How to grow begonias

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Begonias | Gardening Ideas | Peter Seabrook
Video: How to Grow Begonias | Gardening Ideas | Peter Seabrook


Begonias are a classic gardener's favorite and are loved for their ease of growing and beautiful color. Would you like to add a new houseplant to your collection, plant something in hanging flowerpots, or add a new flower to your garden? Then consider planting begonias. Although they are annuals and require annual planting, they are well worth it.


Method 1 of 2: Preparing for Planting

  1. 1 Choose a variety of begonias to plant. There are two main varieties of begonias: those grown from seeds and those grown from tubers / bulbs. Seed-grown begonias are usually slightly smaller and more difficult to grow. Bulbous begonias are stronger and larger plants. Both varieties come in a variety of color options, including shades of pink, white, purple, yellow, and red. The bulb and begonia seeds are annual, although the bulbs can be stored and planted the following year. If you don't want the hassle of bulbs and seeds, head to your local nursery to buy a small pot of begonias and plant them.
    • If you are very lucky, you may find a variety of perennial begonias, but they are not common.
    • You can also try planting cuttings begonias.
  2. 2 Choose a location. Begonias are one of the many common flowers that can be successfully grown both indoors and outdoors. They love a lot of shade, making them the perfect addition to your houseplant collection. If you are planting potted begonias, choose a spot in your home on the east, west, or south side of the window. They can also be placed on a shaded veranda that receives plenty of sunlight. If you planted them in a garden, place them in a shady area under other large plants or on the north side of the garden.
    • Begonias can handle a little sun, but don't plant them in direct sun.
    • If you don't have room on the windowsills to place potted begonias, you will need to use a lamp to provide enough light.
  3. 3 Prepare the soil. Better not to prepare the soil at all, as begonias grow better in soil without gardening mixture than in typical "mud". Prepare a mixture of ⅔ peat and ⅓ potting soil (available at garden shops and nurseries). Begonias like acidic soil with good drainage, which can be easily provided by a peat moss mixture. If you must use soil outside, include a lot of peat and organic matter to provide the best conditions for your begonias.
    • If you are using a peat moss mixture, soak the moss in boiling water and let cool before planting the begonias.
    • You can use 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer in the soil for additional begonias nutrients.
  4. 4 Know when to plant. Begonias are annuals, so they won't grow every year. Accordingly, every year in the middle of spring you will have to plant them again. Begonias won't cope with cold temperatures and frost, so wait at least a week after the last winter frost to plant them. You can also plant them in an indoor pot first and then move them outdoors when it gets warmer.

Method 2 of 2: Planting begonias

  1. 1 Prepare your garden area / container. If you are planting begonias outdoors, dig a seed and bulb hole 5 cm deep, or one to cover the root ball of the houseplant. Begonias that will be planted in raised beds or in pots should be given a container slightly larger than their root ball, or planted in larger containers with other indoor plants. Begonia do not need a lot of space, so feel free to plant them close to other plants in the garden or on the edge of a pot / bed.
  2. 2 Plant begonias. Remove the bulbs, seeds and place them in the holes that you dug. Each begonia plant should be placed in its own hole, although they may be close together. Cover the top of the root ball, bulb or seed with 5 cm of soil / potting soil. If you are planting a small begonia, peel off the root ball a little before placing it in the hole.
  3. 3 Water the plant. Most plants need extra water after the first planting to avoid what is known as "transplant shock". Water the begonias vigorously so that the soil is moist but not flooded. Flowers will need to be watered every few days, either by hand or by an irrigation system. Begonias cannot tolerate heavy watering, so don't worry about keeping the area constantly moist. In fact, if it rains heavily in your area, you may need to move the begonias to your porch or indoors to protect them from flooding.
  4. 4 Maintain the garden area. If you have potted begonias on your porch or indoors, you won't have a lot of weed management. However, if your plants are outdoors in your garden, check the weeds every few days and pull them out. Add 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer about once a month, or mix some compost and peat for extra nutrients. If you want, you can mulch the area, as this will retain moisture (and, as a result, less watering) and prevent new weeds from sprouting.
  5. 5 Pick off faded begonias. Over time, you will notice that the flowers on the begonias will begin to brown and die off. In this case, you must cut them off. Cut or pluck a dead flower to encourage the growth of new flowers and channel nutrients to other parts of the plant. At the end of flowering, remove all dead buds and leave the green plant. Thus, the accumulated plant nutrients will be stored in the bulb until the next season, rather than helping the flower buds that are already dead.
  6. 6 Protect plants from pests. Although outdoor plants are always at risk from pests, indoor plants can also be affected by pests. Keep begonias safe from slugs and snails outdoors by crushing eggshells and placing them around the base of the plant. Houseplants are often attacked by mealybugs, which can be destroyed with a small amount of regular alcohol in a spray bottle. Other pests can be controlled with a mild gardening insecticide. Talk to a local nursery worker for advice on determining the best method for your begonias.
  7. 7 Pluck begonias. Begonias are usually not used in floral arrangements because they lack long stems, but you can pluck the flowers for decorative use such as stamping. Nip or pluck the flower at the top of the plant without picking off too many leaves / too many stems with it. You can pluck as many as you like during the growing season because they will grow back in a few days.
  8. 8 Protect plants from the cold. If your plants haven't died when it gets freezing outside, you can save them by bringing them indoors. However, this is only suitable for outdoor potted plants. Place the pots on a window that gets plenty of sunlight. During the first 1-2 weeks indoors, begonias will generally shed a lot of leaves, but this is normal after moving. They must acclimatize to new conditions.
  9. 9 Save the bulbs. At the end of the year, when your plants are getting ready for winter, you can save the begonia bulbs for replanting next spring.Wait until the plant is completely dry and then pull down all the main stems that come out of the bulb. Place the onion (s) on a wire rack or strainer in a cool, dry place to dry for 5-7 days. When they are completely dry, they can be removed for storage. The bulbs should be placed in a cardboard box full of dry peat until they are planted in the spring.


  • If you have pinched parts of begonias, you can put them in water to make them germinate. Once the roots are well developed, plant the cut off in a pot to grow a new begonia.
  • Begonias can be planted from seed, but it takes about 4 months for them to get ready for planting outdoors. The seeds are very delicate, so it is difficult to start growing plants this way.

What do you need

  • Peat moss
  • Sand
  • Fertilizer
  • Water
  • Boot
  • Container with drain holes
  • Hanging flowerpots