How to get your ex-boyfriend back (for teenage girls)

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
FOR GIRLS ONLY!: The secret to get your ex boyfriend back.
Video: FOR GIRLS ONLY!: The secret to get your ex boyfriend back.


One of the most important things in most teenage girls' lives is relationships with guys. If you miss your ex, read this article and learn how to win him over again!


  1. 1 Think about the reasons for your breakup. Maybe you were too intrusive? Or demanding? You should talk to your boyfriend and discuss these issues. If you did something wrong, just apologize: it will help build a friendship. Also think about why you want it back. And if the initiative for parting came from you, first reflect on the reasons for this decision and try to correct the situation.
  2. 2 Set aside a couple of days for yourself alone. This is for his sake too - you do not need him to think that you are desperate. Take care of yourself, so much so that you look stunning the next time you meet. And when it comes time to talk to your guy about what went wrong between you, don't try to beg him to take you back. Subtly hint at the memories that bind you. This will show that you are still thinking about him.
  3. 3 Don't manipulate him. When it's time to use heavy artillery, don't make him feel out of place. When he is with you, he wants to spend time with pleasure, so do not burden him with serious conversations just yet. Save them for the future: you will still have plenty of time for them.
  4. 4 Avoid the temptation to give in to your weaknesses. By this time, you are already very close to getting your boyfriend back. However, if he has already switched to another girl, do not try to declare war on her or sleep with him behind her back.
  5. 5 Pretend you don't care. Act like you don't care what he does or who he meets. Strike him down with your kindness and don't worry about the new girlfriend; he may be just trying to make you jealous or find solace in her arms. In the end, he realizes what he has lost. If he looks at you when he is with her, smile, and if he is still talking about you, enjoy it.
  6. 6 If he has ignored you since the day he left you, show concern only at the beginning. Do not write him sad messages. Send a friend or family member with whom he likes to chat so that they discreetly know what exactly he thinks of you now. If he says that the feelings are gone, act as if you, too, have had them.Dress more attractively, relax in the same place as he is, post your photos and other interesting things on Facebook or VKontakte (where he will definitely see them). Be irresistible: let his jaw drop every time he meets you. Be cute, beautiful and attractive.
  7. 7 When you come across him in the circle of his friends, talk more with them, paying little attention to him. So jealousy will start to play in him and he will think that you no longer admire him. This means that he wants to bring you back even stronger.
  8. 8 Do not dress or act differently than usual. If he really wants to be together again, you just need to change what you did wrong. For example, if you are too intrusive, pull back a little from him. But don't make the classic mistake: don't tell him you've changed. Just show it.
  9. 9 Do the same as he did. If he ignores you, ignore him in response. If talking to you, keep the conversation going, but not too hard. If he wants to go somewhere with you, agree. Flirting - flirt too (or do the exact opposite: act as if you are no longer interested in him, and then flirt - he will take the hint). If you are a teenager, don't go crazy, don't spread false rumors about him or brag about him. If you're older, just calm down and relax, but don't get hung up on him or chase him.


  • Think about why you fell in love with him, why you want to be together again, but never beg him to come back.
  • Once you've decided this relationship is worth saving, you should make an effort to get your boyfriend back.
  • Don't put pressure on him. Don't talk constantly about your memories and getting back together. It will only give him one desire: to get rid of you.
  • If you dress in a way that is comfortable for you, the guy will think that you feel calm and generally in perfect order, and he will be easy with you.
  • Talk about him, not about yourself. If he asks you a question, say, "No, you are the first." Then, perhaps, you will grab his attention, and he will understand that you are no longer as harmful as before, and will feel attracted to you.
  • If you have really deep feelings for this guy, it might be worth taking the weight off your shoulders and just getting it straight. Chances are that he was just waiting for you to tell him about it. This step may be difficult for you, but it's worth it.
  • If he's happier with a new girlfriend and nothing works out, try your luck with someone else: it will show that you are strong and able to move on. Do not sit and remember, this will only make things worse.
  • Think carefully if you really want to get it back, or if you are self-deceiving, because now it seems inaccessible.
  • If he is angry about your personality, try to be kinder and better, but don't reshape yourself completely.
  • You need to be absolutely sure that you really want to get it back. Do you think about him constantly? Is it worth it? You can spend all your time thinking about him and get upset. Don't let others tell you what to do in this situation. And if they say that he is not worth you, do not listen, because you only have to follow your heart. If you still love it, then try returning it.


  • Don't gossip behind his back. This will only make him angry and make everyone think that you are a tactless and immature person.
  • Do not humiliate yourself and beg him to return. This will kill your attractiveness in his eyes and push him even further.
  • Realize that he may not want you back. Take this as a possible option, but remember that he may still have feelings for you.
  • If he doesn't want to renew the relationship at all, stay friends. This will give you the opportunity to cherish your feelings for him longer.
  • In some cases, it just isn't worth it. You need to let go of him and realize that there are other guys in the world who can be three times better.
  • If he's acting like a jerk, tell him nicely. Literally: "Please stop fooling around." Maybe he will stop, maybe not. It all depends on him. If it goes overboard, just leave. Then he will understand that he did something wrong.