Ways to Have a Better Life

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 small changes that will improve your life.
Video: 10 small changes that will improve your life.


Life can change for the better. That is a great thought. It is also true if you put effort into it. While it is likely that you may not notice some positive changes every day or every time you try to change, over time and in general, an effort to make a positive change in your life will pay off. good.


Method 1 of 4: Defining a Better Life for Yourself

  1. Determine your value. Think about what you want. What do you value? How do you want to improve your life for the better? Perhaps you want to make more money or become a better parent or find more meaning from your current job; Either way, think more deeply and listen to your instinct.
    • Try describing your ego and ideal life on a piece of paper. You can create a number of columns, such as the relationship column, the financial column, the ideal mind column (that is, how you want to think or how you want to live life).

  2. Ready to adapt. Sometimes, no matter how much you want something to do, it is not possible. If you define your values ​​in a way that you are willing to adapt or compromise, you will likely be happier and end up with a better life in the long run, because you don't often feel down. god, disappointed.
    • Do not give in to life circumstances too easily. Improving your life for the better will be a daunting task.

  3. Analyze your reaction to find your criteria. After you have made your list of values ​​that you value, find standards that can give you some pointers on areas where you should focus on improving.
    • For example, you may have wanted a more meaningful job and higher income, and you don't care much about improving relationships in your list of values.

  4. Take some important steps to change. For example, if you realize that improving your job is important, you can take steps to complete the field of life.
    • For example, you might decide to start evening classes to become a lawyer or a physiotherapist.
  5. Set good goals. One unrealistic goal is something like being the best lawyer in the world and making $ 5 million in the first year after graduating from law school. Avoid setting such goals, instead set specific goals (Measurable), Attainable, Relevant, and time-bound. (Time-bound) (aka SMART).
    • The specific goal is clear. Instead of saying, "I'm going to be a lawyer one day," which isn't specific, you should say something specific like "I'm going to be a lawyer in four years".
    • An estimated goal is something you can track your progress on over time. You estimate your progress at law school by counting the number of lessons you need to take to graduate, and marking each class you complete.
    • The goals that can be achieved are positive and practical. It's not about being the best lawyer in the world. What is achievable should be: graduate from law school and get a job at the average salary for a lawyer or a little higher.
    • An appropriate goal is something that aligns with the values ​​you have identified that will lead to a better life. If you value finding meaning (such as helping others by law) and increasing your income, then becoming a lawyer is a legitimate goal.
    • Time-limited goals are things that have a set deadline. It may also include deadlines for sub-goals, such as specific dates for taking the LSAT (test required for admission to law school).
  6. Continue to control the values ​​you value. Make sure to ask yourself from time to time what value you place in each area of ​​your life. Chances are you realize that your values ​​will change over time as you gain more life experiences.
    • Remember that it's okay to change direction. That doesn't mean you are a failure to redirect your energy to some other area of ​​your life, just understand that you have changed the priorities and values.

Method 2 of 4: Actively seek a better life

  1. Live rightly in the present. While having the mindset of living for the future is definitely important (by doing a lot of things like planning, saving, etc.) it's also important because your happiness is enjoying your present life. .
    • Stop for a few moments during the day. Take 5 deep breaths in and out and notice every sensation in you. Try not to assess your feelings, just feel free to experience them instead.
  2. Try some new activities. Hobby helps us to grow and recharge; they stimulate our mind and body and generate energy. All of this can help us feel like we are having a good life.
    • If you are stuck finding something to enjoy, try visiting the website: http://www.meetup.com/
  3. Increase salary. Studies have shown that money can actually buy happiness, but only up to about $ 75,000, and then the relationship between money and happiness (meaning a better life) will deteriorate. .
    • Depending on how you define "a better life", the level of income is able to continue the relationship with the more money people make, the more satisfied they are with their lives, or even earn more. get more than 75,000 dollars. It is important to think about your specific situation and how you define a better life and decide how much money is important to you.
  4. Remember to smile. Children laugh more than adults; Children are free and happy and their lives are always wonderful and carefree. Being an adult doesn't necessarily mean life will be serious and depressing. Try to smile and make jokes every day to keep everything comfortable and happy.
    • If you don't want to create the humor yourself, then try watching a monologue comedy or a funny TV show.
  5. Stay away from negative people in life. If an acquaintance keeps you down and makes you feel bad about yourself, then stop contacting this person. Although you may feel guilty at first, over time without the negative effects of them, you will feel better.
    • If the friend is a friend, offer suggestions by responding to their messages less and less and procrastinating longer, or simply terminating all communications immediately.
    • If it's a family member or someone you live with, try to avoid the other person by being away from home while they're at home, or by staying in your room while they're out in the living room.

