How to heal a split lip

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
DermTV - How to Treat Chapped Lips [ Epi #249]
Video: DermTV - How to Treat Chapped Lips [ Epi #249]


If you split your lip while playing sports, or if it is chapped due to dryness, you should approach the wound as carefully as possible. To speed up the healing process, the bleeding should be stopped immediately and the depth of the cut should be assessed. Flush the crack with water and apply antibiotic ointment. Use anti-swelling products for the next few days. See your doctor if you notice signs of infection.


Method 1 of 3: First Aid

  1. 1 Wash your hands. Before touching your face or injured lip, wash your hands with antimicrobial soap and wash them under warm running water. If you currently do not have access to water, wipe your hands with alcohol wipes. This will reduce the number of germs that can enter the wound from your fingertips.
  2. 2 Wash the wound with mild soap and water. Lean over a sink and run a stream of water over the wound to clear dirt and debris. Apply a small amount of antimicrobial soap to a cotton swab or cotton swab and gently clean the wound with it. Rinse off the soap with water. Don't rub the wound to avoid further damage.
    • Without proper treatment, the recovery process will take much longer, after which a scar may even remain on the lip.
  3. 3 Apply a cold compress to the crack. If there is swelling or bruising in your mouth or lip, apply a small ice pack to the wound until the swelling subsides. If you don't have an ice pack, use a bag of frozen vegetables or a clean towel dipped in cold water instead. Ice pops can be given to your child to help relieve pain and keep bleeding to a minimum.
    • The cold also helps control bleeding by allowing you to see the wound better. If a cold compress or pressure does not stop the bleeding, see your doctor immediately.
    • Do not apply ice directly to your lip to avoid damaging the surrounding tissue. Also, do not apply the compress to the lip for more than a few minutes at a time.
    • Never put pressure on your lip if debris or glass may have entered the wound.
  4. 4 Assess the severity of the wound. Now that you can get a good look at the wound, stand in front of a mirror and try to gauge the depth and severity of the wound. If the cut is very deep and may not heal properly, or it affects your ability to speak, seek medical attention. If you decide to treat the wound yourself, be sure to check it every day.
    • If the wound is serious, consider seeing a doctor or plastic surgeon immediately. When the crack heals, and it will happen rather quickly, getting rid of the scar will be extremely difficult.
  5. 5 Apply topical anesthetic ointment. Protect the cleaned wound from infection by applying some pain relieving or antibiotic ointment. Apply a pea-sized amount of ointment to a cotton swab, then spread it over the wound. Then follow the instructions for using the drug.
  6. 6 Apply medical glue or tape the wound. If the wound is superficial enough for you to heal yourself, buy medical glue or a special sterile wound patch. Both are designed to bring the edges of the wound together. If you decide to use medical glue, shake the bottle and apply a thin layer of glue to the wound. When the first coat of glue is dry, apply a second coat. The medical glue will help the wound heal and should last for about a week.
    • Keep the layers thin so they don't come off.
    • While all of these products tend to work well for cracked lip, they are quite difficult to apply on your own.
    • If you want to protect yourself from the appearance of a scar, see your doctor for help.
  7. 7 Seek medical attention immediately. If the depth of the cut does not allow the lip to come together, then you will most likely need stitches. If it seems to you that a foreign object or debris could have entered the wound, or if the crack is located in the corner of the mouth and continues to bleed even 10 minutes after pressing, it must be examined by a doctor.
    • If the wound is caused by an object or something might have gotten into it, seek immediate medical attention. You may need to get an X-ray or rabies shot.

Method 2 of 3: How to Speed ​​Up Healing

  1. 1 Apply a piece of cotton wool soaked in saline to the wound. Take a small bowl, pour a glass of warm water into it and add a tablespoon of salt. Dip a piece of cotton wool or a cotton swab into the solution, and then apply it to the wound on the lip. You will feel a slight burning sensation. Repeat as many times as you like.
    • The salt will help relieve inflammation and protect the wound from infection.
  2. 2 Apply a turmeric paste. Add three teaspoons of turmeric powder to a small bowl. Add a teaspoon of water to make a thick paste. Use a cotton swab to apply this paste directly to the wound. Wait 3-5 minutes and then wash off the paste with water.
    • Turmeric will help kill bacteria in the wound. However, some people are allergic to it, so be careful.
  3. 3 Avoid foods that can cause irritation. During the healing process, the lip will be especially sensitive to salty, spicy and citrus foods. To avoid accidentally scalding yourself, stay away from orange juice and sharp wings. Contact with one of these products can cause the lip to swell and take longer to heal.
  4. 4 Avoid touching the wound with your fingers and tongue. The more you lick the wound, the more it dries and cracks, which can cause cold sores in or near the crack. Also try to refrain from touching or touching the wound with your fingers to avoid enlarging the wound further and introducing harmful bacteria into it.
  5. 5 Check with your doctor or dentist. If your cut starts to redden or aches more after the first step of treatment, see your doctor immediately, as this could indicate the presence of an infection. If your teeth start to hurt, see your dentist as this may indicate damage to your teeth. Medical attention can also be helpful if you suffer from persistent dry mouth and cracked lips.

Method 3 of 3: Lip Protection

  1. 1 Apply zinc ointment to your lips. For many people, chapped lips are the result of overexposure to sunlight. When gardening, building or doing other work in the sun, remember to apply a zinc-based protectant to your lips.
    • Diaper cream has a similar effect.
  2. 2 Apply lip balm. When the lip is healed, buy a natural unscented beeswax lip balm and apply it regularly to your lips. It is even better if the balm contains lanolin or petroleum jelly. Some lip balms even have an SPF level and are able to protect the lips from drying out from the sun's rays.
  3. 3 Drink plenty of water. To keep your body hydrated and to keep your lips from chapping, drink at least eight glasses of water a day. To speed up the healing of the wound on the lip, add a couple more glasses to this amount.
  4. 4 Use a special toothpaste and mouthwash for dry mouth. There are a myriad of oral hygiene products specifically designed to eliminate or at least reduce dry mouth. These products will help prevent lip chapping.
  5. 5 Use a humidifier. Winter and cold weather create dry conditions that can cause chapped lips. These cracks can then become deep wounds on the lip.To prevent this, turn on a humidifier in your room at night. It is also possible to integrate a humidity regulator into the internal heating and air conditioning system.
    • This is especially useful for people who sleep with their mouths open.
  6. 6 Keep track of your medications. If your lips are constantly chapped, it may be due to the medication you are taking. Read the instructions for each medicine for side effects and try to find the cause of your dry mouth. If you have any doubts about taking one of the drugs, talk to your doctor about replacing it with something else.
    • Some acne treatments, for example, dry out moisture and oils all over the face, including the lips.
  7. 7 Take a multivitamin supplement. Cracks on the lip often indicate vitamin deficiency. To get rid of this problem, take a quality multivitamin supplement with iron and zinc on a daily basis. B9 (folic acid) and other B vitamins also accelerate skin healing. Talk to your doctor and try different combinations of vitamins to find the best remedy for you.


  • Cracks and sores on the lips can be caused by toothpaste. You might want to switch to a milder or natural brand of toothpaste.
  • Moisturize your lips regularly, especially in winter.


  • Tetanus shots last only 7 years. If your wound is caused by an object or trash has got into it, but in the past 7 years you have never been vaccinated, then you cannot do without vaccination.