How to think like a man

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Think Like a Man So He Adores You
Video: How To Think Like a Man So He Adores You


If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, it is a little strange why it is so difficult for the two sexes to read each other's thoughts. Most likely, you would very much like the man to enter your position more often, but the problem is that this problem affects both partners, and you should also better understand the man's train of thought. When you understand the logic of a man's thoughts, your communication and interaction with your partner will improve significantly.


  1. 1 Be straightforward. Women tend to beat around the bush instead of getting to the point. They often think of a certain thought or idea and live with it for a long period of time. Compared to the female sex, men express their thoughts quickly and clearly. If a man has a problem in his mind, he most likely will not dare to tell about it. To think like a man, you must immediately say what comes to mind. Express your thoughts bluntly and do not hint that some secrets may be hidden behind seven seals.
  2. 2 Forget surprises. Men often speak directly about what they want to receive, and do not treat gifts so sentimentally. Of course, an unexpected surprise or gesture will be appreciated, but a man is likely to be upset if you do not ask him about the desired Christmas present.
    • Likewise, be open about what you want. If your boyfriend or husband is having a hard time deciding on a gift for your anniversary, offer him several options to choose from. The same goes for work: if you are interested in a new position in the company or believe that you can take on more responsibility, be open about your wishes and tell your boss about them. There is no need to hope that your zeal will be noticed.
  3. 3 Avoid obsessive thoughts and reflections. Of course, both men and women are subject to excitement. The difference is that a woman will think about the source of excitement for a long time, and a man will soon forget about the problem. This behavior concerns romantic relationships, family problems, and troubles at work. Only worry about what you are responsible for and can control. If you cannot take action within the allotted time, postpone the problem until better times. Avoid unnecessary thought.
  4. 4 Show independence. Most men enjoy being cared for, but they also want to be sure that their woman can fend for herself when needed. Men are not such sentimental creatures and are not able to provide the proper emotional support. Only women can do this. Show independence.Show that you can solve problems at work and in communication. You can understand a man's idea of ​​freedom only when you demonstrate to the men around you that you value your freedom highly.
  5. 5 Let the man know that you need him. A man values ​​freedom, but sometimes he wants to be taken care of. The need for love is inherent in both men and women. Men like to think that their skill or knowledge can be put into practice, so don't be afraid to ask them for advice or ask them to change the wheel. Deep down, a man wants to know that you trust him and can share your problems with him. Keep in mind that the man is more likely to give you practical advice and try to solve the problem rather than just be supportive. If a man really wants to solve your problem, he will definitely offer his solution.
  6. 6 Show physical interest. Touching is the surest way to show a man your intentions. No matter how contradictory it may seem, a normal man is equally interested in the emotional side of physical contact and directly in the physical contact itself. It is easier for men to distribute the physical and emotional aspects of a relationship, but they also tend to demonstrate their affection through physical intimacy. If you show interest in the same way, the man will take it as a signal for physical contact.
    • Not every man responds to touch, so before touching a man, you need to observe his reaction. Plus, your touch shouldn't go beyond your relationship. If you are just friends with this person and do not have romantic feelings for him, it is better to avoid hugs and kisses.
  7. 7 Pay less attention to your appearance. Some men care about their appearance. Even they may have their own ideal of beauty. But at the same time, they do not tend to spin in front of a mirror and worry about every little thing. That is why it is difficult for men to understand a woman when she does this. To think in a masculine way, try not to think about your appearance every time you notice minor imperfections in your body.
  8. 8 Worry less about day-to-day relationships. Men value normal relationships with people who are close to them in spirit. In a work setting or everyday situation, men are less concerned with the issue of mutual understanding. The opposite is true for women. The next time you notice that a waiter in a cafe or an employee is devouring you with their eyes, turn away and walk away with your head held high. Try not to think about the cause of the conflict and not to take what is happening too close to your heart. Don't let negative emotions influence the events in your life.
  9. 9 Play video games or strategy games. Not every man likes computer games, but for a specific reason, there are very few girls among gamers. To think like a man, play a man's games. Buy a game that requires a strategic action plan to achieve a goal, such as an MMORPG or a shooter. If you're not into video games, buy a strategy board game and learn the rules. The value of strategic thinking and the focus on logic are one and the same.
  10. 10 Keep up to date with the latest innovations in technology and science. It's no secret that a man's brain is more focused on mathematics, science and technology than on humanitarian subjects. To understand what's going on in a man's brain, learn scientific and technical jargon and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in science and technology. Your efforts will give you the opportunity to find a subject for conversation with a man.