How to keep a diary and not leave it

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Yazoo - Nobody’s Diary (Official Video)
Video: Yazoo - Nobody’s Diary (Official Video)


Journaling is a great way to learn how to express emotions on paper and retain memories. Many years later, you will want to remember what you did many years ago, and the diary will remind you of the good and the bad of the past. It also helps you vent your frustration and anger when needed, as well as excitement. This is a great way to express feelings and pour out your heart when you are sad and need to talk to someone (or rather, something) and share your most secret thoughts.Many of us started to keep a diary, but never did it all the time. We started out in tough times and just quit when things got better, which shouldn't happen. Keeping a journal is also necessary to keep happy memories.


Method 1 of 1: Keeping Your Own Diary

  1. 1 Make sure the diary reflects your personality. The diary can be personalized:
    • Preserving little things - movie tickets, receipts, flower petals, etc.
    • Pasting photos
    • Making sketches and drawings
    • Writing down poetry
    • Choosing quotes of the day or goals of the day
  2. 2 Write basic information about yourself on the first page. You can enter your name, age, best friend's name, grade at school or specialization, and add information about the hobbies and things you love. Many point out where the diary should be returned if it gets lost.
  3. 3 Start the first post by specifying the date and day of the week, the time, and maybe the place where you post that day. Write as you would with your best friend or even yourself, mentioning enough details to remind yourself later of today. Remember that things may be different in the future.
  4. 4 Don't be afraid to name your diaries. Imagine that this is a living person, not an object, because one day he will become your best friend!
  5. 5 You can write about disappointments and victories, but write about everyday things - schedules, friends, tasks for today. Over time, we forget what, it would seem, should have been remembered forever, and everyday little things will eventually become meaningful to you. Try to write optimistically - optimism will keep you going through the hardest of times.
  6. 6 If you took a break from journaling, start over. After missing a day, a few days or even weeks, don't be discouraged, just start again from today. Trying too hard to write down what happened is the best way to lose interest in the diary. If, after a few weeks, you still remember an event that you did not write about, it will pop up in your memory later, and you can describe it. Don't worry if you missed a day, week or month, no one keeps track.
  7. 7 Periodically re-read your old notes and compare your current thoughts with them. Do this only when you are ready to accept yourself! If you start judging yourself, you will soon throw away the diary in disgust. Be condescending to yourself and look at the diary as letters from your old self to your current self, and most importantly, pay attention to how much you have grown and what you have learned from experience. After all, the beauty of journals is that you can observe your own personal growth and emotional maturation as you strive to become better every day.
  8. 8 Try to hide the diary well. This is your personal diary, it must be safe! An empty book is a good diary stash.
    • You can hide the diary in other places, for example, between the mattress and the bed frame, tuck it under a chair or table, put it in a video case, in a shoe bag or in a jacket pocket.


  • Have fun with the diary, this is not homework!
  • Be honest in your journal. If you can't admit your feelings, then what's the point of keeping a diary?
  • If, while reading old notes, you do not like something from what you have written, do not tear out the pages or cross out the words. Over time, everything will look different than now, in a couple of years you will read these notes and be glad that you have kept everything you wrote.
  • Try to keep your journal in a place that will remind you to write. If you put it on the bottom of the drawer, you might forget.
  • Consider decorating your cover with stickers, drawings, photographs, and more. Get creative and you will be amazed at how much you can express yourself in this way.
  • Put every emotion on paper! Write about how angry your deskmate is at the story, or every little thing your friend does for you. A diary is a friend who will never give out your secrets, so share everything with him: your loves, dreams, songs you want to write, etc.
  • If you really want to keep a memory of the day, choose a specific time to write in the evenings. For this, the drive home from school or the time after returning home may be suitable. Any convenient time is fine! Find a secret place where you can write without fear of someone reading your diary.
  • The diary can also be written in the form of a book. Choose a name that you like, and give yourself this name so that a reader who does not know the code cannot guess who is in question. Have fun with the diary, this is not homework!
  • You can start using the journal as a notepad to write down things that interest you, and then suddenly you may find that you want to add your own thoughts about this to the list.


  • Make sure you always know where the diary is, especially if it contains personal information that could compromise you! If it contains highly classified information, then buy a lock or buy a diary with a lock. Be careful not to lose your diary.
  • Write neatly so you can read what you write in the future. You cannot know how many years you will have to keep a diary ..
  • Do not imitate anyone. This is your diary, keep your own style.
  • Write everything down. Censorship would mean that you are being dishonest with yourself.
  • Don't bluff, be sincere.
  • Make sure the ink does not show through the paper.
  • Write only with a pen, the pencil will fade over time.
  • Be yourself. You don't need other people's memories.

What do you need

  • Favorite pen: A ballpoint, gel, or fountain pen is best. You can buy ink in different colors.
  • Page decorations: photos, tickets, acid-free stickers, clippings, collectible cards, ribbons, dried flowers, and more.
  • A lock and key, a small lock with a case, or a nice diary stash.
  • A place where you can retire to write. Some people who keep a diary set up a special place to write there.