How to bring passion back into lovemaking

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Put Passion Back Into Lovemaking
Video: How to Put Passion Back Into Lovemaking


Attention:this article is intended for people over 18 years of age. When you've been in a relationship with one person for a long time, making love can feel as much of a chore as washing the dishes. But if you want to spice up the relationship, you need to bring the passion back into the bedroom. If you're desperately looking for ways to brighten your life with a regular partner, your search is over.


Method 1 of 5: Admit You Have a Problem

  1. 1 Recognize that lovemaking is not what it was. When you first started dating your loved one, you could not get enough of each other or survive even a few hours without sex. But now that you've been together for five years, your lovemaking is no more inspiring than dinner in front of the TV. Here are some signs that you and your significant other are having trouble in bed:
    • If you can't remember the last time you made love. If you need more than a few seconds to remember the last time you had sex, chances are that it was too long ago, or that it was so memorable that you literally forgot about it.
    • If you've stopped smartening up before having sex. Ladies, if you used to shave your legs every day, and now you can not touch them for weeks, this may be a sign that you are not very active sex life, or you no longer care. And gentlemen, if you're no longer even trying to smell and feel clean, this could be a sign that you don't care what happens in the bedroom.
    • If sex is another item on your to-do list. If you're happy after sex because you've completed another assignment of the day and can move on to your next commitment, that's a sign that you don't see anything fun or sexy in it, but just another part of your routine.
    • If your partner just isn't arousing anymore. This is one of the worst choices, but fear not! Unless it is a permanent state, it can be resolved in the future.
    • If sex is scary to you.
  2. 2 Make sure your sex life is the only problem. Sometimes your sad situation in bed is only part of the natural evolution of a relationship, but it may not be the only problem. Before you try to bring passion back into lovemaking, you need to make sure that everything else is in order in other areas of your relationship. Here are some signs that you may be having more serious problems in your relationship than a lack of sex drive:
    • If you feel distant from your loved one. If you and your loved one have stopped sharing your innermost thoughts and experiences, or you just feel like you don't know what your loved one has been up to all week, you may drift apart. If your boyfriend walks into your shared apartment and you ask yourself, "Who is this person?", Then you have more serious problems than just a lack of passion.
    • If you find yourself fantasizing about other people - and never about your partner.If you are constantly turned on by strangers, other members of the opposite sex you know, or just sexy people on TV, but you never think about having sex with your partner, unless it happens, this could be a sign that you are interested in a friend. friend is not the same as before.
    • If you notice that you fight more often and feel unhappy than the other way around. While any good relationship needs to be worked on, if nothing you do helps and you feel sorry for your partner, then the lack of sex may indicate more serious problems.
  3. 3 Talk about your problems in the bedroom. If you really care about your significant other and want him or her to become a part of your life forever, then it's time to talk. If you have harmony in other areas of your relationship, then your communication should be open, and talking about the situation is the first step towards solving it, even if it's a little awkward. Here's where to start:
    • Be casual but firm. You don't need to scare your loved one by saying that you want to have a very serious conversation, but be firm about something you need to discuss with him or her. Say, “I want to talk to you about something.” Take a time when he or she is not busy or stressed to talk about it.
    • Reassure your loved one that you still love him, but want to work on something.
    • Once you both agree that your relationship needs more passion, you can discuss some of the reasons why this is happening. Do you take each other for granted? Are you both so busy that sex is not a priority? Are you both too stressed to even think about it? Whatever the problem, discussing it together is the first step towards a solution.

