How to play the game of summoning spirits "Ghost"

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Playing "Spirit of the Coin" Is it safe to play ALONE??


Ghost is a game where you can summon a spirit or spirits and ask them questions (this is more effective than a similar game with a coin). You will not see or hear the spirits; they will talk to you using a deck of playing cards.


Method 1 of 2: Classic version

  1. 1 The first thing you need to do is find a dark room. Complete darkness should reign in it.
  2. 2 When you find a suitable room, place a candle next to you. Now you need to draw a circle to protect yourself from unwanted energies. When dealing with the spirit world, this precaution is absolutely necessary, because there is a possibility that the summoned spirit will want to harm you. The circle can be quite material, lined with salt or pebbles, or a metaphysical border in the form of white or blue protective light. To start the game, light a candle or several candles. Spirits are attracted by the light of a candle. Chances are, the more candles you light, the easier and more fun your game will be.
  3. 3 If you have salt, sprinkle a little not far from the candle, or sprinkle salt on the cards. Salt creates a certain kind of positive energy.
  4. 4 When all the candles are lit and the salt is in place, take a deck of playing cards and start shuffling it, trying to mentally focus on the spirits and the afterlife. Concentrate, your mind must be completely serious before you can move on to the next step. If several people take part in the game, then each person must shuffle the cards, focusing on thoughts about the spirits and the afterlife.
  5. 5 After everyone has shuffled the deck and added their energy to the cards, spread the desired number of cards on the floor or whatever surface you are playing on. It's not bad if you have a few cards left, so don't lay out the whole deck at once.
  6. 6 Now you need to choose one person to be the medium. This medium will ask the spirits the questions you want an answer to (the first question you should ask is, "Spirit, do you want to talk to us tonight?" , blow out the candles and stop playing). Then the medium extends his hand over the cards and slowly leads with his hand, trying to feel the warmth or attraction emanating from the cards. It sounds pretty absurd, but you should try to choose a card based on the heat coming from it. This will seem strange to you. but the cards do give off heat during this process. You can feel this warmth when you extend your hand over the cards, which is why the movement of the hand must be very slow, and the candle must be at a sufficient distance so that only light and not heat can reach from it.
  7. 7 When you find the card you want, flip it over and see what suit it is. This is your answer. Here's how to interpret it:
  8. 8Hearts - Yes
  9. 9Pica - No
  10. 10Tambourines - Possibly
  11. 11Clubs - I don't know
  12. 12 Keep asking your questions. If you keep getting “Maybe” or “I don’t know” in response, then your questions are too general, try to make them as specific as possible. Some of you may be skeptical about these answers, however, when I first played this game, we asked the spirits 17 questions and turned over 17 cards, and they were all “Maybe” and “I don’t know” answers. What is the probability that out of 52 cards of four suits we could randomly choose only these two suits? It couldn't be a coincidence, so the game is absolutely true. As you can see, our questions were too general and we changed the medium.Overall, this game gives you an interesting experience, and can be good fun for you and your friends.

Method 2 of 2: Ghost (Version 2)

  1. 1 Find an empty room. Take a candle with you. You will need something like a "talking" board for your spiritualistic experiences.
  2. 2 Take a piece of paper and write the numbers and the alphabet on it. You will need to write numbers from 0 to 10. Draw a line between the alphabet and the numbers. And you need to leave enough space between them so that you can write "start" and "stop".
  3. 3 Place a coin in the free space.
  4. 4 Say out loud: "Spirit, come to us" or "Spirit !!!", and the coin will begin to move.
  5. 5 You need to know what the movements of the coin mean. If the coin has moved to the start territory, it means that the spirit agrees to play with you. You can ask him about everything. what interests you, but after that you will have to fulfill everything that the spirit said. If the coin has moved to the space where "stop" is written, then you are very out of luck. Perhaps you are destined to die soon.


  • It can be quite amusing to ask a spirit who he is. Since you can only ask those questions to which you can answer "yes" or "no", then you can formulate it, for example, as: "Are we talking to the spirit?" Although, perhaps, I would not advise asking such a question until you ask the spirit all the other questions that interest you and get answers.


  • If something unusual starts happening, stop playing immediately. These can be: whispering, touching (a very bad sign!), Or unexplained feelings such as anger, sadness, or fear. Living in a haunted house isn't fun at all. It will be exhausting at best and dangerous at worst.
  • NEVER ASK the spirits if they want to come. If you ask them this question, the spirits may want to stay in your home. You don't need it at all!

What do you need

  • A deck of ordinary playing cards
  • · Candle
  • Lighter or matches
  • · A dark room
  • · Salt
  • Several friends (optional)