How to behave confidently

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Be Confident In Any Situation
Video: How To Be Confident In Any Situation


Most people are not able to feel confident in every situation. For example, at school you are confident in your abilities thanks to good grades, and at an evening party you may feel uncomfortable, shy and doubtful. It is also possible that you are comfortable in the company of your peers at university and at the same time uncomfortable with colleagues on a part-time job. Whatever the reason, there are always situations in which additional reassurance would be useful. Begin to act confidently so that you can feel the faith in your strength. Try to change your self-image as well as your own behavior.


Method 1 of 4: Imitate Confident People

  1. 1 Find examples of confident people. Pick a few people who are confident. They can be your role model. Choose a parent, teacher, or even a celebrity. Observe the person's actions, speech, and body language. Repeat this behavior until you get used to it.
  2. 2 Smile often and be friendly. Being friendly and smiling will give you a confident look. The people around you will see you as a kind and happy person who is pleased to be in the company of others. In turn, they will want to communicate with you.
    • Engage in a variety of activities to be friendly in public and still exude confidence.
    • Always introduce yourself by name. They will get the impression that you respect yourself and that you should be listened to.
  3. 3 Speak and listen. Confident people don't talk too much and don't talk in vain. You need to speak to the point and listen to others, to behave in accordance with social norms.
    • For example, you can't talk about yourself all the time. If you reduce all the conversation to a discussion of your achievements, then people will begin to believe that you are looking for approval and recognition. A confident person does not have a constant need for recognition. Instead, ask the people you are talking to about their accomplishments and life experiences!
    • Accept compliments graciously. If they speak well of you, then thank the person and accept the compliment. Confident people know they deserve compliments and respect. Don't belittle your dignity, engage in public self-criticism, or act like you're just lucky.
  4. 4 Use confident body language. A confident person usually doesn't look worried or worried. Simple steps will allow you to develop confident body language and act decisively against your gut feelings:
    • stand straight, straighten your shoulders and back;
    • Maintain eye contact with the interlocutor;
    • get rid of fussy movements;
    • relax your muscles and do not strain unnecessarily.
  5. 5 Shake your hand firmly. When meeting a new person, make eye contact and shake hands firmly. This will show your confidence and interest.
  6. 6 Speak clearly and deliberately. Always speak in a clear and confident voice. If you speak timidly and unsteadily, then confidence will instantly evaporate. Hurried and confused speech can indicate that you are not waiting for the attention of your interlocutors.
    • Get rid of parasitic words like “um” and “um”.
  7. 7 Dress confidently and appropriately. The first impression of a person often depends on their appearance. Sometimes confident behavior is about dressing appropriately. If you look like you just woke up, then you will not be taken seriously. On the other hand, it will be easier for you to express confidence and earn respect if you emphasize your willingness to move mountains.
    • The more solid the appearance, the more demanding a person looks of himself.
  8. 8 Speak for yourself. Don't let others speak for you, or they will easily take advantage of you. Defend your point of view and demonstrate that you are not going to put up with a disrespectful attitude. This is the only way people will see your confidence and show the respect they deserve.
    • For example, if you are interrupted, say, "I'm sorry, but I would like to finish my thought."
  9. 9 Do not engage in public self-criticism. People treat you the way you treat yourself. If you constantly reproach yourself, then those around you will begin to behave the same way. Start respecting yourself and show that others should respect you too.
    • For example, don't tell others that you don't like your hair. Find an aspect of your appearance that suits you and focus on it. You can also do a new hairstyle and turn a disadvantage into an advantage.
  10. 10 Imagine yourself in a different situation. If you find it difficult to remain confident in certain circumstances, then imagine yourself in a more comfortable situation. For example, you are not shy about talking to your classmates, but you are always silent at parties. During a party, imagine that you are at school and are talking to your girlfriend.
    • Reassure yourself that your social skills allow you to feel confident in any setting in order to get the better of negative thoughts in a party situation.
  11. 11 Compliment. Confident people notice more than just their positive aspects. They also recognize the positive qualities of those around them. If your colleague did a great job on a project or received an award, then smile and congratulate the person. Compliment big and small things to look confident.
  12. 12 Breathe deeply. Relax the fight or flight response to help calm the body. Even if you are not very confident in yourself, taking deep breaths will help you pull yourself together.
    • For example, if you're worried about a job interview, try to control yourself. Take ten deep breaths. Count to four as you inhale, hold your breath for four seconds, and then count to four as you exhale. This will help you relax and look confident.
  13. 13 Never discuss people behind their backs. Some people think that it is possible to gain popularity through meanness. It’s not like that at all. Confident people never discuss rumors or wash bones with others.

