How to learn English

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Best Way To Learn English (In my humble opinion.)
Video: The Best Way To Learn English (In my humble opinion.)


In the case of foreign languages ​​like English, the desire to improve the effectiveness of your teaching skills can seem like a daunting task. Fortunately, there are many tips and tricks to help you learn English or another foreign language. Also use fun and effective teaching methods.


Method 1 of 3: Language Basics

  1. 1 Make flash cardsto build vocabulary and understand grammar better. Flashcards are a great way to expand your vocabulary as well as learn grammar for any level of language proficiency. Always carry a set of these cards with you and review them whenever you have a spare minute. You can make the cards yourself or buy a ready-made set.
  2. 2 Label the names of objects in the house with stickers. Buy sticky note paper and label various household items daily with stickers with English names to help you remember the translation. It's an easy and fun way to build vocabulary regularly with new words.
    • For example, label a lamp, refrigerator, desk, computer, and dining table.
  3. 3 Use Duolingo. Duolingo is a free online language learning app powered by interactive, responsive games that let you learn words, grammar, and other aspects of a language. Try to use the app every day to improve your skills.
    • Create a free account and use the app on your smartphone, PC and tablet.
  4. 4 Use materials from the Guardian Teacher Network website. The Guardian is an English language news source that provides free educational materials. This section contains and systematized various materials for learning English! Get started with the materials to learn the basics of the language, starting with the alphabet.
    • The Big Grammar Book has 101 printed tables. Such a manual will be useful for both beginners and students with a higher level of knowledge. All materials are provided by the EnglishBanana site, which offers free tables and guidelines for language learning.
    • The Big Resource Book and Big Activity Book are complementary collections of tables and lessons to help you learn English.
    • Take advantage of the “tools” provided on the Guardian website. The toolkits are provided by independent language experts and include lessons on specific topics with illustrations.
  5. 5 Exercise a certain amount of time each day. Set aside twenty minutes or a full hour for training.Sit in a comfortable place away from the TV, unplug your phone (if you're not using it for class), and start exercising. In addition to traditional teaching methods, there are many other ways, especially when it comes to English in the modern world.
    • If you are an English teacher at school, review all assignments after the teacher has reviewed them. It is always a good idea to take a moment of attention to the prior homework assignments. This approach will help to regularly refresh the acquired knowledge. Pay attention to mistakes and try to correct any deficiencies.
    • Take free tests online. There are many tests on the Internet that will help you test your vocabulary, grammar, sentence composition, and other aspects of the language.
    • Use audio tutorials. If you spend a lot of time on the road every day, make it a habit to listen to English lessons that will help you gain new knowledge and improve your pronunciation.
  6. 6 Study with a friend. Work through flashcards or conversations together. Even if your friend knows the language better, you can learn a lot from him and understand difficult topics.
    • Learning languages ​​is not easy. A friend's help and participation in the class will be helpful even if you are not working on a specific program.
    • Check each other's homework if you are in the same class. This will improve your grades and help you gain deeper knowledge.
    • If there is a person nearby who is able to answer your questions, then the training will go much faster and more pleasant. Soon you will be able to answer the questions of others!
  7. 7 Pay attention to synonyms. It is believed that the English language borrows a lot from other languages, so different words can often describe the same concept. It should not be assumed, however, that all synonyms are interchangeable. Small differences in meanings can lead to misunderstandings when using such words.
    • For example, the words “emaciated” and “thin” have similar meanings, but are not interchangeable. Emaciated is a person who is so thin that he looks unhealthy. The word "thin" can describe a slender, healthy and attractive person.
    • Check the interpretation of synonymous words before use. This way you will not only expand your vocabulary, but also acquire a deeper knowledge of the language.
  8. 8 Memorize words with unusual spellings. Different ways of transmitting the same sounds complicate the process of learning English. If you are having trouble using a certain word correctly, look at its spelling in other forms. At first, this can unsettle you, but this way you will understand that the peculiarity of the spelling of English words can be called a large number of exceptions that you just need to remember.
    • For example, some words contain letters that are not pronounced, such as “knife” or “honor”.
    • There are also rules about vowel order in some cases like “i” before “e” (almost always, but with exceptions!) Or replacing “y” with “ies” in plural forms.
  9. 9 Notice small differences in the meanings of the verbs. An additional difficulty in learning English can be verbs. There are many verbs in it that have similar meanings, but at the same time greatly change the meanings of the sentences in which they are used.
    • For example, the phrases “May I?” (can I?) and "Can I?" (can I?) have different (albeit similar) meanings. The verb “May” is used as a polite attempt to get permission, while “can” is more a question about the possibility or impossibility of something.
    • Become familiar with common verbs to avoid these mistakes.
  10. 10 Spelling can be misleading. There are many words in spoken English that are pronounced differently even if they are spelled the same way.This can cause pronunciation errors.
    • For example, the words “bough”, “tough” and “cough” differ by only one letter, but each is pronounced differently.

