How to straighten your spine

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Your Spine Back in Place in Less Than 60 Seconds
Video: Get Your Spine Back in Place in Less Than 60 Seconds


The vertebral column runs down the middle of the back and contains the spinal cord, which, like a superhighway of nerves, connects the brain to all tissues of the body. Needless to say, spinal health is of utmost importance. On the lateral, or lateral, side, the spine has three bends that are necessary for flexibility and stability. However, if viewed from the back, the spine should be straight and not deviate strongly from side to side. Some people are born with abnormally curved spines, but poor health, poor posture, and poor diet are more common causes of spinal abnormalities.


Part 1 of 3: How to take care of your spine health

  1. 1 Maintain good posture. Probably the most important thing you can do for spine health is to maintain good posture while you are sitting, walking or sleeping. Since most people have sedentary work, which means they do not move most of the day, height, comfort and good support of chairs are critical for them. It is advisable to have an adjustable office chair (so that it can be adjusted to your size) with lumbar support for the lower spine. At home, use pillows to support your back and to raise your legs while watching TV.
    • Avoid crossing your legs or feet when you are sitting because this bends your hips and puts stress on your lower back.
    • Make sure the computer screen is at eye level and in the center of the front of the chair, otherwise you will strain your neck and cause a curvature.
  2. 2 Wear quality shoes. The legs are crucial for good posture because they are the foundation for the whole body. Therefore, wear stable shoes with a good instep support, a slightly raised heel (1.5 - 1.9 cm), and enough room for your toes. When doing this, try not to wear high heels all the time, because they affect the body's center of gravity and cause compensatory body alignment - they can cause excessive curvature (hyperlordosis) in the lumbar spine.
    • If you are overweight, have flat feet, or have one leg shorter than the other, then you should consider purchasing orthopedic insoles (custom-made shoe inserts). Orthopedic insoles improve spine health by supporting the arch of the foot and improving biomechanics when running or walking.
    • Orthopedic insoles are made on the recommendation of an orthopedist, specialist doctors and some chiropractors.
  3. 3 Sleep on a hard mattress. You will most likely spend at least 1/3 of your life in bed, so pay more attention to the quality of the mattress and how you sleep on it. For most people, a firm mattress is the best way to provide the spine with the support it needs. A memory foam mattress cover may also be helpful. Mattresses need to be changed every 8-10 years. The thickness of the pillow should match the distance from the side of your head to the tip of your shoulder - this is very helpful in aligning your neck while you sleep.
    • The best position for your spine while sleeping is to lie on your side with your hips and knees slightly tucked in, and a small pad between your thighs to help align them.
    • If you are reading in bed, try not to prop your head up with too many pillows, as this will strain the neck and possibly change the normal lordosis (bending).
  4. 4 Avoid carrying heavy backpacks or bags. Even if you only carry a heavy backpack from class to class or home from school, it can seriously affect the health of your spine, as the heavy weight compresses the vertebrae. This can cause a curvature of the spine and prevent you from reaching your full height. Even worse, if you only carry your backpack or bag on one shoulder, and from this, your spine can begin to curve.
    • When carrying a bag or backpack, make sure the weight is evenly distributed across your shoulders. If you are carrying a very heavy suitcase or briefcase, remember to change sides.
    • Consider buying a rolling briefcase.
  5. 5 Exercise and be more active. Moderate exercise has many health benefits, including weight loss and increased muscle strength, which can also have positive effects on the spine. Carrying weights creates excessive pressure on the joints of the back, making them more susceptible to abrasion and curvature. In addition, strong muscles keep bones and joints in a normal position. Strength training is a great way to build muscle, but be careful not to overload only certain muscle groups while ignoring other muscles as this can lead to poor posture. Get the help of a personal trainer if you are unsure of how to exercise properly.
    • Every morning after waking up, lie on your back and slowly do the "snow angels", moving your arms and legs for 3-5 minutes. These movements are great for warm-up and gentle stretching of many muscles that are important for maintaining correct spine position.
    • Working out in the gym with a rowing machine can strengthen the muscles between your shoulder blades and improve your upper body posture.
    • Pilates and yoga is another type of exercise that stretches and balances the body, especially the major muscles (abdomen, pelvis, lower back), which are the basis for good posture.
  6. 6 Get the nutrients you need. For bones to be strong, smooth and healthy, certain nutrients are needed. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium and boron form the mineral matrix of the bone, and a deficiency can cause bones to become too fragile and prone to fracture (called osteoporosis). Vitamin D is also essential for bone health, and lack of it causes bones to become too soft and easily deformed (called rickets in children or osteomalacia in adults).
    • Vitamin D is produced by the skin when it is exposed to the bright summer sun.
    • The recommended dietary intake of calcium is 1,000 to 1,200 mg daily, depending on your age. The best natural sources of calcium are kale, kale, spinach, sardines, tofu, almonds, and sesame seeds.