Method 2 of 4: Train to Be Confident

  1. 1 Speak confidently. With a sincere and direct manner of communication, you will feel confident in any situation. Positive communication helps protect the interests of both the speaker and the listener. All potential participants in the conversation will focus on mutual understanding. When speaking at work, this attitude allows every opinion to be taken into account.
    • For example, if you want to be confident in your interview, then take it as an opportunity to apply your experience and knowledge for the good of the company. Say, “Based on the requirements, you need someone who can expand the existing intermodal rail market. During my previous job, I attracted three large state-owned companies as clients, which allowed me to significantly increase my profits. It will be my pleasure to try to surpass this achievement in a new place ”.
    • A prospective employer will perceive you as a confident person due to the fact that you have presented facts about your past achievements, rather than boasting of ephemeral successes. In addition, you have shown an interest in joining the new team.
  2. 2 Accept solid solutions. If you need to make a decision, then try not to hesitate. Show determination and firmness, defend the decision.
    • The decisions may be minor. For example, choosing a restaurant for dinner. Don't think too long. Pick the right place and have a great time.
    • If you have an important decision to make, such as getting a job, take the time to reflect on the pros and cons. The bottom line is that you don't have to hesitate.
  3. 3 Work hard. Turn excitement into productivity. Give your full attention to hard work. Confident people are not afraid to work on themselves, because their actions do not affect their opinion of themselves. They do their best in any situation, so even a mistake will not shake their confidence.
  4. 4 Don't give up effortlessly. A confident person is in no hurry to give up. He strives until he finds a solution or a way to cope with the problem. If you want to be confident, don't give in in the face of problems.

Method 3 of 4: Draw Confidence from Within

  1. 1 Believe in yourself. The best way to be confident is to feel confident in your abilities. There are several ways to build self-esteem and build confidence in different situations. Self-confidence is the main secret of confidence. You can be confident, but if you believe in yourself, then you will look much more convincing. You just need to look inside and recognize your best qualities. It may seem that there is nothing remarkable about you, but this is not so. It is this inner confidence that will allow you to feel and show natural confidence in yourself.
    • Set and implement achievable goals. Convince yourself of the ability to achieve what you want.
    • Love yourself for who you are. Accept your positive and negative qualities. Don't deny yourself the right to make mistakes and accept praise if you succeed.
    • Chat with loved ones. The closest people will always help you to consider your positive sides. They love you for specific reasons and have a positive effect on your self-esteem.
  2. 2 List your positive qualities. Focus on aspects that can give you confidence. Consider your positive qualities. Consider all achievements and successes (even small ones). List your positive qualities:
    • I am a good friend;
    • I am very hardworking;
    • I am making progress in math, physics, grammar, spelling;
    • I won a chess competition.
  3. 3 Remember the kind words of other people. Don't forget situations in which people complimented you. This will make it easier for you to think positively of yourself and act more confidently.
  4. 4 Identify your confidence factors. Recognizing situations in which you feel confident will make it easier for you to transfer confidence to any circumstance.
    • Make a list of situations in which you feel confident. After each situation, list the factors that build confidence. For example: “I feel confident around my friends. Reasons: We have known each other for a long time. They do not condemn me and accept me without embellishment ”.
    • Write down any situations in which you doubt yourself. For each of them, state the reasons for the loss of confidence. For example: “At work, I'm not sure of myself. Reasons: In my new position, I am not sure that I am doing everything correctly. My boss is very demanding and recently she reprimanded me. ”
  5. 5 Focus on self-improvement. Develop a skill such as striving for success at work or school, and in relationships. The only question is what to focus on. Confident people focus on getting better and being successful. Insecure people think about what they look like, worry about their flaws (often in vain), and are afraid to make mistakes instead of looking for a solution.
    • Consider recent events, such as a public speaking or a job interview. Find at least three successful aspects in each situation to protect yourself from negative thoughts.
  6. 6 Calm down your inner critic. Negative thoughts cause many troubles. They are often based on false assumptions about themselves.Examples of such thoughts are “I'm not doing well enough,” “I'm a failure,” or “I always screw things up.”
    • Learn to recognize such thoughts. They are based only on bad habits, which it is quite possible to get rid of.
    • Resist negative thoughts. Find opposing ideas to test the validity of such thoughts. For example, if you repeat to yourself “I’m a failure,” then remember everything with which you were lucky. For example, remind yourself, “I have a roof over my head, food for dinner, and seasonal clothing. I have friends and family who love me. That year I won 2,000 rubles in the lottery ”.
    • Accept that your inner critic is almost always wrong. Calm down such a critic to get rid of the derogatory thoughts and gain the confidence you desire.
  7. 7 Trust that you are up to the challenge. Use your list of positive qualities to build confidence in yourself and your ability to do your best in any situation.
    • If you constantly think about your mistakes, then it is easy to lose faith in your own strength. Such thoughts undermine the core of your confidence and affect your behavior. Trust that you can handle anything.

Method 4 of 4: Take Care of Yourself

  1. 1 Appreciate your individuality. Perhaps you would like to change something in yourself, but before making changes you need to fully accept yourself as a person. Don't compare yourself to others. Don't worry about what others think. Learn to follow your own path and do what your soul lies in.
  2. 2 Do something that will make you stronger. Fulfill the goals that have always been desired. Sign up for courses, a sports team, or do what you do best. Awareness of success will make you stronger and build confidence.
  3. 3 Keep a diary. Every day, write down moments that you are proud of, whether it be a kind act or a sudden positive quality. Every time you need to boost your self-confidence, look through your diary and remember why you are a wonderful person.
  4. 4 Maintain relationships with loved ones. Spend time with those you love and who love you. The support of such people will give you confidence in a variety of situations. It is important to remember about family, friends and your significant other.
  5. 5 Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Take good care of your body to love yourself. Exercise and eat a healthy diet. A person who loves himself and his body will never doubt his abilities. Health can help you exude confidence.
    • Find at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.


  • The only person you need to impress is yourself. Live a happy life and don't try to fit in with others. Do what you like.


  • If your attempts to behave with confidence are too unnatural, then others may think that you are full of doubt, arrogant and hungry for attention.