How to look less tired after waking up

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I Always Wake Up Tired - What Can I Do? | This Morning
Video: I Always Wake Up Tired - What Can I Do? | This Morning


If you stay late at work or did not sleep well at night, you may look tired in the morning. The situation can be influenced. Puffy red eyes, uneven skin color, and dark circles under the eyes will immediately make it clear that you are barely rested, and as a result, you risk looking messy and even sloppy. However, even when you're tired, there are always ways to hide the signs of insomnia and make you look less tired.


Part 1 of 3: A Healthy Night's Sleep

  1. 1 Drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated throughout the day to feel and look better. Thirsty before bed will not only disrupt your sleep cycle, but you will also look more tired in the morning. Drink water so that the skin maintains an even color, and there are no dark circles under the eyes, with which a person looks tired even after a good night's sleep. If due to the large amount of water you have to frequently get up to use the toilet at night, then drink more water in the morning and stop drinking two hours before bed.
  2. 2 Limit caffeine and alcohol intake before bed. Both products lead to severe dehydration; if you abuse caffeine or alcohol during the day, the water you drink will be neutralized. Alcohol also causes blood vessels to dilate, resulting in reddened and swollen skin in the morning. If you eat these foods before bed, then in the morning you will look tired, so it is better to give up alcohol and caffeine on the eve of an important day.
  3. 3 Relax before bed. Fatigue and feeling tired in the morning can be caused by a number of reasons, but one of the main ones is poor sleep hygiene. The quality of your rest depends not only on the length of your sleep, but also on the quality. Many people simply turn off the lights and go to bed, but this is not the best way to go to sleep. Try to clear your mind of stressors before bed. Be sure to turn off your TV and bright lights. Get more out of your night's sleep - free your mind of disturbing thoughts to help your brain enter the most relaxing deep sleep phase.
  4. 4 Get enough sleep. Experts agree that an adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep every night. To many, this figure may seem excessive, but only because adults rarely sleep for so long. In fact, about 40% of adults sleep less than 7 hours. This leads to a situation where almost half of the adult population lacks sleep, and in the morning they look and feel not their best. If you want to look less tired in the morning, try to get enough sleep at night. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule to adjust your internal clock and feel good.
    • Do not use devices with electronic screens one hour before bed. The backlight of the screen prevents you from going to sleep. This habit will help you sleep better at night.
  5. 5 Sleep on your back. If you want to look your best in the morning, experts recommend sleeping on your back to minimize sleep marks, facial swelling and early wrinkles. Add some pillows under your head and position your body at an angle of 25-30 degrees to prevent blood from accumulating in the small vessels of the face and dark circles under the eyes.

Part 2 of 3: Getting the Day Right

  1. 1 Do not press the transfer alarm button. If you constantly press the nap button or just set the alarm just five minutes ahead, doing so makes you look more tired. According to experts, due to the translation of the alarm clock, the inertia of sleep is disturbed, which badly affects the state of health (and appearance!). When a person wakes up for the first time and feels the desire to continue sleeping, this is a normal sleep inertia, but if you repeat this process several times, the brain will begin to experience a pronounced uncertainty for a long time after full awakening.Stop pressing the alarm clock transfer button to feel and look good!
  2. 2 Don't pack in the dark in the morning. So, the internal clock is extremely sensitive to light and darkness, so it is better not to confuse your body and not make it awake in the dark. A generous dose of sunshine in the morning is the best way to wake up. If feel well, then to look like you will be appropriate. If it's cloudy outside or you woke up before dawn, turn on bright lights in each room. It is best to use a lamp that is used for seasonal affective disorder.
  3. 3 Do light exercises in the morning. It's great if you have enough willpower to wake up and do some exercise! Many people find it difficult even to just get out of bed. Even if you're feeling very tired, try pumping blood to improve your appearance - walk around the bedroom at a brisk pace, squat, or do a short warm-up. Light exercise will awaken your body and mind, and will give you a balanced and healthy look.
  4. 4 Take a cold shower. In case of fatigue, there is a desire not to shower for a few extra minutes of sleep. That being said, a shower is a great way to wake up. Adjust the water to the lowest temperature you can handle, then apply an exfoliating scrub to your face and body. This will remove yesterday's dirt and bacteria and make your skin brighter and healthier. Cold water narrows the blood vessels, thereby reducing facial redness and swelling. Be sure to apply a moisturizer after you shower, as dehydrated skin can look unhealthy.
  5. 5 Have breakfast and drink a large glass of cold water. Experts say that the urge to drink coffee right after waking up is one of the worst options for starting the day. This will make you addicted to caffeine, and your body will be sure that there are no other ways to wake up. In the future, the inability to drink enough coffee will lead to the fact that your appearance will be tired, as the body will feel imaginary drowsiness. It is best to drink a large glass of cold water in quick sips. Water will wake you up and hydrate your skin for a better appearance. Also, remember to eat enough fiber and protein for a productive day.

Part 3 of 3: Eliminating Signs of Drowsiness

  1. 1 Get rid of bags under your eyes. It may sound strange, but among the most tried and tested ways to improve your appearance in the morning is using cold spoons. Put a couple of spoons in the refrigerator right after waking up. When they are cool, gently place the spoons on your eye sockets with the concave side inward. The cold and pressure will make the bags under your eyes disappear and you will look refreshed and rested. Apply the spoons to your eyes for about five minutes or until they are no longer cold.
  2. 2 Make your eyes white and bright. Red eyes are an obvious sign of fatigue, so take steps to correct the situation. There are several options for solutions, which will take different amounts of time:
    • Use over-the-counter drops to lighten red eyes.
    • Apply a cold compress to your eyes for 10-15 minutes to narrow the blood vessels around your eyes.
    • If you are using makeup, apply skin-tone eyeliner to the inner lash line of your lower eyelid. This will hide the red streaks in the eyes and make the whites appear brighter.
  3. 3 Get rid of dark circles under the eyes. Many people have dark circles under their eyes even after a good rest, but this look is associated with fatigue. In fact, the cause of the circles under the eyes lies not in lack of sleep, but with fatigue they become more visible, as the skin turns pale and the eyes sink into the eye sockets.For whatever reason these circles occur, there are ways to minimize the problem:
    • Apply a cold compress (especially a spoon!) To relieve eye circles and puffiness.
    • Use a saline solution or spray to relieve nasal congestion, which also affects blood pressure and causes blood to accumulate under the eyes.
    • Massage the under-eye area lightly with a cool, damp cloth or frozen cotton swab for 5-10 minutes to disperse accumulated blood.
    • If using makeup, apply a thick layer of yellow-tinted concealer.
  4. 4 Apply a refreshing moisturizer to your skin. On days when looking your best in the morning is important, use a moisturizer to give your skin a fresher look. Choose foods with ingredients like caffeine or green tea to help your skin wake up from the inside out. If you need to improve the effectiveness of a product, try storing it in the refrigerator.


  • Some experts believe that reducing salt intake throughout the day can also help reduce eye puffiness after sleep. If the tips from the article did not help you completely get rid of your tired appearance, then try to eat less salt, especially in the evening.
  • Clothing in bright colors will help improve your mood, and people will begin to correlate your outfit with emotion. In dark clothes, you may be considered sleepy or unhappy, but in bright clothes, you will definitely be mistaken for a well-rested person!


  • If, after a long sleep, you still feel tired in the morning, then you should understand that something is preventing you from sleeping deeply at night. If the problem persists, try talking to a sleep expert.