How to increase hair volume (men)

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Video: HOW TO ADD VOLUME TO YOUR HAIR | Men’s Hairstyle Tutorial | ALEX COSTA


1 Wash your hair daily. Your hair will look its best and get good volume if you start washing it daily (or at least every other day). Choose a hair care regimen that will maximize hair volume, and try to stick to it at all times.
  • Greasy, unwashed hair tends to clump together, making your hair look less voluminous and slicker.
  • 2 Rinse off hair care products with warm or room temperature water. Try not to use hot water to rinse off shampoo or conditioners from your hair. It is best to rinse off these products with warm water or water at room temperature.
    • Hot water can damage hair follicles and exacerbate the problem of thinning hair.
  • 3 Use special shampoos and conditioners to increase hair volume. Volumizing shampoos and conditioners can add volume to your hair. They coat the hair scales with a special polymer to increase the thickness of each individual hair.If you can find volumizing products that you like, use them instead of the shampoo and conditioner you used before. Try to wash your hair daily.
    • For best results, use a combination of shampoo and conditioner designed to increase hair volume. You can find such funds even in a regular supermarket.
  • 4 Let your hair grow back. Hair that is too short will find it difficult to add volume, regardless of the product used - short hair is usually more difficult to lift and style properly. If you are looking to add volume to your hair, try to grow it back to at least 2.5–5 cm. The extra length will give you more options for styling and volume, as well as creating a more unique look.
    • Long hair does not mean that you will look overgrown. For example, you can grow longer hair at the top of your head and keep it short at the sides and back.
  • Method 2 of 3: Visually increase hair volume with styling

    1. 1 Use a light mousse to increase hair volume. Light mousse is usually preferred over wax and gel styling products, as it leaves fewer residual marks on the hair after use. Heavy gels, sprays, waxes, and mousses can make hair sticky and greasy, while light mousse makes hair look plump and voluminous. Remember the general rule: the less the styling product feels on the hair, the better it will add volume to the hair.
      • In this case, the most important thing is to choose the tool that is best suited for a particular image. Try several different mousses (or even a styling gel or two different gels) until you find a product that you enjoy using.
    2. 2 Avoid using styling gels that make your hair stiff. If a volumizer makes hair stiff and crisp, it is probably not the best choice for a volumizing effect. The more flexible the hair remains after the volumizing treatment is applied, the more effectively it creates the effect of volume.
    3. 3 Use a moderate amount of your chosen volumizing styling product daily. Although special gels, mousses, waxes and sprays help to add volume to the hair, they only create a temporary effect. For a more effective result, you should use these products regularly.
      • It is best to follow the recommendations for use of a particular volumiser as indicated on its label. Use only the amount of product recommended by the manufacturer.
    4. 4 Try to apply styling products to the ends of your hair. With the tips of three to four fingers of both hands, grab some styling product and run your hands through your hair from front to back. Spread the product all over your hair, but try not to apply too much product to the roots, otherwise you will get the effect of glued strands. Repeat the process 3-4 times until you achieve the desired result.
      • Applying styling products (even with a volumizing effect) to the hair roots can negatively affect hair volume. This is because styling products in the root area cause the strands to stick together and the end result is uneven.
    5. 5 Style your hair with your hands. Avoid using a comb while styling, as this can negatively affect hair volume. For the greatest volumizing effect, style your hair with your hands.
      • Flat combs tend to pull on hair and even cut it off at the roots, or force it to style in an unfamiliar direction, which can result in noticeably more visible areas of the scalp in the hairstyle.
    6. 6 Blow dry after using volumizing styling products. Dry hair looks fuller than wet hair or hair that has been overly moisturized with a styling product. For best results, blow-dry your hair after using styling products. Hold the hair dryer about 30 cm away from your head and comb your hair with your hands while drying. This will allow you to dry them faster.
      • Most styling products are recommended for damp or damp hair. This allows the product to be evenly distributed throughout the hair.
      • If your hair is still damp after using the styling product, wait until the hair is dry and then comb through it with your hands several times to lift and create volume.
    7. 7 Try new hair styles to find the look that best suits your needs. Changing hairstyles to maximize the effect of volume often involves going through trial and error. Take some time to test different styling methods to find the one that works best for you. For example, when applying a volumizing styling product, try brushing your hair to the side with your hands, or adjust the amount of product you are using.
      • If you have naturally curly or wavy hair, try using your fingers to separate your natural curls into smaller strands for maximum volume. Divide each curl into 2–4 strands for a fuller look.
      • Try to treat your hair with styling products evenly (top, front, back, and sides). This will help to create the appearance of natural hair density without the effect of oversaturation with styling products.

    Method 3 of 3: Treating your hair and scalp

    1. 1 Avoid sunburning your scalp. Not everyone knows that sunburn on the top of your head can negatively affect hair volume. Burnt skin is prone to increased hair loss, causing hair to thin and lose volume. Therefore, if you plan to stay in the sun for more than 20-30 minutes, be sure to wear a hat or sunscreen on the top of your head.
      • Overheating the scalp under the sun makes hair thin and brittle, which negatively affects its volume.
    2. 2 Don't wear tight hats all day long. Many men wear baseball caps, caps and hats every day. Unfortunately, this has a negative effect on hair volume. The headgear compresses the hair and reduces its volume, and it can also interfere with blood circulation in the scalp. In turn, this can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the hair and a decrease in its volume.
      • Wearing tight hats on a daily basis can also damage hair follicles and thin hair.
    3. 3 Consider using products that stimulate hair growth. If the lack of hair volume is due to the fact that they are thinning, consider using products that stimulate hair growth. Most likely, this method will help you to make your hair more voluminous. Talk to your doctor and see what hair growth stimulants he recommends. Keep in mind that these products are better at stopping hair loss than at repairing hair that has already fallen out, so be proactive and consult your doctor as soon as you notice that your hair has begun to thin.
      • The most popular drugs to stimulate hair growth are minoxidil (Regein) and finasteride (Propecia). Minoxidil is a topical drug and finasteride is available in tablet form.


    • If your hair is thinning, it could be hereditary or a sign of a health problem. Before attributing hair loss to a natural process, check with your doctor to make sure there are no health problems that can lead to thinning hair.
    • Depending on how thin your hair is, it may be necessary to use several strategies at once to achieve the desired result. For example, a volumizing shampoo and hairspray can be an ideal combination. Experiment with different combinations of remedies until you find the one that works best for your situation.
    • If hair loss is a hereditary problem, consider using a bald patch.