How to express gratitude

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Four A’s for Expressing Gratitude
Video: The Four A’s for Expressing Gratitude


You can feel grateful to your friends, family, health, and circumstances, but you can't always express it.To truly express gratitude, you need to be kind, open, and helpful, making people feel better. Take your time and let people know that you really value them. Just remember that being grateful means being happy.


Method 1 of 3: How to express gratitude to loved ones

  1. 1 Sign the thank you card. Thank you cards are not just for expressing gratitude to teachers; they can be gifted to everyone who has positively influenced your life. You can sign such a card to your favorite barista or best friend, and you don't have to wait for a special occasion to present such a card. A thank you card to a loved one is an easy way to express how grateful you are for having them in your life.
    • You can also write a thank you letter if you think the words of gratitude will not fit on the card.
    • You can send postcards to friends, even if they live near you, for a special effect.
  2. 2 Do something for your friends simply because they are your friends. If you want to show gratitude, you don't have to do something for your friends because they helped you or because you want to do something in return. Instead, help them simply because they are dear to you and you want to make their lives easier. You can bring them coffee or food when they are busy, offer to sit with the child or walk the dog, or find some other way to help a friend.
    • Be observant. Think about how you can really help your friend. If your friend is tired, tell him that you are taking his dog for a walk while your friend can sleep in the meantime. If your friend's room is a mess, help arrange things. Your friend may not even know what he needs until you suggest it.
    • Of course, your friends should do something in return, too. You don't want people to take advantage of your kindness.
  3. 3 Tell your family that you value them very much. You may be taking family for granted without even realizing it. If you want to express how much you value your family, you must tell your loved ones every day that you love them. In this way, you will express your gratitude for everything they give you.
    • Tell them in person or over the phone. Do this as often as possible. Your family is the people you accept for who they are, and it's very important to express your feelings for them.
    • Show how much they mean to you by giving them your time. Watch movies together, play board games, or cook together. This is one way to express your gratitude.
    • Help the family around the house. Don't wait for mom to make you wash; Do it yourself.
  4. 4 Give meaningful gifts. Expressing gratitude does not mean buying expensive gifts; instead, you can find a way to express how much you value the person through support and concern. If your friend has long dreamed of a book, go with him to a meeting with the author of the book and buy it for him; if your friend is into yoga, but it is too expensive for him, give him a subscription for one month.
    • Pay attention to what your friends and family are telling you. If one of your friends mentions their favorite band, buy concert tickets.
    • If your mom mentions that she would like to learn how to cook Italian food, buy her a cookbook.
    • You don't have to wait for a birthday or a holiday to give a gift. Sometimes the best gifts are those that are simply given from the heart.
  5. 5 Send flowers. Flowers can be sent not only for birthday or special occasions. You can send flowers to a friend or family just to show that you care about them and that you care about them. The next time you feel grateful or want to do something nice for a distant friend, call the flower shop and order a bouquet of flowers to please the friend.
    • If you find a way to recognize your friend's favorite flowers, make a bouquet and send it in person.
  6. 6 Bake something. You can bake banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, or one of your friend's favorite desserts to enjoy. You can deliver cookies to your friend's house or mail them if they live far away. This is a great way to express gratitude, because everyone knows how difficult it is to bake something. Your friend or loved one will immediately understand how much you value him and will be grateful to you.
    • Baking shows your gratitude especially well when you know the person needs to be reassured. Chocolates or sweets will make anyone feel better and can be a great way to express concern.
  7. 7 Respect your elders. Another way to express gratitude is to show respect for your elders. Whether you're hanging out with your grandparents or just hanging out with older people, it's important to show how much you value them. This is a great way to express gratitude.
    • Listen to what they have to say and don't ignore them. They can teach you a lot.
  8. 8 Help the person clean up. Another way to express gratitude to friends or family is to help with housework or other help. Helping the person clean up will clear your mind and save that person from an unpleasant task. See if your parents or friends need help and just surprise them by cleaning up.
    • If you're cleaning up as a surprise, make sure the person doesn't mind you touching their belongings and that they don't think you are violating their privacy.
    • If you are a guest in someone's house for a few days, then cleaning is a great expression of gratitude.
  9. 9 Give the person a list of everything they've done for you. Another way of expressing gratitude to a loved one is to provide a list of all the delicious things they've done for you, like teaching you how to make a great noodle salad. You can make such a list for your boss, family member, or friend; it will make the person feel better about the fact that you value them.
    • You can even decorate the list with something so that your loved one can hang it somewhere. If you really want to make the person happy, you can frame the list.
  10. 10 Listen. You can also express your gratitude by listening to the person. Just be close to your loved one, take time for him and make him feel that you love and appreciate him. Just sit next to the person, turn off your phone, maintain eye contact, and listen instead of interrupting or thinking up the answer in your head. Some people just love to be listened to, and you can express your concern for the person by simply listening.
    • Don't give advice until asked. Sometimes it's best not to.
    • Don't compare the person's experience with your own unless you think it can help. Instead, evaluate what is being said from the perspective of the person you are talking to.
  11. 11 Express your gratitude publicly. Another way to express gratitude is to express gratitude in a public place. But you shouldn't make the person feel uncomfortable. You just have to show that he is dear to you and that you are grateful for his help. Say a few sentences during dinner or a small meeting with friends to show gratitude for the role the person has played in your life.
    • You just have to speak sincerely and heartily. You should give examples of what the person has done for you.
    • You can help the person feel proud by publicly expressing gratitude to them.

