How to Make Caramel Sauce

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Homemade Caramel Sauce
Video: Homemade Caramel Sauce


  • Absolutely not stirring sugar and butter as they melt. If necessary, gently shake the mixture to slightly blend the ingredients. The sugar at the bottom of the pot will melt first and the sugar on the top will melt away when you cook.
  • Heat the mixture. Leave the sugar and butter mixture on the stove over low heat for 5 to 8 minutes. You should not take your eyes off the mixture while it is cooking. Shake the mixture gently if necessary to avoid burning, but do not stir the mixture.
    • If you see some sugar burned before the other sugar has dissolved, the next time you make the caramel sauce, add half a cup of water to the sugar before starting the process. This is called the "wet" caramel method. (See the following details).
    • A recipe for carameling with water will allow the sugar to simmer evenly, although it will take a while to boil it - the water will need to evaporate before the sugar turns caramel.

  • Color test. After 5 to 8 minutes, the mixture should have a light brown color. You will see many small sugar crystals about to crystallize.
    • If sugar crystals appear on the edge of the pot, use a brush to sweep them into the mixture.
  • Remove the pot from the stove. Once all the sugar has turned to caramel, remove the pot from the stove and add some whipped cream now. Now you can use a whisk to stir the mixture.
    • Add in small amounts of whipped cream and stir vigorously. You should see the mixture froth and rise higher.
    • When you finish adding the cream, the caramel sauce should be a darker color. The mixture continues to sparkle as the cream melts into the sugar and butter.

  • Filter the mixture. Pour caramel into a heat-resistant bowl or jar under the sieve. Thus, the undissolved sugar crystals are filtered out of the mixture.
  • Put sugar and water in a 2 - 3 liter pot. Turn on high heat and wait until mixture starts to boil, stir constantly.
    • When the mixture boils, heat the pot over medium low heat and stop stirring.
    • Let the mixture boil continuously until it turns a dark brown color. The mixture will now be colored like a brown beer.
  • Remove the pot from the stove. Put the butter in a saucepan, then slowly add the whipped cream to the caramel sauce and stir well. Note: the fever will boil hard!
    • Stir in the thick layer of caramel in the bottom of the pot. If you see lumpy spots, cook again and stir until the mixture is dissolved.

  • Let the mixture have a thick texture. The mixture should dissolve evenly after stirring and cool.
    • Strain the mixture into a heat-resistant jar or bowl and wait until the caramel sauce is cool enough to enjoy.
  • Method 3 of 3: Win Caramel Sugar with Whipped Cream

    1. Put butter in a thick base pot. Heat on low heat.
    2. Add sugar and whipped cream. Stir your hands well until the sugar is dissolved.
    3. Simmer over low heat for 8 to 10 minutes. Stir continuously to prevent the sugar from crystallizing.
    4. Add the vanilla essence and stir well.
    5. Enjoy. This sauce can be used cold or while still hot.
      • Caramel sauce can be stored for up to 7 days if covered and kept in the refrigerator.


    • Wait until all the sugar is dissolved and immediately add the butter. Or you can cook the mixture for another 10-15 seconds after the sugar has dissolved for a more intense flavor.
    • Caramel sauce can also be eaten with fruit. For example, combine grilled peach or pear with caramel sauce, or spread caramel on a frozen banana dish.
    • Add about 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder if you like the chocolate flavor. This will also reduce the burning smell if the mixture is slightly burnt.
    • Although the caramel sauce will loosen while it is warm, if you find your mixture is too thick, you can add a little cream while cooking.
    • If you don't have whipped cream, you can substitute it with milk although the caramel sauce will be looser after that.
    • Dip or spread caramel on apple. Decorate and then chill for apple candy.
    • Sometimes if your ice cream is too cold it will cause the caramel sugar to solidify. To avoid that, you will need to heat up the whipped cream before preparing it.
    • Cool caramel sauce adds flavor to vanilla or chocolate ice cream.
    • Stir in a little (about half a tablespoon) of vanilla after adding the whipped cream so that it smells like vanilla. Alternatively, you can also add other essential oils such as oranges, lemons and raspberry


    • Be very careful when boiling sugar because when the sugar dissolves, its temperature will be higher than boiling water and very sticky.
    • Be sure to pour caramel sauce into a heat-resistant glass jar or glass. Do not use regular glass jars or those that are not very heat resistant as they will break due to the very high temperature of the caramel sauce.
    • Use kitchen gloves when touching the jars of hot caramel sauce as this could burn.