How to stay awake at a sleepover party

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Have An Epic Sleepover - DIY Snacks & Face Mask, Things To Do, & More!
Video: How To Have An Epic Sleepover - DIY Snacks & Face Mask, Things To Do, & More!


Have you been invited to a sleepover party? Or maybe you decided to invite friends to your place for the night? Be that as it may, sleep during such an event is not at all necessary. Sometimes it's much more fun to challenge yourself and stay awake all night with your friends. With a little confidence and determination, you and your friends can enjoy a sleepover party to the fullest without wasting a second of sleep.


Part 1 of 4: Avoid going to bed

  1. 1 Don't wear pajamas. Pajamas are comfortable and easy to fall asleep in. Stay in your clothes and wear jeans or anything else that is not very comfortable to sleep in. The idea is not to make yourself feel uncomfortable, but to avoid everything that the mind associates with sleep.
  2. 2 Don't lie on your bed. A comfortable position will make you want to close your eyes, which is a surefire way to start nodding off. So sit on a hard chair, on the floor, or something similar. Stay active and try to change your location frequently.
  3. 3 Fill the room with light. Subdued lighting causes fatigue, especially the eyes. If possible, turn on at least two light sources, as well as the TV. This way you will not close your eyes and your mind will be awake.

Part 2 of 4: Invigorate your body

  1. 1 Sleep as long as possible the night before the event. If you do this, you will be ready for a sleepless night. Take an afternoon nap or wake up late in the morning. If possible, get at least 12 hours of sleep the night before, or take a nap before your friends arrive.
  2. 2 Drink coffee or caffeinated drinks. If you don't like coffee, drink sodas such as Red Bull, Dr. Pepper, Monster, Mountain Dew and Coca Cola. Alternatively, try mixing hot chocolate with instant coffee and milk.
  3. 3 Eat spicy foods. Eating something spicy is like pinching yourself, but with a greater burning sensation. Try Spicy Cheetos, Spicy Noodles, Spicy Chips, or something similar. Above all, do not eat too much, as feeling full can make you sleepy.
  4. 4 Try sugary snacks. Sugar will make you more active and mobile. Eat candy, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, cake, and any other goodies. You can also eat sour gummy worms to recharge and get some sugar.
  5. 5 Chew mint gum. If your mouth is busy chewing and biting, you are unlikely to start nodding off. During these processes, a signal will be sent to the brain that food is still on its way, and this will help you stay awake. And chewing without swallowing will help prevent fatigue after eating.
  6. 6 Drink plenty of water. It is difficult to sleep with a full bladder. This will keep you moving. Not to mention the fact that water itself is good for the body, and a lack of it can cause fatigue.
  7. 7 Rinse your face with cold water. If you really feel sleepy, washing your face with cold water will help. Go to the bathroom sink, turn on the water, and splash several times in your face. It stimulates the nervous system and recharges the body with energy.
  8. 8 Move a lot. If you keep moving, your body will stay awake and your activity will increase. Try stretching (jumping in place with changing positions of arms and legs) or push-ups to relieve drowsiness. Play outdoor games with your party buddies instead of just sitting down with a set-top box and watching TV.
    • Have a pillow fight! This will keep you all active and have fun. If you decide to have a pillow fight, try to be as quiet as possible, or do it where there is no echo!