Method 3 of 4: Improve Mental and Physical Health

  1. Do exercise. Regular exercise can bring results against depression; exercise can relieve stress; is the key to a better life. Exercise has these effects in part because it releases the hormone endorphins, one of the hormones that make the brain "feel more comfortable".
    • When exercising, play a few tunes to encourage you to work harder and more excited. Make sure to listen to your body and don't overdo it!
  2. Eat healthy foods. When you eat unhealthy it can make you feel uncomfortable. Therefore, it's important to eat healthy foods if you want to improve your life.
    • Eat foods like lean meats, nuts, fruits, and green vegetables that are best for your health and remember to eat a balanced diet (i.e., eat in moderation).
  3. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can contribute to poor health by causing feelings of fatigue, sadness, and anxiety.
    • If you're having trouble sleeping, try making the room darker. Also try avoiding loud sources and / or wearing earplugs. Try to stick to a regular nightly bedtime routine. Note how many hours of sleep you need to sleep each night to feel comfortable waking up; try to sleep for long hours every night.
  4. Avoid excessive caffeine intake. Caffeine can make you feel anxious, which contributes to stress and anxiety. If you define a better life as less stress and anxiety, then you should try cutting back on caffeine.
    • Remember the compromise. If you realize that you are more productive from a certain amount of caffeine and value that productivity more than some anxiety, then perhaps cutting down on caffeine is not the best solution. Do experiments with different amounts of caffeine and see how such experiments change the way you feel happy about your life.
  5. Try psychotherapy. Counseling or psychotherapy can help people not only cope, but also help them grow up and live better.
    • To find a psychotherapist or a counselor, visit: http://locator.apa.org/
  6. Get out of your comfort zone. Give up on just following some old habits and procedures. Instead, go to the "most worried" area. Studies have shown that anxiety / agitation helps the brain function and complete many tasks.
    • Some ways to get out of your comfort zone include trying to pursue a new hobby, making new friends, or setting yourself up for a little more difficult than usual.
    • Remember your values ​​and personality no matter what. If you define a better life that involves first having time to reflect on yourself and realize that you absolutely have the qualities of an introvert, then maybe getting out of your comfort zone. the roof is not important to you.
    • You won't know until you try it!
  7. Volunteer. Take a little time to help others and then you will find that both your physical and mental health have increased. There are many ways to spend your time volunteering.For example, you can:
    • Volunteer in the homeless kitchen.
    • Call a situation that interests you and ask them if you can spend some time volunteering to help them.
    • Contact your local library and ask if they need a tutor in something you know about.
    • Contact your local government representative and ask about volunteering help for the cases that interest you.

Method 4 of 4: Relationships Improvement

  1. Remember your shortcomings before you criticize others. As a human being, you often go through a bad day at times and get in a bad mood, lose your temper, need time alone, lie, and become selfish. Try to remember that people don't always live up to an ideal. So, just as you are ignoring your own mistakes, try to ignore the mistakes of others as well.
    • Instead of making stern criticism based on a single case of behavior, look at behavioral patterns that react more clearly than an individual's type of person.
  2. Do some kind of action for someone you know. Have you received a thank-you card from someone? For some reason, sending thank you cards makes people feel better than someone simply saying thank you personally. This indicates that when someone puts in extra effort, these efforts are appreciated and make the receiver feel grateful and happy.
    • When you treat your friends well, they will respond kindly. This will help your relationship improve and help you live a better life.
  3. Communicate more clearly. Communication is difficult because it requires you to explain your feelings and thoughts in a format you think your audience will understand exactly what is being said. But how can you be sure your words are understood correctly?
    • One way to increase change is to spend more time thinking before speaking, in order to communicate more effectively. If thoughts have yet to be expressed, then be sure to select them in mind before speaking out loud.
  4. Become more listener. Concentrate and pay attention to who is speaking. Appreciate their words even if you disagree with their point of view or opinion.
    • Try to get rid of the distractions from your mind. You can do that partly by looking at the speaker's mouth movements. Studies have shown that the information seen from lip movements helps with language processing.
  5. Acknowledge the speaker's point of view. Try to consider their point of view. Put yourself in their shoes before judging them. Does she seem bluff with you? Why? Instead of assuming she's a bad or inferior person, consider it maybe because she's had a hard day at work, or someone else has been rude to her in the past.
  6. Helping strangers. Many studies show that spending money on others makes us happier, even happier than spending money on ourselves. That is the idea of ​​"giving back on" - doing kind things to others (in theory) and they will continue to help others.
    • Some examples of random acts of kindness include paying for tickets to the person in line behind you at the cinema, buying homeless meals or warm blankets, or cleaning your parents' house.


  • Try doing something new every week.
  • Planning a time for daily physical activity, such as exercise and a healthy body, is the foundation for a peaceful mind.
  • Continue to discover new things like waves, skydivers, or anything else that interests you. Discover a new challenge that gives you more confidence!
  • Make a list or take pictures and print all the souvenir pictures so you can smile and remember good times when you look at them.


  • Even if it's a family member, whatever the case - anyone who hurts you emotionally will keep you down and never let you improve.
  • Stay away from people who say you "can't" or that insult you.
  • Also stay away from the "wrong crowd" that will put pressure on you to do things you don't want and you will regret.