How to Write a Love Song

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Write A Love Song | Music Videos | Axis Of Awesome
Video: How To Write A Love Song | Music Videos | Axis Of Awesome


Throughout history, songs about love have always been at the forefront of topics composed. There are thousands of songs with the simple name "I love you". If you want to learn how to compose your own love song, this article is for you. Let's explore the article below.


Part 1 of 2: Write the lyrics

  1. Write about your love. Before you turn your love into poetry or music, you will want to express your feelings without being limited by beats or rhymes. To do this, describe the person you love, describe the emotions that he evokes in you as well as how he feels together.
    • You can describe more aspects of the person such as their appearance, gait, love style, dance - anything that can describe the person's appearance.
    • Also, don't forget to describe the person emotionally: the person is strong, brave, straightforward or quiet and thoughtful. Anything that describes the person's nature and personality traits is material for good composition.
    • Describe the similarities between the two of you. Talk about the things you do or avoid. Talk about how the two of you got to know each other and how you both wish for the future. Even if you can't be with the person you love, can you imagine what would happen if you were together.

  2. Create a metaphor. This is when you get creative. Expand your love story by describing it in indirect ways - in paraphrases. That metaphor is basically describing one thing - one thing through the use of one thing - another.
    • For example, you might fall in love with her for the fragrance on her body, and that's great, but that doesn't make a good lyrics to your love song! Instead, write that she is like a field of flowers on a scented warm night.
    • In your narrative, add as many metaphorical images as possible. Some images may turn into exquisite masterpieces, but some may not be very cool. At this point, the goal is simply to discover what you have to say about your love.

  3. Spice up your story with comparisons. Just like metaphors, comparison is the depiction of your love using iconic images. However, comparison only states that one thing has the same characteristics as another.
    • As an example of a fragrance on your lover, you could say that she is like a field of flowers. However, instead of explaining why you make such a comparison, you can let the reader guess for themselves: she is like a field of flowers because she has a diverse personality, she has scent or she lead the opposite sex like bees see honey? All of them might be the author's intention, so be sure to perfect your description!

  4. Find your picture. Once you have content to tell and have a clearer idea of ​​who you love and how to describe them, you can start thinking about how your song will go on. To form the lyrics, create a generic visual space to add lyrics.
    • Using the example above, you might decide to use a landscape image of a garden. You already have flowers in it. You can use plant roots, honey or other parts of the garden to form your lyrics.
  5. Make a vocabulary list. To make your narrative links, use your pictures with a synonym dictionary to create a vocabulary list that you can refer to.
    • For example, from "garden", you could list words like "proliferate", "flower", "care" or even "greenhouse" to create a hotter image!
  6. Find rhymes. Use the word lists you have made up for your images, use the rhyme dictionary to find the words that rhyme best together or the words for each image you create. Some words may be easier to spell than others!]
    • For example, words like "flower" can easily be spelled with "shower", "bower" and "power", while other words are much more difficult, like "growth". You can narrow this list of rhymes by leaving out silly or completely irrelevant words.
  7. Determine the direction of your song. Now that you have an idea of ​​how to write your love lyrics, sketch out what you want to say and how you want to express it. The typical recipe for love songs is "the lyrics, the lyrics, the chorus, the chorus, the chorus."
    • Each suffering talks about another aspect of the object, and the chorus brings all those aspects together. Outline what you want for each paragraph.
    • For example, word 1 could be about how you two met, word 2 about the emotions she evoked in you, and word 3 describes your vision of your future.
    • The chorus has many uses: you can go back to the garden where your love grew or use it to resent that outside of your imaginary garden everything is nothingness. They can all be drawn from the story you have created!

Part 2 of 2: The music spectrum for your songs

  1. Think freely. Before you can turn words into melodies, you need to have a basic idea of ​​the melody. Many times this idea will appear as you write.If you can, you will be very lucky! However, there will be times when you are not inspired but still have to develop a tune.
    • Let's start by turning on your voice recorder. Whether it's as simple as a cassette tape or as complex as the ProTools suite, the purpose is the same: to jot down your ideas.
    • Use your lyrics as the direction for the beat and start humming the tunes you come up with in your head. If you want, you can use specific words to develop melodies or imitate artists like Peter Gabriel and sing nonsense sounds just to feel the melody.
    • Do this for about an hour and then leave it there. Take a break, give your dog a walk or watch your favorite TV series. You can do whatever you want, as long as your mind and ears are free from your song for about an hour.
  2. Listen to your recordings. Sit down with a pen and paper and listen to your recording. You can find interesting parts and passages that immediately make you fall asleep. Take note of the parts that touch you and use them to develop your tune.
    • As you develop melody ideas, infuse those ideas into your guitar or piano. If you are like the majority of people who don't have a formal voice, then playing melodies on a piano or guitar will really help you focus on the song.
  3. Add mix. When creating your tunes, you're more likely to have tacitly thought about the harmonies you'll use. Sing the whole song and learn the basic chord structure. You don't have to be overly complicated - the melodies can be re-mixed later for more appeal or adding another "spice".
    • It is also possible to start with a chord structure and then find melodies based on the chords, not the reverse. In fact, you can even write lyrics after composing a tune. Many people may find it easier to do this than the other. If you find one method doesn't work for you, try other options.
  4. Connecting it all together. Once you have the lyrics, melody, and harmony in hand, sing! Use your recording device to record several versions of a song and leave it on overnight. The next day, listen to what you've recorded and pick the best parts of each version and use them to refine your song.
    • Repeat this process until you are satisfied with the tune in your song. When you're done, find your partner and sing for him or her!


  • Make sure the song comes from your heart.
  • Whether it's just the person you like or your lover, don't be afraid to confess your true feelings.
  • Write down your true feelings for that person.
  • Show emotion in the lyrics to make the lyrics more sincere.
  • Think about your feelings for the person to make the song better.
  • Make sure the song shows how you really feel when writing and singing.
  • Try to make the person feel special. Add personalities that only the person knows. Doing so will be much more romantic. Others will find it as a good song but the special person will know that the song is just for himself.
  • Have fun and don't let anxiety become a barrier to your creativity.
  • Do not hesitate to speak your true feelings.
  • Don't hesitate to show your true self and show them your resolve.
  • Confess your feelings for him or her.
  • If you don't want the person to know that the song is for him / her, just write "you / me" or "he" or something like that. Then the song can be written about anyone!
  • The more you write, the easier it will be.
  • Don't worry if you want to sing for her / him!
  • Don't worry, just do it.
  • Power Guitar, Guitar Pro, Garage Band, and other recording apps all come in handy when you compose.
  • Don't use the word "love" too much! Try to talk about your feelings for him / her without using words like "love", "baby" and other clichés.
  • Don't be afraid to spoil. Just be yourself and write whatever you want. Make sure the lyrics describe features you like about the person and use some metaphorical pictures.

What you need

  • Paper, pencil or calculator
  • An instrument