How to win the game I believe - I don't believe

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
"I Don’t Think I Should Have Won This Game" (S10E14)
Video: "I Don’t Think I Should Have Won This Game" (S10E14)


The strategy of the popular game "believe or not believe" is very simple. Of course, first you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the game and play a little to get used to the process.

The following steps will prevent you from being left with one card and having to lie about it.


  1. 1 Be honest. If you need to put a 9, and you put a 4, despite the fact that you have 9s, you can create a potential crisis for yourself, which could be avoided, if you tell the truth. Of course, it is not always possible to tell the truth, but if there is one, use it.
  2. 2 Distribute your cards not from ace to king, but in the order in which the cards will come to you. For example, if you are playing three, mentally count from ace to king, paying attention to every 3rd Card: "Ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 jack queen King ace 2 3… etc.The highlighted cards are the ones that you should use, the rest will be used by other players. You can easily see that the cards will come to you as follows: Ace 4 7 10 King 3 6 9 Queen 2 5 8 Jack - and again an ace.
  3. 3 The order will, of course, be different for different numbers of players. So for four players it will be Ace 5 9 King 4 8 Queen 3 7 Jack 2 6 10, for five - Ace 6 Jack 3 8 King 5 10 2 7 Queen 4 9. You must either remember this order, or be able to calculate it as was described above.
  4. 4 When you need to lie, take the last card from the list. For example, there are four players at the table, you get 9, and your hand contains only Aces, 6s and Kings. What do you need to play? Watch the sequence for four players. The kings are next in it, so you should leave them so you don't have to lie (see step 1). Neither 6s nor Aces should appear anytime soon, but 6s appear a little earlier, so it would be smarter to get rid of Aces. Who knows, maybe by the time you get 6, you will almost have no cards.
  5. 5 So, you are about to play Aces. How many? It is assumed that you are playing 9's, so remember where they are. This is especially important at the end of the game, when there is a chance that someone has all four. If so, it doesn't matter what you do - you will still be told “I don’t believe”, unless, of course, this person is still awake. So you are in a difficult situation. If you are sure that someone has two 9s and someone else has two, you can play up to two non-9s. If someone has three, you can only play one. This is just a tip. The exact number of cards depends on several factors, for example, whether the next player says “don't believe” constantly or very rarely, how big the deck is in the middle, how close you are to victory, etc.
  6. 6 If someone has just played their last card, you should say “I don’t believe” unless you are 100% sure that the player told the truth. Otherwise, you will let him win when you can force him to continue playing. If you're playing a knockout game, you can wait for someone else to do it and keep yourself safe.
  7. 7 If you follow this strategy, you will most likely be the person laying down your final card. When everyone at the table shouts “I don’t believe!” - do not forget to portray a disdainful grin, flipping the card, and showing everyone that you have won.
  8. 8 If you have four of the same cards, try to fold the fifth, which you do not need (see step 2). Plan this before your turn. If you fiddle with the map for too long, you will be suspected. Place your cards in a pile so that no one can tell how many cards you put. Do not forget to put an additional card under 4 of the same, so that if someone says “I don’t believe” you can get out by picking up only the top four. If you get caught anyway, tell them you made a mistake and were going to put four. This trick can work with three or even two of the same cards, but the fewer cards you put, the more noticeable the additional one will be.
  9. 9 If you are about to lose, and the pile of cards is large and they are just randomly placed - try to shove your cards between others, so that if someone says “I don’t believe”, you could turn over the top card and say that it is not yours and they mixed up. It won't work if someone has a specific card to make sure you're lying.
  10. 10 If you are playing with newbies and one of them catches you, laugh and slide the cards in their direction with a haughty look. It works with gullible people and they really take the stack. However, if you are caught, no one will trust you anymore until the end of the game.
  11. 11 Always keep your cards so that no one can count them. If they notice that you have fewer cards, then you will be accused of cheating.
  12. 12 If the pile is already large and your chances of cheating are small, blame the cheating on another player who you think is cheating. Thus, if you are right, you do not have to take everything, and if not, you just take what you would have to take anyway.
  13. 13 Stick to one expression throughout the game.
  14. 14 If you are playing with newbies, try the following several times: when the pile of cards is already large and you have the required card - show a slight smile or other suspicious gesture when you put the card. This will make other people think that you are lying. Caution: This will only work if you have kept a serious expression throughout the game. Also, as with other tricks for this game, don't repeat this one too often.
  15. 15 Always keep in mind the value of the card you will need next turn and whether you have it. It is very easy to hear “I don’t believe” if you look into your hand and you slip through words that may shock other players.
  16. 16 If it’s your turn to play Valt and you have one, say “one eleven, I mean, Jack”. People will think you are bluffing and have forgotten that the Jack comes after 10. It is very likely that someone will say “I don’t believe”. Nobody will be tempted to do this twice, so hold on to this trick until the right moment.


  • If there is nothing on the table and someone puts a card of a value that you already have - always say "I do not believe", because you will not be disturbed by another card of the same value.
  • Try to maintain a calm expression when lying - this way you will not be caught.
  • Keep in mind at least 3 or 4 cards from the sequence and arrange them in order in your hand if possible.
  • At the beginning of the game, when the pack is small, try to collect the cards from your sequence, saying “I don’t believe” in the hope that you are wrong! Then you don't have to lay out the sequence.
  • If you have four cards of the same rank and it is your turn to lay them down - put four other cards (Dangerous) this only works if you are playing with a small number of people and will sooner or later lay out 4 real cards.
  • Also, if you remember very well, count which cards were laid out and in what quantities, so that if in the next turn someone says one 4, and you know that four 4s have already been laid, you could say "I do not believe".


  • If you are in a knockout game where the winner is eliminated and the others continue to play, your sequence will suddenly change. Be ready!
  • During the game, mistakes will often be made about who should put in, so be careful when counting, otherwise you will confuse everything.