Method 2 of 5: Be Romantic

  1. 1 Get ready for romance. You won't be able to bring passion back into your relationship if you walk around the house in a tracksuit and haven't showered for three days. If you want to feel romance again, it's important that you and your sweetheart look like you're ready for romance - or even love.
    • Maintain your hygiene. Even if you know you're going to have a busy day, passion can come at any time, and it's important to be prepared. Both of you and your partner should try to shower, groom your hair, smell good, and keep your breath fresh so you can regain your romantic mood.
    • Dress to impress. While it's unrealistic to dress like a ball every day, especially if you live together, try to wear fit, fresh, and attractive clothing to keep you looking good, even if you're just hanging out at home.
    • At times, you might look more casual or even relax and spend the whole day in your pajamas, but this shouldn't become a habit.
  2. 2 Do romantic things. Once you start looking more romantic, you can act more romantic as well. It's important to create a romantic atmosphere, go on dates and say romantic things to keep your passion with you before you head to the bedroom. Here's how to do it:
    • Create a romantic atmosphere. If you live together, keep the apartment clean and provide pleasant lighting and clean sheets to make sex possible. If you don't live together and your partner is going to visit you for a movie night, light scented candles and candles and get rid of the landfill so he thinks about sex and not about why you didn't take out the trash.
    • Go on romantic dates. Try to date at least once a week. You can prepare a delicious dinner at home with a bottle of red wine, go for a moonlit walk, or learn how they cook at the new restaurant down the street.
    • Listen to jazz or watch movies to create a romantic mood.If you are surrounded by romance, you are more likely to behave romantically.
    • Make romantic gestures. If you are a guy, then open doors, pull up a chair and offer the girl your coat if she is cold. If you are a girl, then hold your loved one by the hand or kiss him on the lips at the right moment.
  3. 3 Say romantic things. Remember to compliment your partner and say how much you love him or her. Be nice by leaving a note on the mirror, at his lunch, or in his or her drawer, as this will make your loved one think of you while you are apart during the day. Here are some other ways to say romantic things:
    • Sign your loved one a card that lists the reasons for your love for him. It doesn't have to be for a birthday or any other special day - you can just do it. You can even give him a postcard at the start of your dinner date to really impress him.
    • In the evenings, tell him how much you love him before bed.
    • Send a random sms message in which you wish your partner a good day and say what you think of him or her.

Method 3 of 5: Be Adventurous

  1. 1 Make love in new places. Once you and your loved one are feeling more romantic, it's time to add some pepper. Here are some tips on how to make love in new places:
    • Make love in a new part of the house. Sex in the bedroom can get boring, so try a few new places like the shower or the kitchen counter - just make sure your curtains are closed.
    • Have sex on the couch or in a special place in your home. When you have guests, you can wink at each other by running your hand over the chair you previously made love on so that you both think about sex without anyone knowing it.
    • Go on a sexy vacation. Head to the beach or romantic island and have sex in your new hotel room.
    • Make love in an unusual place. If you're out of the way and find a secluded spot, make love in the car, park, or tent if you're hiking. Remember that you may be in trouble, so choose your location wisely.
  2. 2 Try new positions. If you always have sex in the same one or two positions, it's time to change that. Passion partially depends on whether there is a sense of newness between you, so your mission is to move away from the missionary position. Here are some tips on how to try new poses:
    • Establish a rule not have sex in the traditional ways that you are used to. If you avoid your comfort zones, you are more likely to find something new and sexy.
    • Change the usual state of affairs. If you are always on top, switch places with your loved one and listen to your feelings.
    • Don't be afraid to learn more about new positions. Read the Kamasutra or find new poses online. If you do this together, you will wind up already in the process.
    • Develop flexibility. Take a yoga class or spend more time stretching your calves, hips, and hamstrings. This will help you enjoy the poses even more or find new ones.
  3. 3 Go to a sex shop or sexy clothing store. You've been with the same person for several years, so you should be comfortable enough to make your sex a little more relaxed. If you're feeling bold, here are some ways to brighten up your sex life:
    • Don't forget the value of sex toys. Go to the sex shop together and buy whips, handcuffs, sexy lotion, or something that can improve your sex life. While you might be a little uncomfortable, remind yourself that everyone else came to the sex shop for the same reason, and have a lot of fun.
    • Wear sexy clothes.If you are a girl, wear sexy lingerie such as garters, thongs, and lace bras. You might even tease your sweetheart by showing him what you're wearing a second before covering it up. You can even buy ridiculously sexy clothes that you would only wear in the bedroom and have fun getting rid of them.
  4. 4 Try fun sex scenarios. Why not? Make yourself comfortable with your loved one and have fun creating certain exciting scenarios that will make your blood run. Taking risks can bring passion back to the bedroom. Here are some scenarios to try:
    • Dress very nicely, as if you are going to a wedding or some very important event. Pretend that you are running late and it really is time for you to get out, but you cannot contain yourself. Have fun having sex in pretty clothes - just make sure they stay clean!
    • Try to have sex with your clothes on. It might just be sexy.
    • Try a good old RPG game. Head to the sex shop and try on some sexy outfits, be it a cop costume or a princess costume. It may seem silly at first, but nevertheless, just try to get used to your new role.
    • Pretend you had a very violent fight and then have "conciliatory sex."
    • Tell your partner about your fantasies, no matter how funny they are, and wait until they bring them to life.