Method 2 of 3: Expressing gratitude to strangers

  1. 1 Do a good deed. Doing a good deed will help you express gratitude to the world around you. You can send flowers to a stranger, put change in an expired parking meter, or do some other good deed. The best thing about this is that you do everything anonymously. Here's what you can do:
    • donate money or send clothes to charity;
    • teach someone something new;
    • listen to a person feeling lonely;
    • help a person find his way;
    • pay for coffee for the next one in line at the coffee shop.
  2. 2 Offer help. You can show your gratitude to a stranger by offering the help you need. While you don't have to overstep borders, you can help a woman carry food bags to the car, help a person carry heavy bags to the door, or help a waiter clean up if he's busy. Make an effort and you can express gratitude that way.
    • Look for opportunities to help other people. While you don't have to be assertive, many people are simply afraid to ask for help.
  3. 3 Smile. Just smile at people to make them feel better. You might smile at the person passing by, sitting next to you on the bus, or serving you coffee. Just smile to make the person feel good. You don't know what your smile could mean to a stranger. Your smile can cheer up a person and improve their mood.
    • If you smile at people in the service industry, you will express your gratitude that way. These people work all day long and feel the ingratitude of such work, so your smile can make a difference.
  4. 4 Give us a tip. Another way to express gratitude is to tip for a job well done. The tip should be good, and in this way you thank the waiter or anyone who provided any service to you. This is a small gesture that can help improve the financial situation of people helping you with anything.
    • Leave a note for the waiter to express your gratitude. Many people spend all day at work without receiving any gratitude for their work.
  5. 5 Respect the people around you. Another way to express gratitude is to respect the people around you. Respect other people's space and don't talk too loudly on the phone in quiet public places. Be kind and polite to strangers in the same room. Just make the effort and treat people with the respect and kindness they deserve.
    • Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Don't overstep the privacy of others. Make way on the bus. Smile at people who look sad.
    • Good manners are a great way to show respect. Don't swear, chew with your mouth open, or interrupt other people.
    • Give people your full attention, show interest in what they are talking about, and listen to them to the end.
  6. 6 Be a good citizen. You can also express gratitude to the world by being a good citizen. This means that you only have to park your car in one place, clean up your trash, let pedestrians pass, or do something else to show your respect for the community. If you litter the world around you or leave a supermarket cart in the middle of a parking lot, you will be an ungrateful citizen.
    • Remember, the world does not belong to you. Always remember to put things in their place and not wait for someone else to do it.
    • Carry out your civic responsibilities. Vote for the president and in local elections, and pay taxes.
  7. 7 Compliment. You can also show your gratitude by complimenting the people around you. Since we're talking about strangers, you shouldn't make people feel uncomfortable. Just say, "Cool shirt!" or "I love your flowers!" It will make the person feel special.You can compliment regularly.
    • Think about the unique, weird, and original aspects. If someone is wearing a great shirt, compliment them and they will be pleased with their appearance.
    • If someone has a charming smile, say so. But you must do it so that the person does not think that you are hinting at something.

