How to lose 7 kg in 2 weeks

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The best way to lose weight and maintain it after you lose is to establish a healthy, sustainable lifestyle that you can maintain over time. With over-dieting and rapid weight loss, usually you are losing the water weight and the weight loss will regain (even more so) once you start eating as usual. Unfortunately, however, many of us delay our weight loss goal until time pressures, when there's an upcoming event (wedding, travel, or reunion). to find ways to lose weight at the last minute desperately. Regardless of the reason why you need to lose weight fast, this article will teach you how to lose weight as quickly as possible.

Warning: This article is informational only and does not support unhealthy rapid weight loss. For more information on healthy weight loss, check out How to Lose Weight.


Part 1 of 2: Lose weight fast

  1. Try to eat about 1000 calories per day. While certainly no one wants to eat that little often, most of us, no matter our human organs or current weight, will lose weight fast when we eat 1000-1200 calories per day.
    • You may find it sluggish to eat so little, so you need to plan appropriate activities and avoid vigorous physical activity.

  2. Know the calories in the foods you eat. With such a strict calorie limit, you need to write down what you ate and have a proper meal plan so you don't "use up" all of your calories at once.
    • Get into the habit of reading food labels, measuring portion sizes, and keeping track of the calories in sauces, cooking sauces, oils and drinks.

  3. Eliminate sugar and most carbohydrates. Foods like bread, rice, pasta, cookies and ice cream are all high in calories, do not fill you up and provide very little nutrition. The diet should consist mainly of vegetables, lean protein, and high-fiber fruits like apples.
  4. Practice low impact exercises. Intense aerobic exercise can help you lose weight quickly in the long run, but in just two weeks it will have very little effect on how quickly you lose weight. The best way is to stay energized, while doing exercises like walking, biking, swimming and jogging to burn calories without making your body fatigued.
    • An hour of walking burns 200-300 calories. The amount of calories burned during exercise will depend on your current weight.
    • Exercise is great, but you should focus most of your effort on eating properly as eating habits play the biggest role in weight loss.
  5. Cook by myself. If the goal is to eat around 1,000 calories per day, then outside ordering will likely reach this level or even exceed it. The best way is to prepare meals at home so that you can control ingredients and portion sizes.
    • Switch to non-stick sprays instead of olive oil, vegetable oil, or butter. Despite being a healthy fat, olive oil contains about 120 calories per teaspoon, so you really can't sustain 1000 calories per day.
    • Box lunch in the morning before going to school or work. Be sure to bring healthy snacks to sip on when you're hungry, like celery and carrots.

Part 2 of 2: Suppressing cravings

  1. Drink plenty of water and only drink water. Water helps you feel full between meals. This is also a way to maintain your energy and mood levels while on the diet. Always carry a water bottle with you and drink it throughout the day.
    • Don't waste calories on soda, fruit juices and alcoholic beverages. Eliminate these unhealthy beverages from your diet, at least for the next two weeks.
    • If you are used to soda, you should switch to diet soda or mineral water as they are both calorie free.
  2. Drink black coffee or green tea without added sweeteners. These two drinks are calorie-free and contain caffeine that helps suppress cravings.
    • If you eat a snack at night, drink a cup of decaffeinated coffee or tea to suppress your hunger.
  3. Chewing gum. The act of chewing gum helps keep your body from thinking about eating something else and you will be less likely to snack when you have something in your mouth.
  4. Brush and floss between meals. Not only does it help improve the health of your teeth and gums, it also helps you to unconsciously lessen junk food once your mouth is clean.
  5. Participate in recreational activities instead of eating and drinking. The most effective way to diet is to keep yourself distracted and occupied so that you don't constantly think about food (or lack of food). You can make plans to meet friends, focus on hobbies, take a hot bath, watch your favorite movie or TV show, read a book, swim, ...


  • The more you weigh, the easier it will be to lose weight because the body has extra fat to burn. If the weight is already at a healthy level, losing 7 kg in 2 weeks without harming your health seems impossible.
  • Rapid weight loss through strict diets usually involves weight loss from water. If you want to lose real weight and maintain it, then it is better to lose it slowly by establishing a healthy, sustainable diet that you can maintain.


  • You may want to eat as little as you can to lose weight fast, but eating too little can seriously harm your body. Absolutely do not eat less than 1000 calories for 3 consecutive days.
  • Careful! If you feel dizzy, sweaty, disoriented, or feel nauseous, you need to STOP NOW. Look for something to eat, like a fruit juice or some crackers. If you do not feel better after 1 hour, seek medical attention. Losing weight fast doesn't mean you have to cause permanent damage to yourself.
  • Losing too much and too quickly like this doesn't usually take long. If you want to lose weight in the long term, it's better to eat healthy foods in the normal range (1800-2300 calories per day) and start an exercise routine.