How to look more attractive (for guys)

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be more ATTRACTIVE  | 23 Tips to LOOK more ATTRACTIVE for men
Video: How to be more ATTRACTIVE | 23 Tips to LOOK more ATTRACTIVE for men


Everyone knows how great it is when you are called "cute" and not "ugly", or even better - "handsome". But what to do in order to become one? Here are some simple and straightforward ways. Continue reading!


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Attitude and Personality

  1. 1 Be confident in yourself. Nothing will benefit you more in the way you are perceived than a sense of self-confidence. Work on yourself to achieve it and follow the next tips in this part. But remember that this feeling cannot be fake, it must come from within.
  2. 2 Stand up straight. Slouching can not only lead to possible back problems, but also look like an insecure person.
  3. 3 Smile. Smiling makes you seem happy. confident and friendly. By smiling, you also won't seem tired or desperate.
  4. 4 Look people in the eye. When talking to someone, it is considered a good thing to look them in the eye. Do not gaze at them, and occasionally glance at other parts of their face, but apart from that, maintaining eye contact on your part will be a sign of confidence.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Fashion and Style

  1. 1 Develop a sense of taste. Your clothes and the way you wear them will say a lot for you and will make people perceive you differently. Wearing clothes that are not beautiful or fit for you, you demonstrate that you do not care how you show yourself.
    • It is not necessary to wear only a certain style of clothing. You can wear any clothes you like. It doesn't matter if it is fashionable, casual or sporty, the main thing is that it suits your image. For example, if you are 30 and dress like a fifteen year old, you will seem like someone who wants to regain their youth, rather than some trendy fifteen year old. The same goes for the style of clothing - if it does not reflect your status, it will simply look out of place. And no one would even think of calling you handsome.
  2. 2 Focus on those men whom you think are fashionable. Whether in the store or walking down the street, look out for guys you would find stylish. What do you notice in them first of all?
    • Women often look at shoes, at that detail of clothing that men usually do not pay undue attention to. This is why you should take the time to buy, wear and keep an eye on a pair of great shoes to enhance your perception.
  3. 3 Hire a personal stylist. If you have absolutely no sense of style but have money to spare, hiring a personal stylist is a good starting point. He will help you define your style, choose clothes and show you where you can buy the same.
    • If you don't have money for a professional stylist, ask a friend or a relative with good taste to go shopping with you.
    • Listen to them, but be aware that their sense of style can be very different from yours. If most of what they choose does not suit you, then it is better not to listen to their advice. Thank them for their time and try to find someone with a sense of style close to yours.
  4. 4 Come up with your own personal style. It will help you stand out and gain attention. Take Steve Jobs, for example, his trademark was a black turtleneck, blue jeans and New Balance sneakers.
    • Various jewelry such as men's chains, rings or watches can be not only beautiful jewelry, but also useful.
    • Tinted glasses. Even if you only wear them outdoors, a good pair of "droplets" or sunglasses will draw attention to your face.
    • Cologne. Find a scent that no one else has. It can also serve as a great topic of conversation. But do not abuse it, otherwise the conversations will only be behind your back, and certainly not pleasant.
  5. 5 Take lessons in correct speech. We all know how to speak, but it takes some time to learn how to speak clearly and clearly.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Tidiness

  1. 1 Keep your hands and nails clean and tidy. Wash your hands regularly and keep your nails trimmed and free of dirt. Avoid biting your nails or eating hangnails as this will make you look jittery and irritated.
  2. 2 Take some time to comb and style your hair. In very rare cases, you will have a nice haircut after sleep. Wash and comb your hair regularly. If you have the time and desire, you can use wax or hair gel to style your hair, but don't overuse it.
  3. 3 Take care of your skin. Many people can rightly associate bad skin with poor hygiene. Wash your face thoroughly, especially after any physical activity. And don't get hurt with a razor. If you are prone to a variety of inflammations, consult a dermatologist for advice on skin care.
  4. 4 Take a shower. Taking it daily is a great way to start a new day, and why not look clean and smelling good!
  5. 5 Eat healthy foods. Eating healthy meals on a regular basis will help you maintain weight, keep fat, look good, and be energetic.
  6. 6 Sleep well. Try to get 8 hours of sleep every day to keep you energized and looking good.
  7. 7 Exercise regularly. Regular charging will not only make you more attractive, confident, and full of energy. Also, your body will release endorphins, which will make you feel better, and therefore more attractive to others.


  • Speak clearly. Don't mumble. Be confident in everything you do. Think what you say.
  • Be yourself. Don't inherit styles and habits that don't work for you.

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