Method 3 of 3: How to Live a More Thankful Life

  1. 1 Keep a gratitude journal. If you want to make gratitude a habit, you should start with a gratitude journal and write down every week what you feel grateful for. Just pick a day, for example Sunday, and make a list of 10–20 things that you are grateful for. You may feel that there is nothing special about this, but if you think about it carefully, you will feel that there are tons of things in life to be grateful for.
    • If you read the diary once a month, you can feel how grateful you are for a particular event.
    • You can even paste the list next to your computer for inspiration during your work day.

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD

    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker Dr. Adam Dorsey is a licensed psychologist based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is one of the founders of Project Reciprocity, an international program at Facebook, and a consultant to the Digital Ocean security team. He specializes in working with successful adult clients, helping them solve relationship problems, cope with stress and anxiety and make their lives happier. In 2016, he gave a TEDx talk about men and emotions that became very popular. Received an MSc in Counseling Psychology from Santa Clara University and a Degree in Clinical Psychology in 2008.

    Adam Dorsay, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist and TEDx Speaker

    Professional advice: sincerity is everything. Adam Dorsey, a licensed psychologist, says: “There is solid scientific evidence that certain parts of the brain are fedwhen we practice gratitude on a daily basis. It's important not just to thank and roll your eyes. If you are able to thank sincerely, you can enjoy the healing effects of gratitude, which may include burst of happiness and a reduction in symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. "

  2. 2 Practice yoga. Yoga is the practice of gratitude. If you want to make gratitude a part of your lifestyle, do yoga 2-3 times a week and say namaste to express gratitude for every breath you take. You can also practice yoga at home if you prefer.
    • Practicing yoga means renouncing judgment and expressing gratitude for a healthy body given to you. This means that you welcome the world and feel good about yourself.
    • Yoga must be practiced at your own pace and not condemn the inability of other people. This helps to become more grateful to the world around us.
  3. 3 Volunteer. Volunteering is another way to show gratitude for the benefits of your life. No matter how busy you are, you can take a few hours each month to help out at your local library, work in the charity kitchen, or clean your yard or park. If you put in the effort, you will be able to express your gratitude in full.
    • If you are surrounded by people, you can also learn a lot from them.
  4. 4 Express your gratitude on social media. Most people use social media for entertainment or to complain about the world. While there are many reasons for complaining, you should not insult the people around you. Instead, write messages expressing your gratitude. This is a great way to express gratitude to many people at the same time, and it doesn't take too much effort.
    • You shouldn't advertise your gratitude too much. If you do it from the heart, people will appreciate your work.
    • Do something for other people as a thank you. Share an interesting fact about food or cats. It doesn't have to be serious. If you only distribute sad news articles and complain about the world, it will be wrong.
  5. 5 Complain as little as possible. If you really want to express gratitude, you should complain as little as possible. Although sometimes you want to express your feelings, you should share the positive, not the negative. If you are complaining about a job, you are expressing ingratitude. If you complain about a loved one all the time, you do not forget about love and support. Think positively and be optimistic instead of complaining.
    • If you complain at every opportunity, you will not be able to see the good in your life. Although we all get depressed at times, you should focus on talking only about positive things and expressing gratitude in a more conventional way.
  6. 6 Express your love. Another way of expressing gratitude is caring. Hug other people, kiss children and your family. Take time to cuddle with your partner, and the next time you meet with a friend, hug him, rather than just wave your hand. Express your feelings for other people.
    • But you have to make sure that the person you are hugging feels good about it. Otherwise, you will make him feel uncomfortable.
    • Kiss your loved one at least twice a day.
  7. 7 Stop gossiping. If you want to live a more rewarding life, then you shouldn't gossip about other people. Instead, say something nice and treat people positively. Instead of gossip and insults, encourage other people. Express concern for people and do not be ungrateful by insulting them.
    • Plus, if your friends hear good things about themselves, they'll start thinking better of you. This is a great way to spread good karma!
  8. 8 Live for today. One of the main ways to live a more rewarding life is to live for today, not caring about what happened in the past and not thinking about the future. If you live in the moment, you will enjoy every breath, every smile, and every bite of food. Life is a journey and you need to be grateful every step of the way.
    • Express your concerns on paper instead of spending all your time on it. Don't cloud your life with negative thoughts.
    • Try not to live in the past. Be grateful for the relationship you had, and even the mistakes you made.