How to drive a manual transmission car with a broken left leg

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
AmputeeOT: Amputee driving 5-speed manual transmission car with a prosthetic leg
Video: AmputeeOT: Amputee driving 5-speed manual transmission car with a prosthetic leg


Emergencies tend to happen at the most inopportune moment. There may come a time in your life when you have to drive someone to the hospital in a manual transmission car with a broken left leg. Here's how you can handle it.

A warning: This is very dangerous and you can only try if you are an experienced manual transmission driver. If you have any problems driving such a car, it will be much safer to ask someone to drive you or call 911 in the event of a truly emergency.


Method 1 of 2: Insecure Crutch Method

  1. 1 Get in the car.
    • Lean your crutch against the car next to the driver's door.
    • Open the door while maintaining your balance and carefully lower yourself into the driver's seat. To avoid further injury, it is recommended that you sit with your back forward. If you are using a second crutch, place it in the passenger seat or behind the driver's seat. Don't close the driver's door.
  2. 2 Prepare yourself.
    • Insert the key into the ignition and turn it slightly to turn the ignition on, but do not start the engine.
    • Lower the driver's side window and reach for the crutch you left outside earlier. When taking the crutch into the car, make sure that the upper part (the part with the armpit support) is closer to the top of your body.
    • When you close the driver's door, make sure the top of the crutch goes out the window. He should look out of it a little.
  3. 3 Start the engine.
    • Buckle your seat belt and, using your left hand, place the crutch on the clutch pedal (leftmost pedal).
    • Squeeze the clutch all the way and apply the brake with your right foot. At the same time, make sure the machine is in neutral with your right hand. If so, turn the ignition key all the way and wait for the engine to start.
    • As soon as the car starts, remove the crutch from the clutch pedal and release it from the handbrake.
  4. 4 Engage first gear.
    • Use the crutch with your left hand to depress the clutch again and engage first gear with your right hand.
    • Take the steering wheel with your right hand at the 2 o'clock position.
    • Remove your right foot from the brake and use it to step on the gas and crank the engine to about 2,000 rpm.
    • Release the clutch slowly (using the crutch) until the machine pulls forward.
    • Press the gas harder and release the clutch completely (there is a reciprocating relationship between the two pedals).
  5. 5 Gear up.
    • Switching from first to second speed is similar to the step above.
    • Keep your eyes on the road. Start with your left hand resting on the crutch handle and your right hand holding the steering wheel.
    • When it is safe to shift, place your right hand on the gear lever and use your left hip to lock the steering wheel.
    • Use a crutch to depress the clutch and pull the lever down (to the second gear position) with your right hand. Remember not to press the gas until you release the clutch (reciprocally).
    • You are now in second gear. Repeat step 5 to upshift.
  6. 6 Downshift. While driving, it may happen that you need to downshift to a lower gear. This can happen because you are going down a steep incline or feel like you would like to accelerate faster.
    • Place the crutch on the clutch, take your right foot off the gas, and place your right hand on the shift lever.
    • With a quick, smooth motion, squeeze the clutch with a crutch and move the shift lever to the desired speed. Remember that it is always best to downshift to adjacent (for example, if you are in fifth, downshift to fourth).
    • Once you have shifted into the desired gear, release the clutch and slowly push the throttle with your right foot.
    • Finally, return your right hand to the steering wheel.
  7. 7 End of the trip.
    • When you get there, park the car, squeeze the clutch with a crutch, shift into neutral and apply the handbrake.
    • Open the driver's door and lean your crutches against the car from the outside to the top of the door frame.
    • Raise the glass and stop the engine. Carefully get out of the car using crutches and close the door behind you.
  8. 8 Congratulations, you did it! Good luck with your leg!

Method 2 of 2: The safer method without a crutch

  1. 1 Once you start driving the car (see the steps above), you can easily shift gears without using the clutch. Ideal points for shifting into neutral and then up or down are machine dependent, but the method does not change. The main thing to remember is that you have to find the correct RPM to shift to the next gear.
  2. 2 Disengage gear at a point of about 4-5000 rpm.
  3. 3 Push the shift lever slightly towards the next gear. When the RPM has dropped enough (about 1500-2000), he should easily switch gears.
  4. 4 Train! It takes time to find the right moment to shift gears for your car.


  • Be careful not to change speeds around corners, and make sure you have enough room to switch at all.
  • It is suggested that you practice in a safe place, such as a large empty parking lot, before trying this technique on the road.


  • This manual is intended for people who already know how to drive a car with a manual transmission. If this is not your case, please stop and first learn how to simply drive a car with a mechanic.