How to lead a strict life

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be More DISCIPLINED - 6 Ways to Master Self Control
Video: How to Be More DISCIPLINED - 6 Ways to Master Self Control


Living in strictness can simply mean that you stick to a routine and don't let anything get out of it. If it does, many of your plans will fail. Here are some ideas on how to improve your daily routine.


  1. 1 There are several things about orderly life: pursuit of goals, organization and flexibility. We'll start by striving for a goal, and then go through the other points.
  2. 2 Decide what your goal is. Think about what you really want: maybe raise money for vacation, improve your health, etc.
  3. 3 Your goal should be reasonable. This means the following:
    • Specificity / Specificity: Make sure your goal is clearly articulated. Not just "Study" or "Do English exercises". Instead, say "Cycling for 30 minutes" or "Plan your English class and write the first 200 words." This will allow you to achieve more, because if you don't have specifics, you will accomplish very little.
    • Measurable: Make sure you have a measurable goal. For example, your goal should not be "to write the first part of a new blog post." Instead, your goal should sound like "500 words for a new post" (of course, this may not be a blog at all, but you still need to measure your goal somehow).
    • Achievability / Feasibility. Make sure you can achieve this goal.If you want to stay awake 16 hours a day, then working 15 hours, and allocating the remaining hour for food and everything else, you will not succeed. You need realistically allocated time to work and you should have enough hours to do the rest.
    • Realism / Relevance: First, do not try to do something that has a very low likelihood of accomplishing. For example, an entrepreneur wants to become a market leader within three months. However, if he is having difficult times now and three more companies are fighting for this place, then the goal will most likely not be realized. Second, do not set goals for yourself that are irrelevant to your problem. If you have been asked to write a report on the Victorian Flood, then there is no need to look for causes of precipitation.
    • Time frame: Set the time frame within which you will have to complete the task. Deadlines can significantly increase productivity.
  4. 4 Develop a plan for how to accomplish your plan. What you can do and what help you might need from others. Do you need gear for your project?
  5. 5 Set a time frame. If you need to finish a project by an appointment or some deadline, decide how long it will take you and when you can do it. Use a day planner or calendar, or even pin reminders on the fridge.
  6. 6 Stay clear on your goal and do not try to control the situation too much. If you're giving yourself some indulgence, then it's time to take a step back and think again if your goal is that important. If you decide yes, then keep working and don't think about excuses.
  7. 7 Try not to get distracted. It is very easy to be distracted by TV or an interesting book and forget about everything.
  8. 8 The people who work with you need to know what you need and when. They are doing a favor by helping you, but at the same time, you must be independent. If your goal is to run before work, then you will need to set an alarm and ask your friends to keep you awake.
  9. 9 Start implementing your plan. Keep track of its implementation and improve what can be improved. Have fun and enjoy your project.
  10. 10 To stay organized, keep a journal to write down your plans and ideas.
  11. 11 To be neat, check out the WikiHow articles on tidying up. Keep your dining table or office tidy so you have a place to use.
  12. 12 For nutritional control, limit yourself to one serving and eat it with water, milk, or juice. Give yourself time to chew everything up. Not only will this give you the opportunity to enjoy your food, but you will not eat too much while still feeling hungry. You can still eat a treat, but limit the amount per day and then eat it every other day.
  13. 13 Cultivate good habits - clean up when you go to the kitchen, make your bed, fold your clothes when you go to work or school. Collect your luggage in the evening before driving, etc.
  14. 14 Get rid of a goal or project that you haven't completed within 6 months, or if you can't complete it within the next 6 months. If that means bringing in a specialist to do a project you wanted to do on your own, you can give it a try, but broken hardware shouldn't stay that way.
  15. 15 To be flexible, you need to do things spontaneously at times.
    • For example, if someone calls you and invites you to dinner, you don't have to refuse just because the event will break your schedule. Find a balance where your lifestyle doesn't ruin your plans and goals, and your plans and goals don't ruin your lifestyle.
  16. 16 If you feel guilty or anxious, then say “thanks for the invitation, but not today” and suggest a different time.
  17. 17 Clear the space. If you have an item of clothing that you have never worn, then donate it to charity. If you have an unused tool, give it to someone who can use it. Very organized people have few things they don't need.
  18. 18 Work with yourself, other people and events. By finding balance, you can improve your life and maintain willpower.


  • Take one step at a time, a day, etc.
  • Stick to the timeline and schedule you create for yourself
  • Learn to meditate - it can help you discipline yourself.
  • Stay fit, healthy and don't eat too much
  • Have fun doing the project, because without it it will become just "work" for you. * Reward yourself. This may go against the desire to lead an ascetic life, but the goal is to improve your life and it is worth the reward.
  • Get up early. This will give you more time to do what you want.


  • Don't seek praise or expect someone to hold your hand all the time. In most life's trials, you are alone. If you don’t wait for congratulations, then you won’t be upset when you don’t receive them.
  • If you really don't want to get things done, it will be difficult and organization will seem pointless. Keep working!