Method 4 of 5: Be obscene

  1. 1 Don't underestimate the power of dirty talk. A few dirty words can help you bring passion back into your relationship, whether you're already in bed or just on the phone. Here are some tips:
    • Surprise your partner by talking offhand before you go to bed. If the mood is right, tell him what you want and everything else will happen by itself.
    • Speak dirty words when you are making love. Tell your loved one how you feel or talk about how you enjoy touching his or her body.
    • Send sexy messages. Send sexy messages to tell your loved one that you want him. But be careful - make sure you don't get embarrassed by sending sexual messages that might go to the wrong recipient.
    • Have phone sex. Be visible - this is sexy.
  2. 2 See something sexy that will set you in the right mood. It may sound a little odd, but join your loved one as they watch something sexy. You can find new ideas for lovemaking and get aroused in the process.
    • If you're comfortable watch porn together. If you like it, then it will turn you on - very much.
    • Watch sex shows on TV. Watching shows in which people caress, touch, or have sex can help you star in your own show.
    • Look at sexy pictures together. Feel the comfort when you get aroused together.
  3. 3 Be spontaneous. Your sex life will become much more interesting if you know that you can have sex at any time, and you will be pleasantly surprised when your significant other tells you that he is in the mood to be naughty at unexpected times. Here are some ways to be sexy and spontaneous:
    • Even if you are doing something casual like watching the news, if you feel like it, start kissing and touching your partner.
    • Have sex at unusual times. You may be late for your friends' party, but if you're in the mood, have some quick sex before leaving the house. You can wink at each other to remind you of your sex.
    • If you're in public, run home to have some hot sex. If you're in the mood when you're out, just tell your loved one, "I want you - now," and head home for some hot sex as soon as possible.Unless you walk away from an important event, it will excite you even more.

Method 5 of 5: Keeping your passion hot

  1. 1 Work on your relationship. To maintain a healthy sexual relationship, you need to work on it constantly. Work hard to show your loved one what he or she means to you and your sex life will flourish. Here's how to do it:
    • Communicate. Be open in communication so that you can discuss any problems in your relationship - whether they be in or out of the bedroom.
    • Tell your lover how you care for him. Try to compliment and compliment your loved one as often as possible.
    • Develop common interests. It is important to make sure that you and your loved one have something in common other than a new love.
  2. 2 Make your sex life interesting. Even if your sex life has improved, don't take it for granted. Always improve it even more - and the chances are that the situation will get worse if you are not careful. Here are some ways to refresh your relationship and keep the passion alive in your relationship:
    • Have sex as often as possible. While you shouldn't get hung up on how often you have sex, the more you sleep, the more you will want to do it.
    • Never put off making love until later. You may have a busy week, but always find time to have some fun. Your relationship will grow stronger and your mood will improve.
    • Try something new as often as possible. Be open to a new pose, a new location, or a new scenario.
    • Even if you're not in the process, remember to tell your loved one how sexy he is, or how you like his body.
  3. 3 If you can't handle this on your own, get help. If you really want to fix your bedroom problems but can't do it, it might be time to look outside for help. This may sound intimidating, but it’s better to be embarrassed to discuss it with someone new than to be embarrassed about having sex. Here's where to go for advice:
    • Read sexy blogs or magazines for great advice.
    • Ask your closest friends who are in a passionate relationship for advice. Make sure your partner doesn't mind if you ask your mutual friend.
    • See a sex therapist. A sex therapist is a real expert who can help you make a difference. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you want to save your sex life and your relationship.


  • Don't overdo it. To develop passion, you need to work on it, and you need to do it gradually, rather than running to a sex shop.


  • If you've tried everything and can't get turned on, you need to determine if the problem is in you or in your significant other. If you have a sexual desire problem, get help.