourself into surprise, you are likely to rediscover your "baby soul" and behave like a baby.
  3. Sleep more during the day. Babies usually sleep a lot, so imitating babies is the perfect excuse for more daytime rest. Sleep is a great way to imitate children. Try sleeping for an hour near noon or early afternoon. Infants tend to sleep between 10 and a half to 18 hours a day, with a normal sleep routine (less than a few hours) starting at 6 months of age.
  4. Use a fake ti. To soothe, people often let babies suck on plastic pacifiers, like when breastfeeding. Using a pacifier during naps and resting at night creates a comforting feeling and brings you back to your childhood.
    • Children often find out that fingers can be substituted for a pacifier. This is one of the great discoveries and important independent moments in the child's development, when they no longer need a parent.
    • You can suck your thumb if you like because it feels so good.
  5. Start to crawl. Crawl around or toddler crawling. Children don't run or walk like adults, they just crawl, mainly learning balance. Place your hands and knees on the floor and crawl around as if you don't know how to walk.
    • Occasionally your baby will also drag their buttocks around by sitting on the flat and straightening their legs, then pull their legs back to slowly move forward. This fun act is a way to help you imitate children.
  6. Eat baby food. If you want to go to the land of wonderland, you have to eat with a spoon. Children's food is often a mixture of vegetables, ground meat combined with vitamins necessary for the child's development in the first years of life.Basically, though, it's still the same thing you've ever eaten, only they're in pureed form. Choose foods like apple sauces, yogurt, sliced ​​bananas, and other small snacks.
    • Baby foods are usually high in calories and fairly bland. To make a similarly flavored adult alternative, try pureing vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and radishes in a blender and blending with porridge, wait to cool, then Eat with a spoon like a child usually eats. You can season it if you like and enjoy sitting in a home snack chair. If there is nothing to taste, don't worry or try to eat something you find it difficult to swallow. Let's taste some of the dessert cakes. Remember that it's important to be happy and comfortable.
    • Place items on a multi-compartment food tray and eat them. Don't be afraid to mess it up. This is inevitable. Do not use any kitchen utensils.
  7. Drink like a child. Pour juice, milk, and other drinks into the covered drinking bottle to prevent spills and avoid drinking too quickly, or you can drink it with a bottle to build the image of the real baby.
    • Drink regular cow's milk or another drink instead of powdered milk, as this is a difficult to digest drink for an adult like you.
  8. Watch children's shows on TV. A great way to talk like a child is to watch and try to immerse yourself in interactive children's TV shows. Little Anhxtanh or programs broadcast in the early morning are usually aimed at young audiences who cannot speak. This is a great way to get back to being a kid and play with care. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Dress like a kid

  1. Wear children's clothes. Most children's apparel is either umbrellas or jumpsuits. These are the things that kids usually wear. However, these clothes are also tailored to adult measurements to make it easy to dress in a kid's style, regardless of size.
    • Babies love things that are "bright colors". Bright pink, bright yellow, and cyan / turquoise are usually more attractive than white, gray or black. Include clothes made of soft fabric with pale pastel colors for a few days. Wear pastel pink if you're female, while men wear pastel blue (sometimes called "light pink" and "light navy").
    • Large jumpsuit for babies can be difficult to find, but bodywear is widely available, especially at rural pet stores and clothing stores. . This seamless thermal underwear is quite warm and has a comfortable design. Large overalls and jumpsuits for babies are often easy to find and really considered trendy.
    • Children also wear stylized T-shirts, so you can imagine in advance a few items that you will use to combine with a goofy dog ​​printed t-shirt. You can make your own large overalls to wear.
  2. Choose accessories for children. To properly portray the baby image, you must have the right accessories. Not the cell phone, belt or watch. Replace these with drinking bottles, bottles and pacifiers.
    • Before you start behaving like a child, you need a few bottles of baby lotion, baby powder, and diaper rash cream. The signature baby scent or milk smell will emanate right after you use these products.
    • Buy wet towels for use in case you need to remove make-up or simply to clean your hands and wash your face. Even the unforgettable baby's scent will remain on your body.
  3. Bring a blanket or stuffed toy. Crib toys to comfort babies have become an important part of their cognitive development, as many babies often go away and cry when an item is stolen or lost. Carrying a blanket or stuffed animal can help you relax and become more innocent.
    • Most children don't bring any stuffed animals or old blankets with them, because the item they carry with them at all times must be something really special. Find your special item and turn it into an indomitable item.
  4. Wear diapers. Buy disposable diapers or diapers if you can't fit a diaper. Although the best quality, cute characters printed diapers are hard to find, they can be found at health care stalls and sanitary ware at most supermarkets. If you find you can still fit your toddler's diaper pants, buy it. Aside from money and weight, the toddler diaper is the only diaper with cute characters on sale at most supermarkets. In addition, a few brands of baby diapers can be sold online.
    • Cloth diapers are the most cost-effective and reusable diapers. This is an extremely suitable choice, especially when you do not have the need to use this item regularly.


  • Buy a few more fun kids' plastic divider plates to separate each type of food.
  • Continue taking vitamins and taking a supplement every day if needed. "Sawing the horns" doesn't mean that an adult has to give up on all the important habits they used to do!
  • To know what it's like to be a baby again, take good care of a baby for a few days. Observe and record as much of what you see as possible (don't just remember it). Take a detailed note of everything the child does and how it moves, then learn from this note to recreate that baby's own style!
  • Online shopping gives you more choice and ensures privacy. Many vendors pack their packages in simple, unnoticeable enclosures.
  • Find someone you know will take care of you. Children don't take care of themselves, so you need help if you really want to be a kid.
  • Pretend to try to read the word. Babies often pretend to read books because they are slowly transitioning into their toddler phase.


  • Don't quit your job. Yes, we all know that kids are underage, but if you don't make enough money you won't be able to buy baby items in the first place!
  • Be optimistic and not be afraid to play or behave like children even though some people may not understand. If you are caught, calmly discuss the matter and make it clear to them that this is a fun, healthy, and harmless activity. Show them articles on this topic online.
  • If you live with your family, partner or roommate, find a safe place for your baby items and choose a golden hour so you won't be disturbed by fun.
  • Recently there is worrying information about the harmful effects of Melan powder to the health of consumers. You should use cornstarch instead of Tan!
  • Infant formula is not suitable for adults. So don't drink. Even when trying to drink, you will feel the unpleasant taste of milk.

What you need

  • Diaper / Diaper pants
  • Two large metal tape, stainless steel for cloth diaper insertion
  • Plastic / rubber waterproof underwear for babies
  • Fragrant baby powder, lotions and baby oil
  • Waterproof pads made of vinyl or rubber protect baby's skin
  • Bottle or drink bottle
  • Baby weaning plate
  • Fake nipples
  • Lovely printed bibs
  • Food for children
  • Vibrant (or not) colorful nightwear with a lovely design
  • Blanket
  • Stuffed toys
  • Small plastic forks and spoons