Part 2 of 3: Assessing Spine Condition

  1. 1 Check for scoliosis. Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, most often in the thoracic region (the area between the shoulder blades), which can cause back pain and limited movement. For reasons unknown, some people are born with scoliosis, while others develop it during adolescence. Scoliosis is usually diagnosed by nurses at school examinations, but most healthcare providers will also be able to diagnose you have scoliosis. On examination, it is usually necessary to bend forward to hip level to determine if one shoulder blade is protruding more than the other.
    • It is important to diagnose scoliosis at an early age, not as an adult, because some procedures (fixation or implantation of metal rods) can slow or stop the progression of the condition while the spine is still developing.
    • Girls are at a greater risk of developing scoliosis and a much higher risk of worsening the curvature and requiring treatment.
  2. 2 See a specialist doctor. If, as a result of the examination, you are diagnosed with scoliosis or there are reasons to believe that your spine is not normal, then visit a specialist doctor. An orthopedic surgeon will take a close look at your spine and will probably refer you for an x-ray to help you better understand the situation.The specialist will look for fairly common pathologies of the spine, such as osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and herniated discs - all of which can lead to abnormal curvature of the spine and impairment of biomechanics.
    • Doctors may also order CT scans, MRI scans, bone scans, or more advanced x-ray studies to examine your spine in more detail.
    • Surgery is rarely used to repair and treat diseases or abnormalities of the spine.
  3. 3 See a chiropractor or osteopath. Chiropractors and osteopaths who specialize in spinal problems use more natural treatments for the spine and other parts of the body, rather than drugs or invasive methods such as surgery. They may examine your spine for any abnormalities, including unusual curvature, restricted movement, or tight muscles.
    • While a slight forward curvature in the thoracic or mid-spine is normal, too much curvature leads to hyperkyphosis or a hunched back. The most common causes of hyperkyphosis are osteoporosis, arthritis, swelling, and poor (stooped) posture.
    • The thoracic spine can also be perfectly straight, which is considered abnormal and is sometimes referred to as "reverse lordosis".
  4. 4 Know about the structure of your pelvis. Your pelvis is made up of two bones that are connected by ligaments. If one of these bones is smaller than the other, it may cause you to lean towards the smaller bone when standing or sitting. This can lead to a crooked spine and other health problems. If you begin to notice that you often sit with an incline to one side, ask your doctor about the pelvic bones.
    • To fix this, you can use special shoe insoles and carry a magazine or book with you to help you sit upright.

Part 3 of 3: Therapeutic Procedures

  1. 1 See a chiropractor. Regular procedures (possibly monthly) by a chiropractor or osteopath will not only help reduce spinal pain, but will also help you maintain an even posture. Chiropractors perform physical manipulations called vertebral disc reduction, during which they try to straighten or unclench the small facet joints of the spine. Reduction of the vertebrae will not cure scoliosis, but it may be necessary to maintain normal curvature of the spine - especially after a serious spinal injury, such as a whiplash from a car accident.
    • In the process of repositioning the joints of the spine, a crunching sound can occur - the same as when crunching with knuckles. This sound occurs as a result of a change in pressure within the joint, which causes the release of gas bubbles.
    • As a rule, when the vertebrae are repositioned, discomfort, if any, is very insignificant.
  2. 2 Make an appointment with a masseur. Massage your back, shoulders and / or neck with a suitably qualified therapist. If you have tense muscles surrounding or adjacent to the spine and supporting it, then massage will reduce this tension, which will help align the spine. The massage also effectively relieves tension that contributes to the development of poor posture, especially in the upper body.
    • Massage helps to get rid of lactic acid, toxins and compounds that cause inflammation in muscles and other soft tissues. They enter the bloodstream, so be sure to drink plenty of water to flush them out of your body.
    • Some massage therapists practice reflexology - stimulating areas of the foot to improve health. Ask a therapist to stimulate points related to spinal health.
  3. 3 See physical therapy. A physical therapist can show you how to do specific exercises to strengthen your muscles and stretch your spine. Also, if required, he will perform electrotherapy for the muscles of the back, such as therapeutic ultrasound or electronic muscle stimulation. Exercises for the extensors of the back, flexors of the neck, and the pelvic muscles are crucial for correct posture.
    • In some cases, progressive weight gain training can help stop or reverse bone loss to improve spine health and alignment.
    • If your muscles ache after exercise or massage, take an Epsom salts bath. The magnesium in salt is great for relaxing tense muscles and relieving pain.
  4. 4 Get a prescription for medicines. If you have osteoporosis or low bone density in your spine and fear fractures or deformities, ask your doctor for a prescription for bone-strengthening medications, such as the numerous bisphosphonates that are available on the market (Boniva, Reclast, Fosamax). Hormones that increase bone density include raloxifene, calcitonin, and parathyroid hormone.
    • Bisphosphonates can increase the risk of fractures and sometimes cause bone, joint, and muscle pain.
    • Teriparatide, a form of parathyroid hormone, increases the rate of bone formation and is currently the only osteoporosis drug approved by the FDA to repair bone.
  5. 5 Consider surgery. People with spinal problems should consider surgery as a last resort, but sometimes in the case of children, whose scoliosis is rapidly deforming their spine, this is the first treatment that is used. An operation for scoliosis is called fusion - it is essentially a process of "fusion". The key is to line up and fuse the curved vertebrae together so that they heal into a common solid bone. During spinal fusion, a bone graft is used, which is small fragments of bones that are placed in the space between the vertebrae for their fusion. The bones then grow together like a broken bone heals.
    • Usually, metal rods are used to fix the spine until the vertebrae are fused. The rods are attached to the spine with screws, hooks, and / or wire and then subsequently removed.
    • Postoperative complications include infections, allergic reactions to anesthesia, nerve damage, and chronic swelling or pain.


  • In many ways, good posture depends on whether you follow it. Look in the mirror and correct your posture, remember these feelings, and then try to constantly monitor your posture.
  • Spine surgery is a complex procedure that involves moving muscles and transforming the skeleton. After surgery, people experience pain of varying intensity.