How to behave like a professional

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be More Professional at Work
Video: How to Be More Professional at Work


Professional behavior is not a verbal, but an implied quality that allows a person to look confident. Moreover, it requires appropriate behavior in all circumstances. Professional behavior is a talent that will bring success to your life.


  1. 1 Observe your personality. The first thing that a stranger sees in you is the outward signs of your personality (your first impression), but this is not only good looks and charm. Demonstrate the winning position that all people aspire to. In order to develop a similar attitude towards life, you can visit personal development programs.
  2. 2 Don't brag. Don't tell everyone left and right about how you crossed Antarctica barefoot or climbed Mount Everest without an oxygen mask. It is good to boast of this to friends and family, but not to everyone. Everyone will think that you are just an upstart. It is better to give them the opportunity to talk about their achievements so that you have an equal right to establish your status. You don't have to be a self-centered person, let others speak up and come up with ideas.
  3. 3 Listen. Don't talk about yourself and your life all the time. Let others talk about you and listen to them. Listening carefully to what people are saying is a good professional habit. Never ignore the words of others.
    • You should not interrupt the person at the time of speech, this is annoying. Realize how much you want to contribute and wait for that opportune moment.
    • If, however, you interrupted the person you are talking to, apologize. Hopefully the person will continue to keep the conversation going, but remember not to change the subject when someone is giving a presentation or presenting their point of view on a problem.
  4. 4 Dress like a pro. It simply means that you should wear clothes that are comfortable for you to do your job. Dress style should reflect your personality, otherwise people will laugh behind your back. If you're an introvert, don't dress up in a punk outfit.
    • It is also a good idea to develop your own signature style in clothes. For example, Steve Jobs wore a turtleneck, Levis jeans, and white shoes to all key meetings and public appearances.
  5. 5 Wear a simple hairstyle. Your hair should have a professional well-groomed look, you should use deodorant, perfume, etc. Make sure your appearance does not reflect personal immaturity.
  6. 6 Learn to behave professionally. Look the other person directly in the eye and don't stare too hard. This approach makes people feel like you respect them, but are not afraid.
  7. 7 Don't be overwhelmed by the sight of a new product. As cool as the product is, over-excitement demonstrates immaturity. If someone purchased what you wanted before you did, do not ask to resell it to you. Try to be calm and in control of your emotions.
  8. 8 Speak less, but speak with meaning. Don't chat with people, only talk when you have valuable ideas.Build your speech according to logic and common sense. People should consider you sociable, in the good sense of the word.
  9. 9 Speak in an official language. Remember that not only do you need to talk less and put more meaning into your words, you also need to know the official language. Informal speech makes a bad impression on people, especially if you don't know very well.
    • Remember to avoid giving the impression of "saint" or "know-it-all"; it turns people off.
  10. 10 Get the latest gadgets. You must have the latest equipment and learn to keep pace with the times. Always get professional equipment.
  11. 11 Don't ignore people. If someone needs your help, be so kind as to provide it, but if it is obvious that a person just wants to blame you on a task that he is too lazy to perform, advise him to "do it yourself."
  12. 12 Do what you do well. If you have certain skills and talents, be the best at it and never try to imitate others. You always have to be competent enough for people to notice your professionalism.
  13. 13 Treat others with respect. Whether it's rich or poor, CEO or employee, your grandfather or the garbage man - respect every person you meet. You should respect all work and talk to everyone with equal respect. Little by little, people will notice these qualities in you, and you will be respected for it.
  14. 14 Learn to keep promises. If you've made a promise to anyone, do whatever it takes to keep your word. This will allow people to consider you an honest and reliable person, and this quality is essential for a true professional.
  15. 15 Try to be punctual and not overly careless. Time must be of great importance to you. Always show up for appointments on time, be it friends or clients. Your punctuality will be remembered by people, and constant delays significantly undermine respect from people.
  16. 16 Don't be overconfident. Don't grin or grimace. If you are assigned a good project, do not show that you are proud of yourself; just keep your head straight and smile a little (or somehow demonstrate that you are quite capable of both work and responsibility). This kind of self-confidence should be demonstrated at home, at work, and even on dates.
  17. 17 In the conversation, give facts and arguments. Always use factual information - quote, provide numbers, any evidence and evidence to support your opinion. This will make an additional impression on the person listening to you. Examples should always relate to what you are talking about. If you don't, you will be an uninteresting conversationalist.
  18. 18 Don't show too much emotion: pride, resentment, or anger. Even if you are at a funeral or Nobel Prize awarded to a friend, keep yourself simple and shake hands tightly as a sign of congratulations. At the funeral, keep silent and hold back tears; otherwise, people will think that you are too emotional to behave professionally under any circumstances.


  • You can rehearse professional behavior, simple communication style, and daily formal phrases. At the very beginning of work on yourself, it is appropriate to do this in front of a mirror.
  • Perhaps at the very beginning, not everything will work out, but do not give up.
  • At first, you may be embarrassed to act like a pro. But over time, you will get used to it.
  • Professional behavior requires restraint in jokes and laughter. Smile less often to give the impression of being serious about life, as if you don't have time for jokes and fun.
  • If you made a promise and you feel you can't keep it, suggest alternatives.


  • Do not go to extremes with the style and formality described above, and control over your behavior. Don't make it too obvious or too often. Others will only be happy to find that you are just pretending.
  • The steps above can be difficult to follow at first. People can distance themselves from you and even start avoiding you. And don't change overnight. Follow these steps incrementally so that the change is not overtaken by people.