Part 3 of 4: Keep Your Brain Active

  1. 1 Do what you really like. For example, watching movies, playing video games, or board games will keep you awake. Play games on your phone or tablet, but allow your eyes to rest every twenty minutes or so. Play games like truth or dare, whichever you choose, and mafia. In these games, it is important to be attentive, which will not allow you to relax. You can also play Guitar Hero or Rock Band. This will relieve you of sleepiness.
    • When watching TV, try not to select programs that you have already seen. Knowing the plot will cause boredom. Try watching episodes of TV shows that you have never seen or seen for a very long time. The same goes for films.
    • Take frequent breaks while viewing on electronic devices to avoid eye strain.
  2. 2 Listen to loud music. It is better to choose rock or heavy metal, as this music usually sounds louder, or just turn up the volume if you are listening to a different genre. However, do not play the music too loudly, or you risk waking the host's parents. Use the headphones one at a time if necessary.
  3. 3 Try not to look at your watch. Otherwise, the night will drag on for an eternity, and it will seem as if it will never end. Instead, pay attention to what your friends are doing or saying. The more fun you are, the faster time will fly by.
  4. 4 Rely on each other. Establish a rule that if someone sees the other person starting to quiet down or nodding off, they can lightly pinch their hand or shake them to wake them up. If you find your friends look sleepy, suggest doing something else. With general help, it's much easier to stay awake.

Part 4 of 4: Stay active

  1. 1 Try talking about exciting things all night. The main thing is to make sure that you do not hurt anyone's feelings and that no one says ugly things. For example, talk about people you or your friends are in love with, school gossip, TV shows, or movies that you enjoy at the moment. Conversation stimulates the mind, and the stimulated mind is the waking mind.
    • Scare yourself. Tell each other many very scary stories to stay awake. Try playing a truth or dare game in the dark outside to keep your eyes open in fear.
  2. 2 Play hide and seek in the dark. The thrill of hide and seek won't let you relax! It is also a fun game in case you have nothing to do. Do not hide in a lying position, otherwise you risk falling asleep.
  3. 3 Go outside if you live in a private home and if your parents will allow you. Jump on a trampoline, play catch-up with a flashlight, run in circles, arrange competitions, or swim in the backyard pool at night (with parental permission). The cold air will help you to cheer up.
  4. 4 Try singing. Whether you have hearing or not, singing is a great way to pass the time while keeping your brain active. You can put on a parody of The Voice or the X Factor in your living room, bedroom, or even outside. Most importantly, try not to wake up those who are in the house trying to sleep.


  • Do not make too much noise when the early morning comes, as the parents of the owner of the house will clearly not be happy about this.
  • If you are going to a two-story private home, try to move the sleepover party to a room on the ground floor where you can make noise without disturbing other people.
  • Try to have sleepovers in the summer or on weekends so you have time to regain your sleep patterns.
  • The most important thing is to either come up with a plan of possible actions (not a schedule by hours, but just ideas), or come up with activities that all participants agree to. It is important that everyone enjoys the activity, otherwise some people may get bored and fall asleep.
  • It may take some time before the caffeine from soda has an effect on the body. Wait before overloading yourself with caffeine. That being said, keep in mind that caffeine does not work for some people.
  • Do not sit staring at one point, otherwise you will start nodding off.
  • The next day, take a nap for 2-4 hours.
  • Turn on the air conditioner during a sleepover. Coolness will help you stay alert and active. However, this can make you want to curl up under a warm, comfy blanket, so be on the lookout.
  • Make sure to spend the night on a weekend or when you have no plans or studies for the next day.
  • Try not to wake other people in the house trying to sleep.
  • Play Minecraft or any other online game your parents approve of.
  • Choose mind games to keep your brain active, such as checking how many words you can make with the word jalapeno.
  • It's a good idea to go for a night walk in nature (if you have permission from your parents). Make a list of nocturnal animals and record the sounds you hear.
  • Take off your blankets and keep you cold so you don't feel sleepy.
  • Watching horror movies will keep you awake. However, be respectful of those who get scared.
  • Watch YouTube or Netflix. If your mind is focused on something that you enjoy, you will not want to stop.
  • If you get bored, try planning a fun activity for the morning, such as a surprise breakfast, breakfast in bed, and more.
  • Try closing your eyes to get some rest, but wiggle your thumb to keep a part of your body active. This way you can rest and stay up all night!
  • You can also play games such as hide and seek.


  • Don't drink too much coffee or caffeinated beverages. They can harm your heart. A drink or two will keep you awake.
  • Be sure to get some rest before and after the party. Lack of sleep can impair your concentration during the day and can also be detrimental to your health.