Method 2 of 3: Speaking and Writing

  1. 1 Practice speaking whenever possible. If you have a learning partner who is also learning English, try to communicate with each other exclusively in English. Awkward situations are possible, but there is no better practice than communicating in the language you want to master.
    • Find a part-time job that requires speaking English. Look for companies that have a large number of clients from foreign tourists. Today, English has become the international language of communication for many travelers.
    • Through this dissemination, you can use your everyday interactions with strangers to practice speaking. For example, when ordering food or shopping at a store in a big city, greet the cashier in English. If they answer you in English, then this is a chance to get conversational practice.
  2. 2 Write in English not only during lessons. In addition to formal classes, use written English in areas that interest you. For example, you might keep a diary in English and make new entries every night. Retell the events of the past day or write down your thoughts.
    • You will begin to effortlessly put into practice the new knowledge that you acquired in grammar classes.
    • Chat with a friend in English. This is a great way to practice the language as you have to read and write.
  3. 3 Practice speaking and writing in learning communities online. If you cannot find a reliable partner for your speaking practice, then you can always use the internet. People are learning English all over the world, so you will find many to become your learning partner! There are entire websites dedicated to learning different languages ​​together.
    • Use the Speaky service. Set up a free account on the Speaky website and find partners to communicate based on common interests. This service allows you to communicate using simple written messages or audio and video calls. There is also the Speaky mobile application, thanks to which you can chat on the go.
    • Check out This is another online learning community where you can play group games to learn new words and phrases.
  4. 4 Pay special attention to pronunciation. Read aloud and see transcriptions of words you are not sure of the correct pronunciation. It may sound strange, but reading aloud in this way will help you better learn to speak.
    • To add some weirdness and creative inspiration, read poetry in English and translations of your favorite poems or stories. Become familiar with English rhymes to better understand the pronunciation of certain words.
    • Record yourself on a voice recorder. Listen to the recordings and find words and sounds that you are having trouble with. You may not notice the mistake when you say the word out loud, but everything will be noticeable on the recording, since you will hear yourself from the side.

Method 3 of 3: Everyday language

  1. 1 Read in English every day. Read books, newspapers, or articles on the internet. This method will greatly expand your vocabulary, and will also help you communicate in writing and orally about the culture of English-speaking countries and current events. Make it a goal to read any English language material every day.
  2. 2 Watch movies and TV shows in English. Listen carefully to the words of the actors. They might seem to be talking too fast at first, so don't be afraid to pause and take breaks. It is a fun way to expand your knowledge and get to know the language without feeling like you are in a lesson.Watch movies to learn new words and learn listening skills!
    • Listen to podcasts with “slow English”. Listen to news podcasts in which the announcers speak slowly and use simplified English.
    • You can also listen to famous historical speeches in English and watch documentaries.
    • Watch videos without subtitles. If you do not understand anything, then turn on subtitles, but follow the actors and read the text only if you cannot understand the phrase by ear or you come across unfamiliar words.
    • Pay attention to unusual phrases that are widely used by native speakers.
    • Re-watch your favorite movies in English without subtitles. Since you already know the plot and may even remember some lines, it will be easier for you to perceive words and phrases in English.
  3. 3 Have fun, relax and do your daily activities in English. Play word games. Chat with native speakers. Play your favorite songs in English and sing along.
    • Listen to radio stations in English. If they are not available in your area, you can always find a suitable station on the Internet. Listen to programs on topics of interest to you.
    • Configure your search engine so that it only shows you results in English. Searches can take longer, but switching to another language (even if you're a little scared!) Is a great learning method.